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Special Attention To Restoration Of Infrastructures

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  • Special Attention To Restoration Of Infrastructures


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    August 06, 2008

    As the NKR President Staff's Chief Infirmational Department informs,
    on August 5, a conference, with participation of the Republic's
    Prime Minister, Ministers of Finance and Urban Planning, Mayor of
    Stepanakert and heads of regional administrations, was convoked at
    the NKR President Bako Sahakyan.

    Works realized in the Republic during the last months were presented
    to the President. Special attention was paid to the spheres of
    agriculture and construction. Bako Sahakyan expressed satisfaction
    with high indices of the harvesting results and had noted that stable
    crop capacity growth is one of main characteristics of increase of
    the country's agricultural level.

    The President, had attached importance to necessity of conveying new
    impulse to works aimed at restoration of infrastructures in Martakert
    and Shahoumyan regions, suffered from flood. He had also emphasized
    that while conducting any construction works accomplishment activities
    are undeviatingly necessary, without it all works and activities
    would be incomplete. In that concern Bako Sahakyan had especially
    emphasized the role of mass media and TV, in particular.


    The same day the head of the country had visited a number of objects
    located in the capital and its suburbs.

    In "Artsakherksermet" CJSC Bako Sahakyan got familiarized with modern
    construction techniques, in "Dorojnik" company - with production of
    plastic pipes, and in the territory of former furniture factory -
    with works on construction of dwelling buildings complex.

    The Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan and other officials accompanied
    the head of the country during the visit.