ArmInfo News Agency, Armenia
Nov 17 2006
If Georgia block communications with Russia, Russia will certainly
help Armenia, says Russian MP, director of the CIS Institute, political
expert Konstantin Zatulin.
Zatulin says that Georgia may refuse to buy Russian gas. In fact, one
can expect anything from the Georgian authorities. If Georgia tries
to stop communications with Russia, Russia will have to counter-act.
"I would note like to specify the measures Russia will undertake,
but it will certainly do," says Zatulin.
If Georgia begins to develop one communications at the expense of the
others, the neighbors from the south and the north will lose their
interest in Georgia as an integral state. "If Georgia is failing to
perform its role, if it is more an obstacle than a catalyst, who
will be interested in it?" wonders Zatulin. If Georgia continues
to be a log on the way from the north to the south and vice versa,
the neighbors in the north and the south may wish to see something
else in its stead, and this is quite possible, says Zatulin.
ArmInfo News Agency, Armenia
Nov 17 2006
If Georgia block communications with Russia, Russia will certainly
help Armenia, says Russian MP, director of the CIS Institute, political
expert Konstantin Zatulin.
Zatulin says that Georgia may refuse to buy Russian gas. In fact, one
can expect anything from the Georgian authorities. If Georgia tries
to stop communications with Russia, Russia will have to counter-act.
"I would note like to specify the measures Russia will undertake,
but it will certainly do," says Zatulin.
If Georgia begins to develop one communications at the expense of the
others, the neighbors from the south and the north will lose their
interest in Georgia as an integral state. "If Georgia is failing to
perform its role, if it is more an obstacle than a catalyst, who
will be interested in it?" wonders Zatulin. If Georgia continues
to be a log on the way from the north to the south and vice versa,
the neighbors in the north and the south may wish to see something
else in its stead, and this is quite possible, says Zatulin.