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BEIRUT: The Battle Of The Two Michels Has Begun

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  • BEIRUT: The Battle Of The Two Michels Has Begun

    By Michael Young

    The Daily Star
    Aug 21 2008

    Weeks ago, Michel Aoun's political adversaries were already predicting
    that the general's first act once the government was formed would
    be to demand that the prerogatives of the deputy prime minister
    be clarified. The post is traditionally "reserved" for the Greek
    Orthodox community and is currently held by Aoun's comrade Issam Abu
    Jamra. They sensed that Aoun would use the dispute to yet again try
    to rally support among Christians by claiming to be defending their
    interests against Sunni dominance - since the deputy prime minister's
    job description must necessarily be elucidated at the expense of the
    Sunni prime minister.

    On Tuesday, this discussion took on more rarefied airs when the
    minister Tammam Salam and the parliamentarian Ghassan Mukheiber of
    the Aoun bloc exchanged statements on the role of Mukheiber's uncle,
    Albert, when he was deputy prime minister in the 1972 government headed
    by Tammam Salam's father, Saeb. Mukheiber argued that his uncle had
    stood in for Salam when the prime minister was abroad, while Salam
    insisted this was not true. Mukheiber went on to state that now was
    a good time to define the duties of the deputy prime minister, which
    must have pleased Aoun while also allowing Mukheiber to score some
    points within his own Greek Orthodox community.

    In the midst of a hot summer, this somehow qualifies as news. Aoun
    has long been a master of institutional guerilla warfare, in which he
    scores points by consistently applying sectarian pin pricks. However,
    something may be changing. The small-mindedness of the deputy prime
    minister debate may actually play to Aoun's disfavor because it comes
    as the president, Michel Sleiman, is seen by many to be filling
    his political space with more momentous achievements - not least
    his visit to Damascus last week. In the competition over Christian
    representation, Aoun's weapons are now looking less effective than

    A lot of this is based on perceptions, of course. Sleiman came back
    triumphant from Syria, but the results of his summit with President
    Bashar Assad were, to be kind, very limited. On the fate of prisoners
    in Syria the Lebanese got a committee with no deadlines set for
    its work. On border demarcation Lebanon got another committee,
    again with no deadlines set, with many people apparently unaware
    that the demarcation question has been drifting from one committee
    to the next for decades. On the Shebaa Farms the Lebanese adopted
    the Syrian position that there could be no delineation of borders
    before Israel's occupation ended, thereby leaving the geographical
    identity of the territory in limbo. And before traveling to Damascus,
    Sleiman, through a spokesman, declared that the Syrian-Lebanese Higher
    Council, the starkest memento of the years of Syrian hegemony, would
    not be dismantled.

    What did Lebanon get in exchange? The promise of an embassy and
    diplomatic recognition. That's not negligible, but we might want to
    look at this from Syria's perspective. A Syrian embassy in Beirut would
    not be like the Kuwaiti or even the Egyptian embassy. It would be an
    axis point for Syria's allies in the country, a very useful means of
    allowing the Assad regime to exert its political influence in Beirut
    on a day-to-day basis in a way it cannot do so today. Many remember
    the considerable sway that the United Arab Republic's ambassador
    in Beirut, Abdel-Hamid Ghaleb, had at the start of President Fouad
    Shihab's mandate. Diplomatic recognition on its own does not guarantee
    respect for Lebanese sovereignty.

    Despite all this, Sleiman benefited domestically from his summit
    with Assad, and came back to take in hand the volatile situation
    in Tripoli. The public could not but approve, whatever the results,
    and Aoun is beginning to realize that he is losing ground among his
    coreligionists. Nor can the general gain much anymore by persistently
    baiting Fouad Siniora, when the prime minister seems to be working so
    well with president. This was evident in the preparation for Siniora's
    trips to Egypt and Iraq, both partly designed to help overcome the
    electricity crisis. Aoun's frustration was understandable. Siniora,
    with Sleiman's tacit approval, circumvented the energy minister, Alain
    Tabourian, whose Tashnag Party is allied with the Aounist bloc. The
    president and prime minister, each for reasons of his own, are happy
    to collude against Aoun. Better still, they are playing on the recent
    tension between the general and Tashnag over the fact that Aoun gave
    them the Energy Ministry in his quota of ministerial portfolios, when
    they had asked for the social affairs portfolio that Aoun instead
    reserved for Mario Aoun, a member of the Free Patriotic Movement.

    It may be a reach to suggest that Sleiman is making a bid for the
    Armenians at this early stage, by showing them that they have more to
    gain by allying themselves with him than with Aoun. But ultimately
    that may be precisely what the president does as Michel Murr begins
    preparing a candidate list in the Metn, one facet of a broader
    strategy by Sleiman to nibble away at Aoun's base before parliamentary
    elections next year. It is known that the president wants a bloc of
    his own in Parliament, and he may be able to count on assistance from
    Aoun's rivals in this regard. That explains why Aoun has so fervently
    defended Hizbullah lately. He needs Shiite help to win compensatory
    seats in the Baabda constituency, in Jezzine, and in Zahleh. Some are
    suggesting Aoun also has an eye on the Maronite seat in Baalbek-Hermel.

    The elections are still a long way off, but Aoun is already entering
    the period he dreaded after he was forced in Doha to accept Sleiman's
    election. For better or worse the president is now the person most
    Maronites and Christians in general are looking toward to defend
    their communal wellbeing. This is forcing Aoun to behave recklessly,
    as when he tied Hizbullah's disarmament to the return of Palestinian
    refugees to their homes, a position that made many in his electorate
    gag. Aoun also erred in appointing his son-in-law to head the cash
    cow Ministry of Telecommunications, contradicting his earlier claims
    to be a different type of politician who opposed nepotism in politics.

    Aoun is a cat of many political lives, so it may be unwise to write him
    off just yet. But even cats need branches to sit on, and the general
    is finding that these are not as numerous as they once were. He is
    picking secondary fights and is now beginning to sound like a lost
    voice in the desert.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress