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American Jewish Committee to Lobby for Azeri Interests - Director

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  • American Jewish Committee to Lobby for Azeri Interests - Director
    American Jewish Committee to Lobby for Azeri Interests, Announces Director
    August 19, 2008, 7:51 am jewish-committee-to-lobby-for-azeri-interests-anno unces-director/

    BAKU (Asbarez)-The Executive Director of the American Jewish
    Committee,David Harris, was in Baku Saturday where he told journalists
    at a pressconference that his organization would lobby on behalf of
    Azerbaijan'sinterests in the United States.Harris was visiting
    Azerbaijan on the invitation of Azeri President IlhamAliyev. During
    his two-day visit he met with the President, ForeignMinister, Prime
    Minister and other officials.`[The] AJC has long appreciated the
    importance of Azerbaijan as an exampleof religious tolerance and a
    proven friend of the United States and Israel,'Harris said. `We valued
    this opportunity to learn more about this strongally in a challenging
    and critical region. We look forward to sharing ourviews about
    Azerbaijan's key role when we return to the United States.'However,
    Harris' remarks stand in stark contrast to significant
    documentedevidence to the contrary. Azerbaijan's numerous political as
    well as socialhuman rights abuses both against its Azeri majority as
    well as its ethnicminorities, including Armenians and have been widely
    reported in US press aswell as international human rights bodies.But
    according to the Harris, `Azerbaijan is critical to Western
    energysecurity and to the avoidance of a potentially dangerous
    monopoly in themarket for natural gas.' The South Caucusus, he
    explained, is witnessing ahistoric event in Georgia because the recent
    outbreak of fighting in SouthOssetia is important not only for
    Georgia, but also the whole region,including Azerbaijan and its
    territorial integrity.The AJC will lobby for the US Government to pay
    more attention to the workof the OSCE Minsk Group, mediating the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict betweenArmenia and Azerbaijan, Harris said,
    adding `the Nagorno-Karabakh conflictwas the key issue of discussion
    during my visit to Baku. We will work toimprove the OSCE Minsk Group's
    mission in the settlement of the conflict.'The Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict, which has yet to be resolved, is in danger oferupting as
    Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev continues to make loudercalls for
    renewed war to `take back' Karabakh by force. Making the situationin
    Azerbaijan more tense is the growing uncertainty over the outcome
    ofAzerbaijan's upcoming Presidential elections, slated for October
    15.There is a definite cult of personality that is being established
    thatthreatens the viability of democratic development in
    Azerbaijan. Aliyev hasbeen propping up billboards throughout the
    country, depicting his father,the late president Haydar Aliyev and
    himself in a manner reminiscent of theStalinist Soviet Union and 1980s
    Iraq under Sadam Hussein.Aliyev has faced persistent criticism over
    his heavy-handed treatment ofindependent media and opposition
    parties. Meanwhile, over a million Azerirefugees from the Karabakh
    Conflict still live in shantytowns and abandonedtrain carts. Human
    rights violations are at an all time high, as severemedia restrictions
    continue to result in the imprisonment and torture ofjournalists and
    opposition activists. According to Eurasianet, Aliyev'srecent claims
    that his government allegedly oversaw the creation of 650,000new jobs
    by the end of 2007 are not being received well by most ofAzerbaijan's
    population, which has yet to feel the affects of the country'smassive
    oil revenues.With less than three months to go until elections are
    held in Azerbaijan,controversy is looming over President Ilham
    Aliyev's failure to solve manyof the country's social ills. With
    Karabakh a major election issue inAzerbaijan, Aliyev has sought to
    exploit nationalist fervor surrounding theunresolved conflict to
    detract from his administrations failures at home. Inrecent months, he
    has been touring the country and delivering, publiclycalling for a new
    war and threatening to take Karabakh back by force.On June 26, Aliyev
    staged the country's first military parade in 16 years,and announced
    his intentions to build a military industrial complex thatwould
    support a second round war with neighboring Armenia
    andNagorno-Karabakh.Azerbaijan ethnically cleansed its Christian
    Armenian minority in a seriesof pogroms and massacres as the Soviet
    Union was collapsing, forcing theArmenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, an
    Armenian enclave forced into Azerbaijan,to declare
    independence. Karabakh's democracy movement, legal by thestatutes of
    the Soviet Constitution, triggered a brutal military attack onthe
    enclave by Azerbaijan, sparking a conflict that ended with a
    Russianbrokered ceasefire in 1994.Azerbaijan has been using
    petrodollars from the BTC pipeline to beef up itsmilitary, purchasing
    armaments and vehicles from France, the United Statesor the former
    Warsaw Pact. According to Stratfor, `Azerbaijan's armament nowhas many
    wondering if Baku is planning another conflict against a neighborthat
    has been cut out of the region's recent energy wealth.'A renewed
    conflict would halt any possibility of Caspian energy reaching
    thewest, and be a direct threat to U.S. and European interests in the
    region.Following an unprecedented violation of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    ceasefire byAzeri forces on March 5, Stratfor intelligence wrote in an
    analysis piececiting the growing threat to regional security of a
    richer and strongerAzerbaijan.`Azerbaijan has grown stronger and
    richer following the 2006 completion ofthe Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)
    oil pipeline, which Western companiesdeveloped to feed oil to Europe,'
    it said. `The BTC led to a morepro-Western Azerbaijan, and the
    tremendous new wealth it generated hashelped the country increase its
    defense spending from $175 million in 2004to more than $1 billion at
    the start of 2008.' Azerbaijan's military budgethas since reached $2
    billion.'Energy wealth has doubled Azerbaijan's gross domestic
    product;Azerbaijan'sdefense budget has jumped from just a few hundred
    million a year to abillion this past year,' Stratfor wrote earlier in
    2007. `The country isarming itself, and neighboring Armenia is closely
    watching. The twocountries have been deadlocked over the Azerbaijani
    secessionist region ofNagorno-Karabakh - a conflict that has flared
    into a war in the past.Azerbaijan's armament now has many wondering if
    Baku is planning anotherconflict against a neighbor that has been cut
    out of the region's recentenergy wealth.'Meanwhile, Azerbaijan's
    longstanding insistence to isolate fellow US AllyArmenia, from
    regional development projects, namely the BTC pipeline, andthe
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Ralway, have further jeopardized the security
    andstability of US interests in the South Caucasus.During the planning
    stages of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline,Azerbaijan pressured
    British Petroleum to bypass a more economic acommercially secure route
    that went through Armenia, a fellow US partner inthe region. In 2003,
    New York Congressman Joseph Crowley (NY-07) criticized the routing of
    the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil and gas pipeline during the
    HouseInternational Relations Committee markup of the reauthorization
    for theOverseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). The Committee
    wasconsidering the OPIC's application for political risk insurance
    inconnection with construction of the BTC pipeline.At the
    markup'sCongressman Crowley stated: `American taxpayers are beingasked
    to help cover hundreds of million of dollars in increased costs forthe
    BTC pipeline route that would bypass the more economic and
    commerciallyviable route through Armenia. If the Caucasus region'sin
    my opinion'sis tomove forward'swe must ensure that all countries move
    forward together at thesame time. Choosing favorites in the Caucasus
    will not promote regionalstability'seconomic integration'sand
    peace.'Despite all this, Harris assured Azerbaijan's leadership that
    hisorganization would work for the interests of Azerbaijan in the
    UnitedStates.`As your friends, we will try to do something for this
    but it mostly dependson Azerbaijan itself. Americans shouldn't only
    know Azerbaijan as anenergy-rich country but also as a country that
    made important contributionsto peacekeeping efforts in Iraq and
    Afghanistan,' he said, promising to takesteps towards the
    strengthening of relations between Azerbaijan and theUnited State.`We
    will work to improve the relations between the United States
    andAzerbaijan,' he said. `We will also pay attention to Americans'
    education[of Azerbaijan] to convey to them the basic knowledge about
    Azerbaijan andto inform the political circles and U.S. presidential
    contenders aboutAzerbaijan.'Meanwhile, the Azerbaijan Press Agency
    reported on Monday that theIzmir-based Azerbaijan Culture Center has
    began a petition drive demandingthat the Turkish-Armenian border
    remain closed until the withdrawal ofArmenians from the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.The head of the Center, Jamal
    Mammadkhanoglu, underscored that the bordersshould not open without an
    `Armenian withdrawal from Azerbaijani lands.'`Turkey has to maintain
    its embargo against Armenia for that,' he said.`Otherwise, Azerbaijan
    has no other option but to liberate its lands throughmilitary
    force.'Azerbaijan and Turkey must unite as one nation, like `a
    clenched fist,' hesaid.