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BAKU: Berezovski: Now Clear to all that Dmitri Medvedev is a puppet

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  • BAKU: Berezovski: Now Clear to all that Dmitri Medvedev is a puppet

    Today.Az, Azerbaijan
    Aug 9 2008

    Boris Berezovski: "It is now clear to all that Dmitri Medvedev is an
    absolute puppet and Putin's clan continues to control Russia"

    09 August 2008 [11:32] - Today.Az

    Day.Az interview with famous Russian entrepreneur and political figure
    Boris Berezovki.

    - How would you comment on the situation in the region of the
    Georgian-South Ossetian conflict?

    - There are no principal differences in this issue. Georgia has a
    right to restore its territorial integrity and it uses its right. The
    lawless actions of Russia, which attempts to prevent official Tbilisi
    from using its legal right by all means, are obvious. Unfortunately,
    we all witness Russia's policy not only towards Georgia, but also
    towards all the North Caucasus republics, particularly, Ingushetia and

    But at the same time it is necessary to note that Georgia chose the
    forced way of the conflict resolution in South Ossetia only after
    feeling support of the United States, which try to fulfill its
    geopolitical tasks in the South Caucasus region.

    In the conclusion, I would like to note that the situation causes
    colossal damage to Russia, Georgia and the world society.

    - Why do you think the majority of announcements and the stiffest ones
    were made from the side of the Kremlin to Georgia, which executes its
    right for restoration of the territorial integrity, were made not by
    President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev but by country's Prime Minister
    Vladimir Putin?

    - Because after formal presidential elections, which were farce,
    Dmitri Medvedev was, in fact, appointed, not elected, the President of
    the country.

    It is now clear to all that Dmitri Medvedev is an absolute puppet and
    Putin's clan continues to control Russia. For this reason, both Russia
    and the whole world society have problems.

    - In this case, how do you see the future of Russia?

    - I think the working leadership of Russia underestimates the power
    and strength of the West. Russia's oil revenues euphoria makes it lose
    the sense of reality and control over the situation. I do not doubt
    that Russia will be defeated not only in its counteraction with the
    West but also in the case of Georgia.

    - Can Azerbaijan chose the way of the forced restoration of the
    territorial integrity by Georgia's pattern?

    - Most unsettled territorial conflicts in the former USSR area have
    much in common. There are common features between the Georgian-South
    Ossetian and Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in Nagorno Karabakh. In
    particular, the role of Russia, which held and still continues its
    empire policy for preserving conflicts everywhere, by applying the
    thesis "divide and rule", is felt in both of them. Russia is still
    able to torpedo all territorial conflicts, which emerged after the
    USSR collapse. It should be always taken into account.

