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Armenia Positive About Military Reform

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  • Armenia Positive About Military Reform

    By Ara Tadevosian

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    Aug 7 2008

    Hopes that new defence minister will deliver on much-delayed plans.

    Armenia is about to launch a programme that will strengthen civilian
    control over its armed forces, a move which experts say as a positive
    sign of new defence minister Seiran Ohanian's commitment to military

    The Armenia defence ministry is following the example of Georgia
    in carrying out a strategic defence review that will look at all
    aspects of the armed forces. This is a key component of the country's
    Individual Partnership Plan, IPAP, with NATO.

    International experts attended a seminar on the defence review held
    in Yerevan at the end of July.

    Although the Armenian government has no ambitions to join NATO and the
    country remains part of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation,
    a defence grouping within the Commonwealth of Independent States, it
    says it wants the military to be more convergent with NATO standards in
    terms of transparency and ability to cooperate with other armed forces.

    A law on "special civilian service" was adopted on January 1 this
    year under which decisions should be taken in the next month about
    which posts in the defence ministry can be held by civilians rather
    than serving military personnel.

    There has been talk of military reform in Armenia since the spring
    of 2005, when the then deputy defence minister Artur Agabekian -
    now head of the parliamentary commission on military affairs and
    security - said it was a priority for the ministry.

    Agabekian said that by 2015 Armenia should create an army "meeting
    the demands of the 21st century, able to withstand new challenges
    and comprehensively guaranteeing the military security of the state".

    However, little progress was made subsequently, especially after the
    then defence minister Serzh Sarkisian became prime minister in spring
    2007. Sarkisian is now Armenian president.

    "It is hard to say what exactly caused this [lack of progress],"
    said David Alaverdian, deputy director of the Armenian Centre for
    Transatlantic Initiatives. "It was either that Mikael Harutiunian,
    who replaced Serzh Sarkisian as defence minister, was unprepared
    to embark on real change, or that the political decision to begin
    reforms had not been taken at the highest level.

    "In any case, for many months NATO representatives were extremely
    sceptical about the capacity of the Armenian military leadership to
    push forward defence reforms successfully."

    However, the new minister Ohanian has made a different impression.

    In a speech to the defence ministry on May 30 this year, he said,
    "extremely responsible and difficult work lies ahead of us". He
    announced that a new commission, led by the chief of the general staff,
    would begin work on military reform, a new directorate for strategic
    planning would be set up, and a new law on defence would be adopted
    this autumn.

    >From this autumn, many of the military personnel now at the defence
    ministry will be employed as civilians.

    "This calls for an extremely careful and thorough approach so that the
    rights of military personnel are not ignored," Ohanian said, stressing
    that it would be a major psychological change for the Armenian army.

    Psychologist David Atarbekian described the kind of culture change the
    Armenian defence establishment will have to go if the reforms are to
    be successful. He said it was important for the defence ministry to
    recognise the need to change current ways of thinking, and to accept
    that there would be some resistance to this.

    He noted that the military still enjoyed a unique position in
    Armenian society. "In present-day Armenia, the army is the only state
    institution which basically has the unconditional support of society,
    irrespective of their political sympathies," he said.

    Atarbekian said that during the state of emergency imposed in Armenia
    from March 1 to 20 because of the violence that followed the disputed
    presidential election, there were no recorded cases of clashes between
    soldiers and civilians.

    He noted that until now, belonging to the army has meant membership
    of a privileged caste, and losing this by giving up a military uniform
    would be a profound shock for many officers.

    Ohanian is a key figure in these changes. A career officer in the
    Soviet military, he became an Armenian hero in the Nagorny Karabakh
    war and was wounded in the fighting, losing a leg.

    His appointment and actions have been widely welcomed.

    "In my view, the Armenian army will not weaken, but on the contrary
    become stronger because people's level of trust in their armed forces
    will increase," said Tevan Poghosian, executive director of the
    Armenian Atlantic Association. "More regulated and precise planning
    of defence spending, as foreseen by our IPAP, will ensure that our
    army can be optimised."

    No one opposes military reforms as such in Armenia, but some
    politicians are worried that the process will bring the armed forces
    too close to NATO and too far away from Moscow.

    Russia and Armenia signed a military cooperation treaty in 1995, and
    the Russians maintain a military base at Gyumri, Armenia's second city.

    Former defence minister Vagarshak Harutiunian, now an opposition
    politician, said a close relationship with Russia and membership
    of the CSTO was important not just militarily but economically as
    well, because it allows the country to buy weaponry at discounted
    prices. This is an important factor for Armenia, when its entire
    national budget is less than neighbouring Azerbaijan's defence budget
    of more than 1.2 billion US dollars a year.

    Harutiunian noted that most Armenian officers still train at Russian
    military academies.

    "Russia's military presence in Armenia is fully justified in terms
    of guaranteeing the security of our republic," said Harutiunian.

    Ara Tadevosian is director of the Mediamax news agency in Yerevan.