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Reproach for the west on its role in Georgia

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  • Reproach for the west on its role in Georgia 0000779fd18c.html

    Financial Times
    Reproach for the west on its role in Georgia

    By Anatol Lieven

    Published: August 13 2008 03:48 | Last updated: August 13 2008 03:48

    The bloody conflict over South Ossetia will have been good for
    something at least if it teaches two lessons. The first is that
    Georgia will never now get South Ossetia and Abkhazia back. The second
    is for the west: it is not to make promises that it neither can, nor
    will, fulfil when push comes to shove.

    Georgia will not get its separatist provinces back unless Russia
    collapses as a state, which is unlikely. The populations and
    leaderships of these regions have repeatedly demonstrated their desire
    to separate from Georgia; and Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister,
    made it clear again and again that Russia would defend these regions
    if Georgian forces attacked them.

    The Georgians, like the Serbs in the case of Kosovo, should recognise
    reality and formally recognise the independence of these territories
    in return for a limited partition and an agreement to join certain
    Georgian-populated areas to Georgia. This would open the way either
    for an internationally recognised independence from Georgia or, more
    likely in the case of South Ossetia, joining North Ossetia as an
    autonomous republic of the Russian Federation. For the Georgians, the
    resolution of their territorial conflicts would make it more likely
    that they could eventually join Nato and the European Union - though
    after the behaviour of the Georgian administration, that cannot
    possibly be considered for many years.

    Western governments should exert pressure on Georgia to accept this
    solution. They have a duty to do this because they, and most
    especially the US, bear a considerable share of the responsibility for
    the Georgian assault on South Ossetia and deserve the humiliation they
    are now suffering. It is true that western governments, including the
    US, always urged restraint on Tbilisi. Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia's
    president, was told firmly by the Bush administration that he must not
    start a war.

    On the other hand, the Bush administration armed, trained and financed
    the Georgian military. It did this although the dangers of war were
    obvious and after the Georgian government had told its own people that
    these forces were intended for the recovery of Abkhazia and South

    The Bush administration, backed by Congress, the Republican
    presidential candidate John McCain and most of the US media, also
    adopted a highly uncritical attitude both to the undemocratic and the
    chauvinist aspects of the Saakashvili administration, and its growing
    resemblance to that of the crazed nationalist leader Zviad
    Gamsakhurdia in the early 1990s.

    Instead, according to European officials, the Bush administration even
    put heavy pressure on international monitoring groups not to condemn
    flagrant abuses by Saakashvili's supporters during the last Georgian
    elections. Ossete and Abkhaz concerns were ignored, and the origins of
    the conflict were often wittingly or unwittingly falsified in line
    with Georgian propaganda.

    Finally, the US pushed strongly for a Nato Membership Action Plan for
    Georgia at the last alliance summit and would have achieved this if
    France and Germany had not resisted. Given all this, it was not wholly
    unreasonable of Mr Saakashvili to assume that if he started a war with
    Russia and was defeated, the US would come to his aid.

    Yet all this time, Washington had not the slightest intention of
    defending Georgia, and knew it. Quite apart from its lack of desire to
    go to war with Russia over a place almost no American had heard of
    until last week, with the war in Iraq it does not have an army to send
    to the Caucasus.

    The latest conflict is humiliating for the US, but it may have saved
    us from a catastrophic future: namely an offer of Nato membership to
    Georgia and Ukraine provoking conflicts with Russia in which the west
    would be legally committed to come to their aid - and would yet again
    fail to do so. There must be no question of this being allowed to
    happen - above all because the expansion of Nato would make such
    conflicts much more likely.

    Instead, the west should show Moscow its real will and ability to
    defend those east European countries that have already been admitted
    into Nato, and to which it is therefore legally and morally committed
    - notably the Baltic states. We should say this and mean it. Under no
    circumstances should we extend such guarantees to more countries which
    we do not intend to defend. To do so would be irresponsible, unethical
    and above all contemptible.

    The writer is a professor in the War Studies Department of King's
    College London and a senior fellow of the New America Foundation