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BAKU: OSCE Ministers Urge Parties To Intensify Garabagh Talks

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  • BAKU: OSCE Ministers Urge Parties To Intensify Garabagh Talks


    AzerNews Weekly
    Dec 11 2008

    The OSCE foreign ministers encouraged Azerbaijan and Armenia to
    intensify talks on settling the conflict over Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh
    following two-day of talks concluding in Helsinki on Friday.

    Among the resolutions approved at the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council
    included a ministerial statement regarding the Garabagh conflict. In
    their statement, ministers welcomed the "constructive and positive
    momentum in the peace process" for the political settlement of the
    long-standing dispute.

    Further, the ministers praised the talks held between the two
    countries` presidents in St. Petersburg, Russia in June and in Moscow
    early in November, including a declaration signed in the Russian
    capital based upon the initiative of President Dmitry Medvedev. That
    declaration further urged continuing the OSCE-mediated dialog between
    the parties as well as joint efforts in bolstering stability in the
    South Caucasus through a political settlement of the conflict. The
    OSCE believes this will serve as a tool in reaching a negotiated
    solution to the Garabagh problem and opens up broad opportunities to
    accomplish the goal.

    "We insistently call on the conflicting sides to continue talks within
    the frame work of the [mediating] OSCE Minsk Group and to abide by
    the Moscow declaration. We believe that the parties should speed
    up the drafting of a basic agreement on the basis of the principles
    outlined in Madrid on November 29, 2007."

    The statement also noted that increasing mutual confidence between
    the conflicting sides was one of the key conditions for finding a
    solution to the Garabagh conflict.

    Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a lengthy war that ended with the signing
    of a cease-fire in 1994, but Armenia continues to occupy Upper Garabagh
    and seven other Azerbaijani districts in defiance of international
    law. Peace talks have not yet resulted in resolving the conflict.

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said while addressing
    the OSCE ministerial on Thursday that international law stipulates
    that Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity must be the basis for a
    settlement in the Garabagh region. He also praised the declaration
    signed at the end of Moscow-brokered trilateral talks on November 2.

    Mammadyarov went on to brand the Garabagh problem as a major source
    of instability.

    Further, the minister noted that the Azerbaijani and Armenian
    presidents have pledged to seek a political settlement to the conflict.

    "What`s important is to ensure a normal life for both Azerbaijanis
    and Armenians in Garabagh, and to forge cooperation and ties. I
    believe that Armenians also comprehend and support our position,"
    Mammadyarov said.

    He emphasized that the OSCE plays a special role in the conflict
    resolution, but expressed concern over the group`s focusing exclusively
    on human rights.

    "We have to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of the Helsinki
    Final Act and recognize the principle of the territorial integrity and
    sovereignty of states in the backdrop of the latest developments. We
    have to use the organization`s experience and recommendations in
    settling the conflict. But the OSCE`s placing an emphasis on human
    rights alone perturbs us. We support a more just and balanced stance,"
    Mammadyarov said.

    OSCE Chairman-in-Office Alexander Stubb, in his remarks, pointed
    out the importance of the European security body`s further efforts
    in settling "frozen" conflicts. Stubb added that the Minsk Group`s
    activity "inspires his optimism."

    Further, William Burns, US Under Secretary of State for Political
    Affairs, called for a more vigorous effort to resolve lingering

    "We have to redouble our efforts for the solution of frozen
    conflicts. More specifically, we welcome the latest steps on Upper
    Garabagh taken by Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sarkisian,"
    Burns told the Council meeting.

    He stressed that the conflict settlement process should be continued
    within the Minsk Group and urged both Baku and Yerevan to keep on
    negotiating both in the bilateral format and with the OSCE mediators.

    Goran Lennmarker, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) rapporteur
    on the Garabagh conflict, said in Helsinki that a document on the
    principles of conflict settlement could be signed before the spring
    of 2009.

    He noted that the parties were very close to a settlement. "If there
    is political will, a settlement is possible. I do understand that
    this will be a very difficult decision for the presidents of both
    countries, but it is evident that now is the right time to do that."

    In its appeal to the Helsinki ministerial, Armenia urged OSCE countries
    to prevent Azerbaijan`s ongoing build-up of armaments. Armenian Foreign
    Minister Eduard Nalbandian expressed his disappointment with the tacit
    support of most member states for what he described as Azerbaijan`s
    intense military build-up.

    Nalbandian warned the group that the weaponry Azerbaijan was purchasing
    would be used in battle one day.

    The minister also accused Azerbaijan of allegedly breaching the Moscow
    declaration. "Azerbaijan constantly issues belligerent statements
    which run counter to the declaration," he said and called on the OSCE
    chairman to monitor Azerbaijani statements.

    On the whole, however, the Armenian diplomat pointed to some progress
    in negotiations with Azerbaijan following the signing of this document.

    Baku reaffirms stance

    The Azerbaijani delegation also distributed a document at the
    OSCE ministers` meeting reaffirming Baku`s stance on the Garabagh
    conflict. The paper, in English, entitled "The principles on a peaceful
    settlement of the Upper Garabagh conflict," says Azerbaijan backs a
    negotiated resolution of the conflict, but its territorial integrity
    cannot be compromised under any circumstances and the country`s
    borders are both non-negotiable and inviolable.

    The document notes that the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities
    of Upper Garabagh can co-exist peacefully. However, it calls for
    the region`s integrity being restored strictly within Azerbaijan`s
    borders. Further, it calls for displaced Azeris to be returned,
    the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from occupied Azerbaijani
    territories and suitable conditions provided for cooperation.