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Serzh Sargsyan's Interview to Austrian `DER STANDARD' Newspaper

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's Interview to Austrian `DER STANDARD' Newspaper

    16:55 23/08/2008

    President Serzh Sargsyan's Interview to Austrian `DER STANDARD'

    President of Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan discusses current
    problems of South Caucasus and particularly Russian role in the region
    in his August 22 interview to Austrian newspaper `Der Standard'.

    `Standard': `Be friendly to Russia and don't go too far with the
    West,' under this slogan was conducted Russian invasion to
    Georgia. What is your opinion about this?

    Sargsyan: Have a look at Armenian history, and it will be clear for
    you, that Russia has alwas been our friend and partner. The
    partnership cannot be obligatory. I don't want to speak in the name of
    other countries, but at least Armenia has always been frank in
    relations with Russia. Moreover, our military cooperation with Russia
    has never hampered Armenia's dynamic collaboration with NATO, EU or
    the US and Iran.

    `Standard': It's not the first time Armenia suffers in the result of
    Georgia-Russia disputes. What is the advice to your Georgian

    Sargsyan: I'm not the one to give advice. But I must say that in our
    small region which is too sensitive to world leaders' interests, it is
    better to maintain effective collaboration in general profits sphere,
    then to raise tensions between them. This is certainly harmful for
    South Caucasus first. Therefore, it's no use making new artificial
    ideological parties thus creating new obstacles in our way to stable
    regional environment.

    `Standard': As known, an important Russian military-base is situated
    in Armenia. Is the military presence and leadership of Russia in South
    Caucasus preferable for Armenia?

    Sargsyan: Armenia is in favor of effective military cooperation for
    sake of security in the whole region. That is why Armenia is the
    member Collective Security Treaty Organization. So, I think that
    military-bases are more symbolizing effective collaboration and not
    particular country's leadership.

    `Standard': Are there any certain consequences for another `freezed
    conflict' of Nagorno Karabakh after South Ossetia dispute?

    Sargsyan: The South Ossetia conflict has proved that any kind of
    military interference to the right of nations to self-determination
    brings about very serious geopolitical developments. Moreover, it is
    clear now that South Caucasus has become a place of arms race, and
    insensible extension of military budget. Every country should respect
    all nations' right to self-determination, otherwise military
    interference will grow into ethnic cleansings and violation of
    international humanitarian law.

    `Standard': Turkey has never responded to the proposal of `start of
    diplomatic relations with Armenia without any preconditions.' However,
    you even invited Turkish president Abdulla Gul to be present the
    coming Armenia-Turkey football match.

    Sargsyan: I can confirm that Armenia was always in favor of
    establishment of diplomatic ties with Turkey. It's useless arguing and
    being eternal foes. If we start relations, it will be profitable for
    both of us. Moreover, my Turkish counterpart has said recently that
    Turkey has no enemies in this region, and Erdoghan even said that
    Turkey's readying to talks with Armenia. So, in my opinion, president
    Gul's visit to our country will make real grounds for our future
    negotiations. We can have hundreds of problems, but we can never solve
    them unless we start talks as normal civilized countries do.
