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TBILISI: Pullout Announced After Further Incursion

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  • TBILISI: Pullout Announced After Further Incursion

    By Mikheil Svanidze

    The Messenger
    Aug 18 2008

    Russian troops will begin to pull out of Georgia proper from today,
    Russian President Medvedev said yesterday, after German Chancellor
    Angela Merkel visited Russia and Georgia to discuss the practical
    implementation of the ceasefire. President Medvedev had signed a
    six-point ceasefire agreement on August 16, but was claiming there was
    no exact timetable for the withdrawal of Russian forces from Georgia.

    "Starting tomorrow, Russia will begin to withdraw its military forces,
    which were deployed to support Russian peacekeepers due to Georgian
    Aggression against South Ossetia," a statement on the official
    Kremlin website reads, though it adds that Russian forces will stay
    in the territory of the security zone and in South Ossetia. Merkel,
    heading to Tbilisi from Russia, reiterated that NATO's decision on
    eventual Georgian membership hasn't changed. She also noted that
    Russian troops must "immediately" pull out of Georgia.

    United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had visited Tbilisi
    on August 15, negotiating the signing of the six-point ceasefire
    treaty by the Georgian side. President Saakashvili signed the agreement
    that day. Speaking afterwards at a joint press conference with Rice,
    Saakashvili slammed the European media and officials for their
    "muted reaction" when he spoke about Russia's preparations for a
    military action against Georgia after April, as a result of Georgia
    been denied a Membership Action Plan (MAP) for NATO at a summit in
    Bucharest. Both The President and the Secretary of State clarified
    that talks on the implementation of an international monitoring
    mechanism on the ground would continue. They also claimed that the
    ceasefire plan did not guarantee the internationalization of this,
    as this would be the subject of subsequent talks.

    The ceasefire plan itself, which was brokered by French President
    Nicolas Sarkozy and signed by the Georgian and Russian Presidents,
    continues to provoke debate. Georgian State Minister for Reintegration
    Issues Temur Iakobashvili claimed there were two versions of the
    document, one signed by the Presidents of Georgia and France, and the
    "Russian" one, signed by Medvedev and the Presidents of the breakaway
    republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Georgian officials reiterate
    that the document should be signed by the Russian and Georgian sides
    only, and the mediator, in front of President Sarkozy, who would thus
    be a witness.

    The six-point plan commits the signatories not to resort to further
    force, declares a definitive end to the hostilities, opens a corridor
    for humanitarian aid, returns Georgian and Russian troops to their
    positions prior to the outbreak of hostilities and opens international
    talks on stability and security arrangements in Georgia's breakaway
    regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The fifth point of this plan
    was subject to different interpretations. According to the document,
    "pending an international mechanism, Russian peacekeepers will
    undertake additional security measures". According to various analysts,
    both Georgian and Western, this implies that Russian peacekeepers
    have the right to patrol the region outside the conflict area, south
    of South Ossetia, 3 to 15 kilometres inside Georgia proper. According
    to Georgian analyst Ramaz Sakvarelidze, Russian troops may thus stay
    in control of the vital highway connecting Georgia's East and West.

    "It seems as if they [Russian forces] will control a bigger zone than
    they did it was before [the outbreak of hostilities]," Sakvarelidze
    told The Messenger. "One of the aims of this operation was to take
    control of Georgia's main transport routes and undermine Georgia's
    importance as a transit corridor between East and West," he said.

    Russian President Medvedev said they he would not be against an
    international mechanism in the conflict zones, but observed that there
    was a need to ask breakaway regions' administrations. "The problem is
    that Ossetians and Abkhazians do not have confidence in anyone else
    except Russia, because the history of last 15 years shows that the only
    troops capable of defending their interests are Russian troops," he
    said. "For that reason, they consider that Russian troops are the only
    guarantors of their interests and this should be taken into account."

    Russian forces continue to occupy the city of Gori. Georgian National
    Security Council Chief Aleksandre Lomaia has been patrolling the
    town alongside the Russian forces for the last few days. Gori remains
    practically empty of civilians as a large part of its population has
    fled to Tbilisi. A railway bridge near Kaspi, a town between Gori and
    Tbilisi, was also blown up on August 16. Georgian officials blamed
    Russia, but Russian Deputy Chief of General Staff Anatoly Nogovistyn
    has strongly denied the accusation. "I can say with all honesty -
    this cannot be true," Nogovitsyn said. "Now, at a time of ceasefire,
    why do we need to blow up bridges, when we should rebuild them?" The
    railway connects Tbilisi with various locations in Western Georgia,
    including Batumi and Zugdidi. The link with Armenia was also broken by
    this action, as many Armenian tourists take the Yerevan-Tbilisi-Batumi
    train to spend their holidays at the seaside.

    Hostilities between Georgia and South Ossetia started late on August
    7, as the Georgian side vowed to "restore constitutional order"
    in response to the alleged bombing of Georgian controlled villages
    in South Ossetia. The Russian and separatist sides claimed Georgia
    had begun a military invasion of South Ossetia and started a "peace
    enforcement operation", ousting Georgian troops from the breakaway
    republic and breaking deep into Georgian territory, taking control
    of the towns of Poti, Senaki,Zugdidi and Gori.