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Georgian Roulette

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  • Georgian Roulette


    Al-Ahram Weekly
    14 - 20 August 2008

    The war between Georgia and Russia harks back to the Cold War with
    ominous overtones, writes Ayman El-Amir*

    Little Georgia has stomped on the toe of its neighbouring Russian bear
    in order to enhance its credentials for NATO membership and the Russian
    bear responded with fury. Resurgent Russia, with its newly-found sense
    of power and wealth, has been vexed by the Western alliance's drive
    to hem it in through planting a series of anti-missile shields in
    Poland and the Czech Republic, which Russia considers a threat to its
    national security. What if Georgia, too, joined NATO and accepted a US
    anti-missile defence system on its territory pointing at Russia? It
    is bad timing to test the new Russian leadership and a bad gamble
    in the sensitive, oil-and-gas rich Caucasian region. After all, the
    US under the John F Kennedy administration brought the whole world
    to the brink of nuclear war in 1962 because of the pre-position of
    Soviet missiles in Cuba, 100 miles away.

    With separatist Chechnya still aflame in its backyard, Russia hardly
    needs a new war on its hands, but the Georgian challenge is too much
    to bear for the big bear. Nothing could be more telling of the extent
    of Russia's aggravation than Foreign Minister Serge Lavrov's televised
    reaction to the conflict in which he pointed to the European Union's
    flag firmly planted on the left side of Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili (and Georgia's flag to his right) as he made several TV
    appearances on Western networks. Lavrov's exasperated comment was
    "That tells it all". It is no secret that Georgia is energetically
    seeking NATO membership with President George W Bush's blessings,
    against Russia's strong opposition.

    For five decades the US and the Western alliance (NATO) fought
    relentlessly to break up the former Soviet Union and liberate the
    East European countries held hostage behind "the iron curtain", as
    Winston Churchill described it. The main objective was to eliminate
    the challenge posed by the "Evil Empire" as former president Ronald
    Reagan called the former Soviet Union. Little provision was made for
    splinter regions that could come to life asserting separate ethnic,
    religious or nationalist identities once the cohesion of the former
    Soviet Union was unglued. That is how Chechnya, South Ossetia,
    Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, the republic of Transnistria in Moldova
    and other splinter regions came about, exacerbating regional tension
    in the Caucasus and igniting armed conflict.

    Moreover, with huge oil, gas and uranium deposits unveiled in the
    territories of the former Soviet republics, it became a matter of
    strategic Western interest to keep these resources out of the reach of
    a rising Russia and to deprive it of a new sphere of influence. This is
    demonstrated by the European Union's support of the construction of a
    $5.8 billion gas pipeline running for 3,400 kilometres from Central
    Asia through Georgia to supply gas to Western, Southern and East
    European countries, bypassing Russia. The idea behind the Nabucco
    project is to weaken Russia's Gazprom hold on gas supplies to the
    countries of these regions. It is a fact that Russia has raised, and
    will still raise, the price of gas exports to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
    Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

    Then there is the question of the US- driven global war on
    terror, particularly in Afghanistan, and the containment of
    Iran. The US has, for the past decade, been fostering military,
    intelligence and monitoring, pre-positioning and training alliances
    with former Soviet republics such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
    Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan. The presence of US military advisors and
    intelligence-gathering experts in countries bordering on Russia makes
    the latter nervous. In the war on terror Russia finds itself in the
    paradoxical situation of being an uncomfortable partner with the
    US because of the secessionist movement in its backyard region of
    Chechnya and also as an oppressor of nationalist aspirations that
    it supports in South Ossetia. This region, with a population of
    150,000, includes an indeterminable number of Russians and Russian
    passport-holders. The Russian- Georgian war that started under the
    Russian claim to protect the indigenous Russian population seems to
    have come to a halt with the Russian president's announcement that
    his country has ceased military operations.

    For analysts who advocate that the Cold War is back, the
    Russian-Georgian conflict, with its international ramifications,
    offers supporting evidence. With the downfall of the former Soviet
    Union Russia was left with nothing but debt, poverty and some
    remaining military assets. Its 13 constituent republics, the so-called
    Commonwealth of Independent States, were blown to the wind but ended
    in Western hands. Before its newly found oil and gas bonanza, Russia,
    under Boris Yeltsin, was so poor that in 1997 it defaulted on its
    international debt repayment, sending the global financial markets
    on a scary downward spiral. Russia was stripped of its disintegrated
    Warsaw Pact military alliance while NATO expanded, adding new members
    from the former Soviet Union. The historic political transformation
    was more about the break-up of the former Soviet empire than about
    the liberation of the nations behind "the iron curtain". Many
    of these nations, particularly the Asian republics, are ruled by
    former communist dictators or newly-crafted autocrats fashioned in
    the communist tradition, running rigged elections, suppressing the
    opposition and the whole galore.

    The now full-blown Russian-Georgian war is not about the so-called
    persecution of ethnic Russians in South Ossetia. It is about Georgia,
    being emboldened by Western encouragement, pushing the limits and
    Russia, energised by a new sense of power, reclaiming its vital
    interests in its former sphere of influence. Since the collapse
    of the former Soviet Union, the world was ripped apart, replaced
    by an American world order dominated by loose military power and
    globalisation. Russian ambition, running parallel to that of China
    and India, has put on the table a new world order. It is not exactly
    Yalta all over again, but big powers still claim their privileges. If
    the US can claim the illegal privilege of conquering, destroying
    and dividing Iraq for whatever kaleidoscopic purpose it may claim,
    so Russia can invade Georgia to protest its vital interests. Other
    countries in the region are on notice not to try to block the Russian
    fleet's re-entry into the Black Sea where it left its home base as
    the fighting with Georgia began.

    This is not Prague Spring 1968 or the Hungarian revolution of Imre
    Nadj in 1956 when both were in the firm grip of the former Soviet
    Union. But a shadow of the Cold War's spheres of influence still
    reigns. It is a replay of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis without
    missiles, but with Russia shadowboxing the Western alliance in the
    Caucasus. While the European Union and NATO have been chipping away
    at the republics of the former Soviet Union, they will not go to war
    with Russia over the Caucasus.

    There are many claims of splinter groups in the region to autonomous
    rule or independence and, as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin put it, "If
    [autonomous] Kosovo can claim and be granted independence, why can't
    South Ossetia?" And indeed, why can't the Kurds? And of all nations,
    why have the Palestinians been denied the right to self-determination
    on their territory for almost a century?

    After the end of the American century, with all its achievements and
    failures, the new world order needs a fresh look that should factor
    in the many changes that have come into play during the second half
    of the 20th century, and which haven't been fully accounted for.

    * The writer is former Al-Ahram correspondent in Washington, DC. He
    also served as director of United Nations Radio and Television in
    New York.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress