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Fighting Adoption Of Resolution N 106 In Congress Should Be Turkey's

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  • Fighting Adoption Of Resolution N 106 In Congress Should Be Turkey's


    Dec 23, 2008

    International community's pressure upon Turkey in the issue
    of recognition of Armenian Genocide becomes stronger and
    stronger. Turkologist Ruben Safrastian, the Director of the RA
    NAS Institute of Oriental Studies, said at the December 22 press
    conference. According to him, if 7-8 years ago someone spoke in
    the U.S. about the Armenian Genocide committed in Turkey, he would
    be considered bribed by Armenians. And currently those denying the
    Genocide are considered bribed by Turks. The probability of adoption
    of Resolution N 106 on recognition of Armenian Genocide in Congress
    grows more and more, and next year fighting its adoption should be
    Turkey's primary task.

    According to R. Safrastian, the current Turkish authorities consider
    themselves Ottoman Turkey's descendants, therefore they fail to
    get rid of the policy of denying the Armenian Genocide. As to the
    participants of the signature collection on the website I Apologize,
    they are Turkish intellectuals making a small part of society.

    Expressing readiness to establish relations with Turkey without
    preconditions, Armenia showed a europeanized approach, which in R.

    Safrastian's opinion, is a very positive step. Armenia's "football
    diplomacy" was the continuation of that approach, to which Turkey
    responded to some extent.

    In R. Safrastian's opinion, putting forward the idea of "Caucasian
    platform" by Turkey was its attempt to oppose to strengthening of
    Russia's positions in the South Caucasus. After the August events
    the geopolitical situation in the region changed in favor of Russia,
    which dislocated its forces in Georgia's formal territories. By
    putting forward the idea of "Caucasian platform," Turkey tried to
    show an initiative in the political sphere. And Russia welcomed that
    initiative after Turkey renounced its initial plan to involve the U.S.

    For Turkey, it was very important how the South Caucasian countries
    will treat its initiative. Georgia abstained because of Russia and
    increased Armenia's role by doing so. According to the Turkologist,
    for the first time in history Armenia received a serious diplomatic
    value for Turkey, and an exclusive situation was formed, from which
    Armenia should be able to derive benefit.

    R. Safrastian said that Turkey's activity in the Nagorno Karabakh issue
    was also due to Russia's factor, which strengthening its geopolitical
    positions, decided to show political activity by initiating signing of
    Maindorf Declaration. According to the Turkologist, Turkey will hardly
    believe that Armenia will ever agree to Turkey's being a mediator in
    the Nagorno Karabakh settlement.

    According to R. Safrastian, Russia-Turkey possible rapprochement is
    much spoken about in the past 2-3 years. However indeed it is of
    purely economic nature. These two countries' geopolitical visions
    in the Caucasian region are mutually exclusive: both Turkey and
    Russia wish to involve the South Caucasus in the sphere of their
    influence. Therefore these countries' political rapprochement at the
    state level is improbable, and no real danger threatens Armenia in
    that respect.