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ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Bureau Declaration on South Caucausus Events

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  • ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Bureau Declaration on South Caucausus Events


    Mher Lazarian 12/1, Yerevan, Armenia
    Mailing Address: P.O.Box 123 - Yerevan, Armenia 0010
    Tel.: (37410) 52-18-90, 52-19-66 - Fax: (37410) 52-14-53
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    The events of the past week in the South Caucasus - the de facto state
    of war that has come into being with all its tragic consequences, the
    international tension these developments have fostered, and the
    implications of these events for the future - reflect new realities in
    our region that are of direct concern to Armenia and for all

    The events in our immediate neighborhood have created new political
    and economic challenges. Our first reaction, of course, is that of
    sympathy for the thousands of human lives lost and harmed and damaged
    destinies on all sides of this conflict.

    The most pressing issue today is preventing similar situations from
    developing in the future. The era of resolving inter-ethnic issues
    through the use of force, as seen in the 1990's, has passed, and the
    recent events have once again proven, unnecessarily, that such conduct
    has no prospect and is cause for tragedy.

    On the one hand, it should be acknowledged that Georgia is our
    immediate neighbor whose stability and development is of the utmost
    importance to us, while Russia is our strategic partner and has a role
    in the Caucasus. On the other hand, clearly, escalation of EU-RF-USA
    relations to a confrontational level can not be beneficial for the

    In spite of assurances by Armenian officials that there are no
    problems with the transport of goods to Armenia, we remain concerned
    regarding this matter and expect that during this difficult situation,
    a friendly Georgia will not take any steps to hinder such transport.

    For the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun, this situation is extremely important in
    three regards. First is the issue of reinforcing the right of the
    people of Artsakh (Mountainous Karabakh) to determine their own
    destiny through their expression of their right to self-determination.
    Recent events have clearly demonstrated, that Azerbaijan's
    saber-rattling - that it wants to resolve the issue through the use of
    force - not only has no prospect, but also that such threats will only
    lead the region into destructive and ultimately unforeseeable
    troubles. Artsakh cannot be part of Azerbaijan. During the
    negotiation process, we are compelled to defend our national interests
    with greater clarity and in an even more comprehensive manner by
    demanding that all parties first of all sign a legally binding
    document undertaking that they will not use force as a means of
    settling the conflict.

    Second, regarding the Georgian-Armenians and specifically the
    Armenian-populated Javakhk (Samtskhe-Javakheti) region, are the
    issues of defending their security and rights as a national minority,
    and of its autonomy. In this case we can not be indifferent and
    express our hope and expectation that Georgia will act with utmost
    responsibility and in accordance with the overriding principles of
    international law.

    The final issue is being fully aware of the necessity for national
    unity regarding Armenia's stability and the fundamental intra-state
    and intra-national matters. This represents an issue of
    responsibility for all Armenians in front of our people and our

    We hope that following the impetuous reactions, both the conflicting
    parties and the international community will find ways to bring peace
    to the region and resolve all outstanding problems in a civilized
    manner. Armenia can and should contribute to these efforts.

    The ARF-Dashnaktsutyun is confident and ready to do its part, so that
    the foundations are laid for full cooperation and development in the
    South Caucasus, so that all the peoples of this region will have the
    opportunity to live in harmony.

    A.R.F.-Dashnaktusyun Bureau
    Yerevan, 15 August 2008