18.11.2006 15:23 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The signing of the EU-Armenia Action Plan is a road
in two directions: from Europe to the Caucasus and from Caucasus to
Europe, analyst from US Richard Giragosian stated in Yerevan. In his
words, the Plan provides for economic reforms, as well as military
security. "The region should become a zone of military and energy
stability. In the future the Action Plan will spread on Morocco,
Jordan, Israel and Ukraine. From the geopolitical point of view, EU
involvement in South Caucasian countries is also a step from Turkey
towards Iran, as Turkey should not hamper EU enlargement. It can be
bypassed eventually," he noted. The EU is a competitor to the US,
but at the same time a counterbalance to Russia, he underscored.
As for the Action Plan itself, in the opinion of the American analyst,
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia differ much. "Georgia aspires to
Europe more actively, using the NATO to that end, Azerbaijan leans
towards Central Asia not only in energy, but also in the military
field. And only Armenia implements the Plan all alone, proceeding
from the barest necessity. The loneliness, along with too close
relations with Russia, is dangerous to Armenia. However, Yerevan,
not Brussels decides how the events will develop," Giragosian said.
18.11.2006 15:23 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The signing of the EU-Armenia Action Plan is a road
in two directions: from Europe to the Caucasus and from Caucasus to
Europe, analyst from US Richard Giragosian stated in Yerevan. In his
words, the Plan provides for economic reforms, as well as military
security. "The region should become a zone of military and energy
stability. In the future the Action Plan will spread on Morocco,
Jordan, Israel and Ukraine. From the geopolitical point of view, EU
involvement in South Caucasian countries is also a step from Turkey
towards Iran, as Turkey should not hamper EU enlargement. It can be
bypassed eventually," he noted. The EU is a competitor to the US,
but at the same time a counterbalance to Russia, he underscored.
As for the Action Plan itself, in the opinion of the American analyst,
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia differ much. "Georgia aspires to
Europe more actively, using the NATO to that end, Azerbaijan leans
towards Central Asia not only in energy, but also in the military
field. And only Armenia implements the Plan all alone, proceeding
from the barest necessity. The loneliness, along with too close
relations with Russia, is dangerous to Armenia. However, Yerevan,
not Brussels decides how the events will develop," Giragosian said.