19.12.2008 15:19
The Millennium Challenge Account - Armenia SNCO announced the award of
a contract to "SADE" (France) in consortium with "SHMSH-23" (Armenia)
for the rehabilitation of the first package of six main canals, a $5.7
million contract under the MCA-Armenia Irrigated Agriculture Project
Infrastructure Activity. The contract was signed at the MCA-Armenia
Offices on December 16 2008 by MCA-Armenia CEO Ara Hovsepyan and
Mr. Francis Marquiez of "SADE."
The first package rehabilitation works will involve sectional concrete
lining along approximately 4.2 kilometers of the Arzni-Shamiram main
canal and rehabilitation of the hydro-technical structures in the
sections of Artashat, Lower Hrazdan, Armavir, Talin, Arzni-Shamiram
and Shirak main canals that are in a critical state and require
immediate attention.
The contract also includes a pilot sub-component to test shotcrete
and other advanced technologies in lining of approximately 200m of
the canal. If successful, the shotcrete or other advanced technologies
will be applied in the future civil works for rehabilitation of canals
and hydro-technical structures.
The work will cover the Armenian marzes of Armavir, Aragatsotn,
Ararat, Kotayk and Shirak, and will begin in January 2009.
19.12.2008 15:19
The Millennium Challenge Account - Armenia SNCO announced the award of
a contract to "SADE" (France) in consortium with "SHMSH-23" (Armenia)
for the rehabilitation of the first package of six main canals, a $5.7
million contract under the MCA-Armenia Irrigated Agriculture Project
Infrastructure Activity. The contract was signed at the MCA-Armenia
Offices on December 16 2008 by MCA-Armenia CEO Ara Hovsepyan and
Mr. Francis Marquiez of "SADE."
The first package rehabilitation works will involve sectional concrete
lining along approximately 4.2 kilometers of the Arzni-Shamiram main
canal and rehabilitation of the hydro-technical structures in the
sections of Artashat, Lower Hrazdan, Armavir, Talin, Arzni-Shamiram
and Shirak main canals that are in a critical state and require
immediate attention.
The contract also includes a pilot sub-component to test shotcrete
and other advanced technologies in lining of approximately 200m of
the canal. If successful, the shotcrete or other advanced technologies
will be applied in the future civil works for rehabilitation of canals
and hydro-technical structures.
The work will cover the Armenian marzes of Armavir, Aragatsotn,
Ararat, Kotayk and Shirak, and will begin in January 2009.