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BAKU: Matthew Bryza Again Refutes Words, Spread On His Behalf

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  • BAKU: Matthew Bryza Again Refutes Words, Spread On His Behalf


    Today.Az /46814.html
    Aug 7 2008

    It is already not funny. It is more like a soap opera, which can be
    called "The tragedy of a diplomat".

    The point is that US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza
    again refuted words, spread by journalists on his behalf. Matthew
    Bryza seems to add to the history of the world diplomacy as a person,
    whose words were constantly "distorted" and which he had to refute.

    If previously in Armenia he rebutted the words, spread by Azerbaijani
    journalists and in Azerbaijan by Armenians, this time, he trapped
    Russian media representatives, if exactly, Interfax news agency. The
    point is M.Bryza's statement, spread by Interfax, according to which
    he said "Karabakh residents will decide themselves whether they will
    fall under Azerbaijan's jurisdiction or no".

    In his interview to BBC Azerbaijan press service, M.Bryza said his
    words had been distorted and misinterpreted.

    The full text of M.Bryza's interview to BBC is given below. We do
    hope that the US co-chair will not say that journalists of this world
    famous radio have distorted his words again.

    - People who read just a part of my interview to Interfax, had
    drawn wrong conclusions, as it does not contain the details of the
    affais. Therefore, they do not take into account some details. People
    in Azerbaijan consider that I have said that Nagorno Karabakh residents
    will soon determine their fate. In the reality, I have said that there
    is a large package of proposals. These are just proposals from the
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. These proposals include withdrawal of
    Armenian troops from seven regions around Nagorno Karabakh, return
    of Azerbaijani IDP, deployment of peacekeeping forces and creation
    of a certain kind of communication between Armenia and Karabakh.

    It can also include a kind of voting. I can not say it may be a
    referendum or a plebiscite or a form of voting to involve Nagorno
    Karabakh residents.It may occur in the future, of which we can not
    speak now. But it may occur only after IDP return to their homes. It
    was also stated by Novruz Mamedov.

    The details of this voting have not been defined yet. Voting details
    can be defined only in the framework of any major agreement. It
    means that nothing has been coordinated before the full package
    has been coordinated. We do not force anyone to accept any
    version of the resolution, we just make our proposals. Agreement
    on the status of Nagorno Karabakh can be reached only between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. The parties should reach the consensus
    independently. Otherwise, there is no sense of proposals, made by
    the co-chairs.

    - Mr.Bryza, Interfax reads quoting on you that "Karabakh residents
    should decide whether to fall under Azerbaijan's jurisdiction or
    no". But Azerbaijan says that regardless of the form of a peaceful
    agreement Nagorno Karabakh must remain part of Azerbaijan. A referendum
    or a voting can only define the status of Nagorno Karabakh's remaining
    a part of Azerbaijan. Perhaps, the government of Azerbaijan reacted
    so sharply to it, therefore...

    - If Interfax has published something, it does not mean that it is
    exactly like that. I spend too much time on distorted words and
    wrong quotes. In this case we become the witnesses of incorrect
    interpretation of my words. The reality is that we base our work on
    the territorial integrity and that is all.

    - Cannot any referendum change it?

    - We recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This
    international principle has a high diplomatic status. At the same
    time, there are political, not jural, but political principles,
    important for the Armenian side. If an agreement is reached, it means
    both parties should sign it. The parties should reach an agreement
    on the previously confirmed platform that is on the basis of the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. But this agreement should also
    envision political agreements important for the other party. We are
    currently working on this agreement.

    - Perhaps, this event shows the difference in positions of the parties
    during the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Which progress
    has been attained as compared to the last year?

    - It is a founded question. We have not reached any serious
    achievements through the past year, as this year was full of
    cataclysms. Elections in Armenia, ending in tragic violence,
    were shocking. It caused the need to establish familiarization
    contacts between Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents and the Foreign
    Ministers. And it really took place.

    The Presidents called the meeting in Saint Petersburg constructive. It
    is now possible to say that the process has returned to its normal
    course. But it can still be said that no significant progress has
    been attained on fundamental issues through the past year. Now it
    is possible to hold serious discussions between the leaders of the
    two countries.

    - Mr.Bryza, have you contacted the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan
    regarding the interview in the Interfax and given any explanation?

    - Certainly, I have.

    - Why wasn't your answer made public?

    - This question should be addressed to them. But I am sure that
    Azerbaijan is aware of our position. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry
    is familiarized with these proposals and they are aware of my position
    and trust me. I am satisfied with it. The most important is that the
    citizens of the two countries, officials of the Foreign Ministry or
    simply citizens, concerned with this issue, should realize the only
    thing: resolution is impossible without compromise.

    Therefore, in both countries the debates should be more open. The
    realities should be widely taken into account. Both parties should
    get used to the idea of conceding and getting something. Yet the
    concessions and obtainment should be based on the principles of the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    - Mr.Bryza, Azerbaijani press often publishes critical articles,
    addressed to you. According to them, M.Bryza says one thing in Armenia
    and different things in Azerbaijan and then complains that his words
    have been distorted. Do you plan to take any explanations on it?

    - I think the main problem is the interpretation of my words. In some
    cases I sent my remarks to Armenian and Azerbaijani journalists in
    English. They mistranslated my words. I think my words are initially
    translated from one language into another and then into a third
    one. After it my words are interpreted either by translators or
    journalists. At the same time, wrong and distorted variants of my
    words are published. It is only left to correct them.

    I am quite consistent in what I say. I have been the co-chair
    for already two years and through this period I have always been
    consistent in my statements. Therefore, I can only ask journalists to
    do their work. If they have questions they may address to me again
    and I can clarify the questions. I understand that both journalists
    and translators can make mistakes. We all can make mistakes.

    If there is a mistake, it is my duty to correct it. But I am consistent
    in my statements and I am well aware of proposals, aimed at the
    resolution of the conflict. I am also one of the authors of these
    proposals. In the end I want to say that these issues may create a
    stir, both politically and emotionally. Sometimes, some translators
    and journalists hear only the moments, they want to hear. The current
    case is an example of it.

    I read the first article regarding this interview on Friday, upon my
    return from the meeting in Moscow. It reads: "Bryza says referendum
    on Karabakh will be held". These words do not reflect what I said. I
    spoke of the voting process. We do not know which form the voting
    will have and whether it will be held at all.

    As terminology is unclear, it should be defined. We do not know the
    possible terms of possible voting. Therefore, some people hear about
    the concept of voting and say that we want it to occur. Therefore,
    they interpret it as "referendum".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress