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Ambassador Of Belarus In The National Assembly

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  • Ambassador Of Belarus In The National Assembly


    National Assembly of RA
    Aug 25 2008

    On August 25, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National
    Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received Mrs. Marina Dolgopolova,
    Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Armenia, on the occasion of
    the completion of the Ambassador's mission in Armenia.

    Saying that she had lived and worked for five and a half
    years in Armenia and that had been considerable part of her
    life, Mrs. Dolgopolova characterized those years as being both
    interesting and responsible. Being the first Ambassador of the
    Republic of Belarus to Armenia, Mrs. Marina Dolgopolova highlighted
    that high-level political ties were established between the two
    countries. Especially when touching upon the inter parliamentary
    relations she noted that during this period there was a transfer
    from the parliamentary friendship group to the creation of the
    committee of inter parliamentary cooperation, three sittings of
    which have been already taken place. There were also official mutual
    visits of the Presidents of the Parliaments. After the foreseen
    parliamentary elections of Belarus on September 28, in the newly
    established parliament new committee personnel of cooperation with
    Armenia will be created, and the regular meeting will be held in
    Minsk. Mrs. Dolgopolova reassured the invitation of the visit of
    Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly to Minsk,
    after the regular elections. She also expressed hope that the MPs
    will participate in the works of observation mission within the
    framework of OSCE PA and CIS IPA, for getting familiarized with
    Belarus experience in place, and for the improvement of which the
    exchange of the Armenian experience is very important, as already
    appreciated by the OSCE and International structures.

    The Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus thanked the President
    of the National Assembly for displayed professionalism and human
    warm attitude during their joint work, noting how important was the
    promotion of the President of the National Assembly and the promotion
    of the parliament for the productive work of her, as an Ambassador
    and other Ambassadors' works.

    The President of the National Assembly, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, highly
    assessing the works of Mrs. Dolgopolova in Armenia, wished success in
    her further activities and certified that she would stay the relative
    of our country. According to Mr. Torosyan the next Ambassador should
    make great efforts aiming to preserve and develop high level of the
    executive relations. The President of the National Assembly wished
    success the Belarus people in their parliamentary elections, assuring
    that the MPs will participate in the observation mission within the
    framework of international structures.