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What Does Russia Want In The West Part Of The Caucasus?

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  • What Does Russia Want In The West Part Of The Caucasus?

    by Igor Chirnov-Rezakin

    Center for Research on Globalization hp?context=va&aid=9886
    Global Research
    Aug 20 2008

    Global Research Editor's Note:

    This article was published prior to the Georgian attack on South
    Ossetia on August 7, 2008

    -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

    Russia should concentrate on promoting the idea of making Georgia
    a confederation.

    Summer'2008 in the west part of the Caucasus began traditionally -
    with provocations against Russian peacekeepers, explosions in Gagry,
    ritual aggressive statements from Tbilisi...

    According to special services, what Georgia procured in terms
    of military hardware (or what it received as a gift from Russia's
    "partners") over the years include almost 400 armored vehicles (half
    of them tanks), almost 200 artillery pieces and mortars (including
    volley-fire rocket launchers and Howitzers 152 mm caliber), 25
    antiaircraft complexes and 200 portable missile launchers, 45 aircraft
    and helicopters (eight of them drones), 10 boats, light weapons,
    radios, earth-moving machinery for military engineers, uniforms,
    munitions by the ton... Georgia has no external enemies and nobody
    aspires to its territory or part of it, but arms expenditures grow
    with each passing year.

    The Hard facts:

    Russia withdrew its troops from Georgia by late 2007;

    Euro-Atlantic crisis-resolution specialists frantically chart the
    plans to integrate the Caucasus into NATO and "united" Europe. All
    these plans stand for absorption of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by
    Georgia but also include some attractive (or so they authors think)
    offers to Abkhazian and South Ossetian leaders.

    And what about Russia? What does it need in and from the west part
    of the Caucasus?

    First, it must be made quite plain to everyone that Russia does not
    want a single square meter of the former Georgian Soviet Socialist
    Republic! Strategically speaking, any part of Georgia is nothing
    Russia needs.

    Second (but much more significantly), Russia cannot permit
    the transformation of the neighbor territory into a multipurpose
    anti-Russian bridgehead: with separatist bases, velvet revolutions lab,
    GUAM's locomotive force, and NATO barracks all rolled into one.

    What Russia needs is:

    A safe transit route to Armenia by land. Now that Adjaria is lost
    (actually, abandoned) and Russian troops no longer man the Batumi
    -Akhalkalaki line, strategic transit to Armenia as Russia's only ally
    in the Caucasus depends on Armenia's neighbors. These latter include
    hostile Azerbaijan, neutral Iran, NATO member Turkey, and fiercely
    pro-NATO Georgia. The Karabakh conflict settlement plan one of NATO's
    "experts" charted involved exchange of territories between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan so as to cut the former off Iran. Air ferry service is not
    an option because Russia's transport aviation is not up to it. Even
    Russian trucks with relief aid barely make it across civilized Europe
    to Serbia. Armenia meanwhile is where Russia has the 102nd Military
    Base and some strategic enterprises under its control and management.

    Poti is out of the question as a base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet
    no matter how it ends with Ukraine (the so called 2017 problem). It
    is clear that neither Poti not revamped Novorossiisk will do even if
    the Black Sea Fleet is downsized to a mere flotilla!

    Prices in the global oil and gas market draw attention to oil and
    gas exports from the Caspian basin to the West bypassing the Russian
    territory. Georgia is playing a central part in these plans. Baku-Supsa
    and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipelines are already running. Whenever they
    recall it, Russian state officials get mad and regularly deploy the so
    called "administrative resource" even though every such attempt costs
    Russia dearly. Suspend the transit so as to change the anti-Russian
    vector? But why? Oil export is business. One may make money in oil
    fields development or in shipment or oil refining - as long as the
    terms are acceptable (which is always easier to assure than enforcing
    of the ban).

    The safety of transit pipelines may be turned over to "private
    armies". Why wouldn't we draw on our Anglo-Saxon "partners"

    The attempt in the early 1990s to rebuild the Georgian micro-empire,
    an analog of the one remembered from 1918, created a crisis that
    continues to this day.

    A confederation as the natural - is not only - solution is not
    something anybody has been giving a thought to. This state of affairs
    offers Russia a chance to become the settlement leader in the region
    with an emphasis on precisely this idea.

    Seizing the initiative in the west part of the Caucasus, Russia may
    even rejuvenate integration all over the rest of the Commonwealth and
    elevate these processes to another level. Consider Europe. It never
    occurs to Georgia to return Alsatia and Lorraine. It never occurs to
    Italy to part with Nice or Austria with South Tirol.

    Russia's success in the Caucasus will put an end to development of
    "sanitary cordons" along its own borders. Success in the Crimea and
    Ukraine will even wreck beyond repair NATO's and European Union's
    plans to expand eastward, into the zone of Russia's national interests.