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Long Live Switzerland! Long Live Armenia! - National Holiday Of Swis

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  • Long Live Switzerland! Long Live Armenia! - National Holiday Of Swis


    Noyan Tapan
    Au g 7, 2008

    YEREVAN, AUGUST 7, NOYAN TAPAN. The Swiss were one of the first to
    give a helping hand to the Armenian people immediately after the
    Spitak earthquake, during the rescue work. Then they helped restore
    the regions hit by the earthquake and supported the local residents by
    implementing humanitarian programs. However, the history of helping the
    Armenian people in its hard years began from an earlier period. In the
    1870s, a wave of friendship with the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire
    swept Switzerland. Jacob Canzler was the most famous one among numerous
    volunteers who wished to help on the spot. In 1920-1921 he lived in
    Edesia (Urfa) where he built a hospital and managed to save hundreds
    of Armenians from violence. His book entitled "In the Country of Blood
    and Tears" was published in Basel in 1921. This is a quotation from
    the Swiss Ambassador to Armenia Dr. Lorenzo Amberg's welcome speech
    delivered during a festive event held in Yerevan to celebrate the Swiss
    National holiday on August 1st. Although it was for the first time
    that the National holiday of Switzerland was celebrated in Armenia,
    the event was attended by a lot of guests, including representatives
    of state government bodies of Armenia, officials of foreign diplomatic
    missions in our country, deputies of the RA National Assembly, and
    representatives of Swisterland's international cooperation structures.

    The 717th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation was marked in
    Yerevan. In 1291, representatives of the Swiss cantons of Uri,
    Schwyz and Unterwalden united in order to, as the ambassador put it,
    "protect their freedom and independence". Over centuries Switzerland
    unified new areas around itself and created institutions protecting
    the language, religion and rights of each citizen. "This is the
    reason why our compatriots both in the country and throughout the
    world remember with gratitude the wisdom of our ancestors who left
    to us such a special "clockwork" as Switzerland."

    Armenia established diplomatic relations with this "clockwork" in 1991.

    "After the 1988 earthquake our friendship got a new lease of life. The
    Swiss population and government have provided tens of millions of
    francs for restoration of the destroyed cities. Switzrland keeps its
    presence in Armenia through technical assistance and its office of
    humanitarian aid. Its current priorities are development of rural
    communities and strengthening the structures of protection from
    natural disasters," L. Amberg stated, attaching great importance to
    "cooperation of the two old and at the same modern, independent
    nations - members of the UN, OSCE and the Council of Europe".

    The cooperation is promoted by the diplomatic relations that have
    become more active in recent years. The speaker of the Swiss parliament
    paid a visit to Armenia in November 2007, Switzerland's State Secretary
    of Foreign Affairs Michael Ambuhl visited our country twice. The Swiss
    Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Ray arrived in Armenia on June 27,
    stating an intention to open the Swiss embassy in Armenia. According
    to the L. Amberg, this symbolizes a wish to strengthen Switzerland's
    links with Armenia. He concluded his speech with the words: "Long
    Live Switzerland! Long Live Armenia!" (in Armenian).

    In the words of the Armenian Foreign Minister Gegham Gharibjanian,
    since 1291, while being located at the crossroads of various cultures
    and religions, Switzerland has succeeded in uniting and integrating
    these cultures into intself. Since that time Switzerland's impartiality
    and democratic foundations formed a basis of global politics. According
    to him, Switzerland also plays a great role in the provision of
    humanitarian aid in the world.

    "Switzerland has been one of the most dedicated supporters and friends
    of Armenia. Since the very first day of the independence of Armenia,
    Switzerland has been on Armenia's side, providing technical and
    financial assistance for development needs of our country. These
    relations have strengthened in recent years. The most obvious proof
    of it is the development of our relations, within the bilateral and
    multilateral political framework."

    G. Gharibjanian underlined that the visit of Micheline Calmy-Rey
    will contribute to further consolidation of the relations of the
    two countries.