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Heads of Hotels and Restaurants Pass Training Courses

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  • Heads of Hotels and Restaurants Pass Training Courses



    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS: As part of events directed towards
    the development of the tourism sphere in Armenia 23 senior officials
    of hotels and restaurants in Yerevan and Armenian provinces passed a
    6-day training courses within the framework of a program on teaching
    international standards to people working in the service sector.

    The training program has been organized by the USAID's Development
    of Human and Institutional Potential program in close cooperation
    with "Competitive Private Sector in Armenia" and with the financing
    of USAID.

    Anoush Yedigarian, the director of the Academy for Educational
    Development (AED) Yerevan Office, which is carrying out the program,
    said that for increasing the quality of services in hotels and
    restaurants first of all it is necessary to establish an effective
    control, that is to say, to create a body which will carry out the
    control. According to her, it will be possible to make the work of
    these bodies more effective by conducting discussions over "You
    as a Leader," "Team Work," "Improvement of Work of an Official,"
    "Improvement of Communication," "Time Management" etc. as well as
    by holding practical studies.

    For the implementation of the program a competition was announced
    the winner of which has become the Educational Institute of American
    Hotels and Hospitality Association. The institute is carrying out
    trainings and is conducting qualifying exams around the world giving
    the participants who pass them successfully special certificate of
    "Qualified Leader of Hospitality".

    Alexan Ter-Minasian, the director of "Berlin Guests' House" hotel
    in Gyumri and participant of the program, said during the 5 days
    of training they managed to learn important elements of effective
    management which are simple and at the same time very useful.

    An expert from the Educational Institute of American Hotels and
    Hospitality Association Jennifer Calhun said that after the training
    the participants will be more prepared. "It is also important for the
    participants to assess what they know and what they think they know,"
    said she, adding that the level of their preparedness and the results
    of the training will be clear after the exams.