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Russian Policy In The Caucasus Where Next?

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  • Russian Policy In The Caucasus Where Next?

    By Alexander Jackson

    Islam Online
    Thu. Aug. 14, 2008

    Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA)

    [It seems certain that living with Russia - for the Caucasus and
    for the West- will not get any easier in the months and years ahead,
    April 6, 2008.] (Reuters photos)

    All eyes have quite rightly been on Georgia. The world's media has
    been forced to use valuable column inches on reminding its readership
    about this fragile and often forgotten corner of the world. Analysis
    has been largely concerned with events on the ground or, looking
    beyond the military aspect, with Russian-Western relations after the
    crisis. But the impact of the conflict on the Caucasus as a whole,
    and Russian policy towards the region, should also be considered.

    It has been a cornerstone of Russian policy ever since the fall of
    the USSR that the Caucasus is an area of key importance for Russia
    and one in which Russian influence must be maintained. In part this
    is due to what is routinely called Russia's 'neo-imperial ambitions',
    the dream of reasserting control over the post-Soviet space. It is
    also - and this is sometimes not fully appreciated - because of the
    very real security concerns that the Caucasus poses to Russia.

    This sometimes goes unrecognized because there is a tendency to
    neatly divide the Caucasus between the South Caucasus, which is
    composed of independent states, and the North Caucasus, which is a
    mosaic of Russian republics. In practice, security threats do not
    respect boundaries.

    Although the Caucasus mountain range functions as a barrier in most
    cases, there have been numerous instances when Russian security has
    been affected by events in the South Caucasus, most notably when
    Moscow accused Tbilisi of allowing Chechen militants to shelter in
    the Pankisi Gorge in northern Georgia.

    Northern Caucasus: Incorporation with Russia?

    Russia now appears to be in something of a quandary regarding Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia Indeed, the current crisis has its roots partly in
    the fact that the Ossetes, in Russian North Ossetia and South Ossetia,
    have often called for unification as one people, arguing that the
    current border between the two is an arbitrary Soviet invention.

    Reunification with their brothers to the north has been a consistent
    policy of the South Ossetian de facto government, and one which looks
    increasingly likely after last week's events.

    Nonetheless, Russia's legitimate security concerns are often
    overshadowed by its willingness to manipulate the separatist republics
    of Georgia. Russia has backed the breakaway governments since the
    1990s, providing it with some degree of leverage over Georgian
    policy. Moscow's support increased earlier this year after Kosovo's
    independence was supported by the West, a move Russia strongly opposed.

    As a response, Vladimir Putin ordered the strengthening of political
    and economic ties with both regions, and increased Russian peacekeeping
    forces in Abkhazia: the build-up of tension was strikingly similar
    to the pattern which preceded the recent South Ossetian war.

    Russia now appears to be in something of a quandary regarding Abkhazia
    and South Ossetia. Recognising them as independent states, backed by
    Russian tanks, is out of the question and it always was. Encouraging
    secessionism is not something that Russia, with its multi-ethnic
    makeup and bloody history in Chechnya, is eager to encourage.

    But integrating them into the Russian Federation, the more likely
    option, could prove difficult. Abkhazia in particular has called
    for independence more than incorporation with Russia, and would
    be decidedly ambivalent about the prospect. Having bitterly fought
    Georgia for their independence, it would only be a matter of time
    before the Abkhaz became disillusioned with submission to Moscow.

    Southern Caucasus: Maneuvers to Tame Russia

    GUUAM(Georgia-Ukraine-Uzbekistan-Azerbaija n-Moldova) a vaguely
    anti-Russian bloc could tighten its relationship in light of the
    current situation Russia's opposition to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline, a US-backed project intended to avoid traversing Iranian
    or Russian territory, has been seen as a vital aspect in the recent

    However, the role of the pipeline is sometimes overplayed. Russia
    has learnt to accept the BTC, which started pumping oil in 2005,
    and it would be incorrect to assume that Russia's attacks in Georgia
    have been 'all about oil'. Indeed, the pipeline - and the associated
    Western concern - was probably one factor stopping the Russians from
    entering Tbilisi.

    To humiliate and wound a Western ally is one thing, but if Russia
    attempted to control the pipeline Washington would be compelled to
    take action. Georgia itself has suffered considerably from the Russian
    attack, and will continue to do so.

    Although Russia is not planning a coup, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
    Lavrov's comments that "Mr. Saakashvili can no longer be our partner
    and it would be best for him to go" are hardly encouraging. At worst
    Russia will fund and encourage anti-Saakashvili elements within the
    Georgian opposition, at best there will simply be several more years
    of incredibly bad relations between the two sides until Saakashvili
    leaves office.

    Until he does so, Azerbaijan will find itself in an awkward
    position. Relations with Moscow in the 1990s were very poor,
    not least because of Russia's covert support for destabilizing the
    domestic situation in Azerbaijan and the secret supply of $1 billion
    worth of military hardware to Armenia not long after the end of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh war, in which Baku and Yerevan fought over a disputed,
    largely Armenian-populated enclave within Azerbaijan.

    Since then Azeri-Russian relations have substantially improved, with
    President Medvedev declaring in July that Azerbaijan was a "strategic
    partner". Russia has also tried to demonstrate much more neutrality
    in its role as a mediator over Nagorno-Karabakh, still unresolved
    (like Abkhazia and South Ossetia) after 14 years. Nevertheless,
    Russia is still perceived as a pro-Armenian mediator in Azerbaijan.

    In this regard, one can clearly understand Azeri discomfort at Russia's
    recent violation of a sovereign state's territorial integrity, and
    its apparent willingness to seize those territories. For Azerbaijan,
    which has some 20% of its territory occupied by Armenian forces,
    the parallel is obvious and alarming.

    Azerbaijan's relationship with Georgia has grown increasingly warm,
    in part due to the frozen conflicts - in which both states believe
    territorial integrity must be respected - partly because of the
    pipeline which links their two nations, and partly because both have no
    wish to see Moscow dominating the Caucasus again, since for Azerbaijan
    this could mean a Russian policy more biased towards Armenia.

    Both are founder members of GUUAM
    (Georgia-Ukraine-Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan-Moldo va), a vaguely anti-Russian
    bloc which could tighten its relationship in light of the current
    situation. If it does so, however, Azerbaijan may be in the unpleasant
    situation of having to 'choose' between a Georgian - and by implication
    a pro-Western - foreign policy, or siding with Moscow.

    It is worth noting that the tone of, a popular Azerbaijani
    news website, was stridently anti-Russian and stressed the need to
    respect territorial integrity.

    Armenia's reaction was muted, calling only for peace and stability. The
    Armenian foreign ministry and Armenian news agencies paid a great deal
    of attention to Armenian citizens within Georgia, but skirted the
    issue of right and wrong in the conflict. Like Azerbaijan (although
    for different reasons), Armenia will also find the current situation
    difficult to deal with.

    Supporting Russian actions too vocally would ruin the amicable
    relationship with Georgia, on whom Armenia depends as a transport
    lifeline to the outside world, but siding with Tbilisi would raise
    a cool reaction in the Kremlin, where President Medvedev and Prime
    Minister Putin may start to think twice about continuing to defend

    Russia, the West, and the Caucasus: Where To?

    So for the West, the question now is how to keep Russia on side for
    the big issues, whilst still managing to reach out to the Caucasian
    states This leads us to the bigger question of how the recent war
    will affect Russian policy towards the Caucasus. Commentators have
    been divided, with some viewing the conflict as the beginning of a
    new Russian imperialism in the South Caucasus - a view given weight
    by Putin's declaration that Russia has a "historical role" to act as a
    "guarantor of security" in the region.

    Others believe that Moscow may now view the region as so contentious,
    and so hostile, that they will largely withdraw from any pretence
    at a constructive role in the region. Certainly, co-operating with
    France and the US at the next meeting of the 'Minsk Group - which
    oversees peace negotiations in Nagorno-Karabakh and in which Paris,
    Moscow and Washington are co-chairs - will not be a particularly
    pleasant experience.

    Although Russian policy in the Caucasus may well follow either of
    these paths, depending to an extent on the personal feelings of
    Medvedev and Putin, Moscow's ability to act will be conditioned in
    part by the choices that America and Europe now make. They seem to
    have decided that Russian assistance in other matters, such as the
    Iranian nuclear program (America) or Russian gas supplies (Europe)
    outweighs the defence of the Caucasus.

    Washington has generally taken a harder line than Brussels, reflecting
    its own "historic role" as the state most willing to stand up to
    Russia. If that hard line fades under the new President, and if the
    West quietly tones down its plans for integrating the Caucasus through
    the EU and NATO, then Russia will be more free to act.

    Ironically, this freedom may actually mean that Russia turns its back
    on the Caucasus, since with Georgia now humiliated and the questions
    of Abkhazia and South Ossetia probably stabilised, Russia has no
    particular grounds for involvement. If, on the other hand, the West
    decides that the conflict shows the necessity of integrating the
    South Caucasus and redoubles its efforts, then Russia will be much
    more inclined to intervene.

    If Georgia's NATO membership progress manages to survive the crisis
    unscathed, Russian fury may be unleashed again.

    So for the West, the question now is how to keep Russia on side for
    the big issues, whilst still managing to reach out to the Caucasian
    states. Armenia will probably keep its head down and hope that regional
    stability does not deteriorate further, as this may lead to renewed
    fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan will increasingly distrust
    Moscow's role as an honest mediator over Nagorno-Karabakh, and may
    find itself orienting itself away from Russia.

    Georgia itself, battered and shaken, will increasingly have to accept
    that a) Abkhazia and South Ossetia are lost, and b) the West, although
    by far the most logical foreign-policy partner, will only go so far
    in its support. The South Ossetians and the Abkhaz, for their part,
    will have to have a frank discussion about how much they truly want
    to be part of the Russian Federation.

    And finally, within the Kremlin, the West's limp response to the
    demonstration of Russian power will undoubtedly embolden the hawks. If
    the West will not act in Georgia, they will ask, why not repeat
    the pattern in Ukraine? Although it would be overly pessimistic to
    declare we are, as many would have it, in a "New Cold War", it seems
    certain that living with Russia - for the Caucasus, for the West,
    and indeed for the wide world - will not get any easier in the months
    and years ahead.

    Alexander Jacksonis an Editorial Assistant at the Caucasian Review
    of International Affairs (CRIA). He is currently pursuing Master's
    degree of war studies at Kings College London.