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A REAL PICK ME UP /Who Needs U.S. As Chinese Overwhelm Opponents In

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  • A REAL PICK ME UP /Who Needs U.S. As Chinese Overwhelm Opponents In

    John Crumpacker, [email protected]

    San Francisco Chronicle
    Wednesday, August 13, 2008

    (08-12) 21:10 PDT Beijing -- - As it turns out, the world of Olympic
    sports does not revolve around the fortunes of the U.S. team, 596
    strong and locked in a battle with China for most medals.

    Ten weight lifters in the men's 69-kilogram class (151.8 pounds) did
    just fine without a single American in the field. In fact, there were
    precious few Americans even in the Beijing University of Aeronautics
    and Astronautics Gymnasium on Tuesday night.

    The competition featured a world without the United States, Canada,
    Mexico, Central America, South America and virtually all of Western
    Europe save a Frenchman by way of Cameroon.

    Lifters ranging in height from 5-foot-2 to 5-6 from China, the two
    Koreas, Thailand, Cuba, Armenia, France and Azerbaijan competed for
    medals while hoisting more than twice their body weights over their
    heads without collapsing in ruin.

    China continued its rampage through the weight-lifting classes
    and has now won a gold medal in every division it entered, men and
    women. Favorite Liao Hui provided the requisite thrills for the home
    crowd when he lifted a total of 765.6 pounds for the gold medal in
    the men's 69 kg category.

    "My first coach is a very persistent person," Liao said of mentor Gan
    Yongkui. "At the very beginning, my parents didn't approve of weight
    lifting, but my coach was very persistent. He came to my house three
    times to persuade my parents that I was good weight-lifting material. I
    really appreciate him."

    The 5-6 strongman hoisted 347.6 pounds in the snatch and 418 pounds in
    the clean and jerk for that 765.6 total. It was more than enough to
    distance himself from the silver medalist, Vencelas Dabaya-Tientcheu
    of France, who lifted 743.6 pounds (332.2 plus 411.4).

    Tigran Gevorg Martirosyan of Armenia lifted the same amount, 743.6
    pounds, but got the bronze medal because he weighed in at 1.2 pounds
    more than Dabaya-Tientcheu.

    There is plenty of strategy involved in Olympic weight lifting in
    addition to the elemental act of hefting an extremely heavy object over
    one's head. Dabaya-Tientcheu tried to steal the night from Liao and
    his Chinese partisans but the mind, and thus the body, was not willing.

    For his third and final lift in the clean and jerk, Dabaya-Tientcheu
    requested 197 kilos, or 433.4 pounds. A successful lift would bring
    him into a tie with Liao and the gold medal because he weighed 1.3
    pounds less than the Chinese lifter.

    Twice Dabaya-Tientcheu failed to lift the heavy bar over his head,
    and the gold went to Liao in a most popular decision with the noisy,
    chanting fans.

    "I saw on the TV that he successfully lifted 187," Liao said. "He
    looked to lift it easily. So when he was about to lift 197, I was
    worried. I was really nervous."

    Thirty minutes before the heavy lifting commenced, 11 female Chinese
    cheerleaders stormed into the gym wearing electric yellow-green
    dance outfits and armed with American-style Thunder Stix to whip up
    enthusiasm for men smelling of chalk dust and sweat.

    Hokey, to be sure, but a darn sight superior to the laughably bad
    cheerleaders Turin trotted out at the emotionally dead 2006 Winter

    The whole thing took a tidy two hours and fans went home happy. The
    U.S. team might be a mighty one, but weight lifting is not a
    strength. No one seemed to mind on a night given over to China and
    France and Armenia. And you, too, Azerbaijan.