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Support for Armenia Born Out of Faith

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  • Support for Armenia Born Out of Faith

    Dakota Voice, SD
    Dec 28 2008

    Support for Armenia Born Out of Faith

    American Minute from William J. Federer

    Armenia was the first nation to become Christian, with its capitol of
    Ani called the "city of a 1,001 churches."

    Muslim Turks began invading in the 11th century, making Christian
    second-class citizens called "dhimmi" and forcing boys to convert and
    serve the Muslim army as "Janissaries."

    When the Ottoman Empire declined in the 1800's, Greeks, Serbs and
    Romanians won independence, but Armenians were trapped by Sultan Abdul
    Hamid, who killed 100,000.

    During World War I, "Young Turks" murdered over a million men, women
    and children in a jihad, marching them into the desert without water,
    throwing them off cliffs or burning them alive. Armenian cities of
    Kharpert, Van and Ani were leveled. Russia came to their aid till the
    Bolshevik revolution began.

    Armenia's pleas at the Paris Peace Conference led President Wilson in
    a failed effort to make Armenia a U.S. protectorate. Woodrow Wilson,
    who was born DECEMBER 28, 1856, told Congress, May 24, 1920: "The
    Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has established the truth of the
    reported massacres and other atrocities from which the Armenian people
    have suffered... Sympathy for Armenia among our people has sprung from
    untainted consciences, pure Christian faith and an earnest desire to
    see Christian people everywhere succored in their time of suffering."

    William J. Federer is a nationally recognized author, speaker, and
    president of Amerisearch, Inc, which is dedicated to researching our
    American heritage. The American Minute radio feature looks back at
    events in American history on the dates they occurred, is broadcast
    daily across the country and read by thousand on the internet. ort-for-armenia-born-out-of-faith.html