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The Lessons Of Georgian - Ossian "Four-Days" War

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  • The Lessons Of Georgian - Ossian "Four-Days" War

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkharh Daily
    19 Aug 2008

    Chairman of NKR Foreign Affairs Committee Vahram Atanesyan introduces
    his viewpoints regarding the consequences of Georgian-Ossian
    military clash, and the unprecedented tension in Russian-Georgian
    and Russian-Ossian relations.

    "How do you estimate Russian-Ossian developments in terms of the
    change in the regional situation, the ratio of the powers in the
    region and the settlement of Karabkh conflict?"

    "Of course Georgian adventurousness completely changed the situation
    in the region. Moreover because the country didn't stand out with
    its stability in South Caucasus and today the situation is much worse
    than it used to be, the risk of inflicting frozen conflicts is growing.

    If we try to judge from the point of view of Azerbaijani counteraction,
    than we must underscore that official Baku was anticipating Georgian
    "success", most probably in that case not excluding the possibility
    of military attack from their side. In my view had Azerbaijan not
    been at the stage of presidential elections they would have started
    the same in Nagorno Karabakh in parallel with Georgian developments.

    On the other hand judging from the discussions in Moscow and the
    West, especially with the French Chairman in the European Union,
    regarding the ways of the settlement of South-Ossian and Abkhasian
    conflict, an atmosphere seems to have been created, when they are
    based not on the affectations of the internationally recognized
    countries but other realities. Which means military-political, and
    psychological realities turn into a certain factor for the settlement
    of conflicts. Particularly those three statements that the President
    of the Russian Federation addressed to the international community
    completely match with the realities existing in Armenian - Azerbaijani
    conflicting zone.

    A question arises here - what would have been the reaction of the
    international community had Georgia been a success in displacing
    South-Ossian citizens from their dwelling places. Or, if the citizens
    of South-Ossia don't want to make up part of Georgia, can anyone
    impose this upon them.

    We can also address the same statements to the international community,
    from the political point of view. What would have been the reaction
    of the international community had Nagorno Karabakh not averted
    Azerbaijani aggression in 1991-1994? Would they put up with the idea
    of 150 000 people having been displaced from their dwelling places.

    If today Azerbaijan can't put up with the idea that Nagorno Karabakh
    has the right to be the master of its own destiny, then does the
    international community have the competence to make Nagorno Karabakh
    be reintegrated with the united state of Azerbaijan?

    These statements somehow change=2 0the general picture of the
    negotiation process and in some sense it can be considered a positive
    signal for the settlement of Armenian - Azerbaijani conflict. But of
    course nothing is identical in this world. The attitude of the same
    Russia and the European Union towards South Ossia can differ from
    their attitude towards Karabakh. And I don't expect that the same
    things that have been said in terms of South Ossia or Abkhazia will
    be said in case of Karabakh."

    "Do you think Azerbaijan will learn a lesson from the consequences
    of the "blitz-war" in Georgian-Ossian conflict zone or they will be
    tempted by the Georgian scenario?"

    "I don't think what happened will unequivocally be a lesson
    for Azerbaijan, because the latter do understands that in case
    of a military instigation from their side the counteraction of
    the international community won't be that operative, because of
    geopolitical and other reasons.

    Meanwhile Azerbaijan is well aware that Georgia decided to give
    military solution to the issue, in case when South Ossia, in fact,
    didn't have any self-defense system and forces. But the situation is
    quite different in Karabakh's case. In my view Azerbaijanis take this
    into account and if we judge from the commentaries of the recent days
    it is evident that the enthusiasm of August 8 and 9 gradually reduced."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress