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NKR Is Loyal To Its Principles Since 1994

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  • NKR Is Loyal To Its Principles Since 1994

    Norayr Hovsepyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    14 Aug 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    On August 11th in the axis of briefing, convened by the chairman of
    permenant commission of NKR National Assembly's foreign relations
    Vahram Atanesyan, were the tendencies noticed recently in the process
    of Karabakh conflict settlement and new developments taken place in
    the South Caucasus.

    The reality "As we know, the last meeting in Moscow of Armenian
    and Azerbaijanian ministers of Foreign Affairs either the negotiating
    parties or negotiatiors have estimated constructive",- Vahram Atanesyan
    touched upon last developments of the process of regulation, seeing
    nothing strange in a number of publications about them found place in
    the press.An interview of the american co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group
    given to "Interfax" agency, stands out from this generality. Unlike
    other co-chairs' united, careful statements, Mathew Bryza has
    expressed personal viewpoint in the interview given to "Interfax", that
    Nagorno-Karabakh itself will decide its future fate. This statement
    logically contradicting preaching policy of Azerbaijan, has found a
    wide response not only in Azerbaijan, but in Armenia and NKR.But it was
    only the beginning: some times later the same Mathew Bryza in exclusive
    interview given to azerbaijanian service of BBC radio station, tries
    with=2 0diplomatic uncertain formulations to allay the above-mentioned
    accentuations of his interview given to "Interfax". Such denouement
    the chairman of permenant commission of NKR National Assembly's
    foreign relations considers inadmissible. "Co-chairs should be sincere
    with the parties and they should construct their accentuations and
    stresses proceeding from the realities of negotiating process.: other
    approach, which can proceed from innerpolitical situation of one of the
    negotiating parties, we consider inadmissible and inappropriate towards
    negotiators' attitude,-finds out V.Atanesyan,- it's not a criticism,
    but only natural desire. ...By our conviction, in the interview given
    to azerbaijanian service of BBC radio station, the american co-chair
    has guided by immediation of not straining the innerpolitical situation
    in Azerbaijan on the eve of presidential elections". "I think it's
    time, that the co-chairmanship of MG performs at diplomatic official
    higher level, than it has been till today.Such opinion has been
    expressed also by the international crisis group",-added V.Atanesyan.

    NKR hasn't changed its postion And it's not all yet: such statements
    done at different levels create the wrong picture, that karabakhian
    side is agree, that after abolishment of after-effects of the
    conflict's armed stage, within some prelonged period of time th e
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will be determined by referendum.

    "This impression doesn't conform to the reality,-V.Atanesyan formulated
    distinctly.- Nagorno-Karabakh many times has declared at the highest
    level, that Karabakh has been interested in the question of abolishment
    of armed stage's after-effects of azerbaijan-karabakhian conflict so
    far as Azerbaijan will show interest in the question of recognizing
    NKR and establishing bilateral relations with it" .Any development
    out of this context the public speaker considers incompatible with
    NKR safety. "It's official position of NKR...If Azerbaijan is ready
    to recognize NKR, so NKR in its turn is ready to take into discussion
    the whole complex of questions exciting Azerbaijan". The conclusion
    - from here: "If negotiations are conducted in the direction not
    corresponding to the situation, so one of the negotiating parties is
    competent to consider them out of its interests". And such approach
    has sufficient basis: "NKR is a side of full value of ceasefire
    established in May,1994, bears direct responsibility in the question
    of keeping forces' balance in the territory, and it's impossible to
    put this balance of forces to the change,- V.Atanesyan summed up the
    question, emphasizing the international recognition of NKR as its
    main problem. - This is our official position since 1994: it hasn't
    been changed an d can't be changed". The next, may be unwarranted
    evidence Naturally, the chairman of permenant commission of NKR NA's
    foreign relations also touched upon the situation created last days
    in South Ossetia. "Georgian authorities tried to solve the problem
    by power variant: today we can say, that this trial was failed",-
    V.Atanesyan commented so the reality. In the result South Ossetia
    incurred human and material great losses, positions of Georgia were
    also damaged. Of all these a lesson is one: power variant of conflict
    regulation has been convicted from the first, and the above-mentioned
    is the next evidence of it.

    At the end of the meeting V.Atanesyan answered the journalists'