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Three Initiatives of the Armenia Fund in Nagorno Karabakh

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  • Three Initiatives of the Armenia Fund in Nagorno Karabakh

    The Armenia Fund
    Governmental Buiding 3, Yerevan, RA
    Contact: Hasmik Grigoryan
    Tel: +(3741) 56 01 06 ext. 105
    Fax: +(3741) 52 15 05
    E-mail: [email protected]


    07 February, 2008

    Three Initiatives of the Armenia Fund in Nagorno Karabakh

    Yerevan, February 7, 2008 - The Armenia Fund's infrastructure initiatives in
    Nagorno Karabakh for the last month include three projects - renovation of
    the secondary school in Togh village, construction of a school extension to
    the school in Aknakhbiur village and a kindergarten in Mataghis village.
    Renovation of the Togh School in Hadrut region is extremely important fro
    the whole area. During the 1988-1990 Karabakh conflict the school and
    facilities suffered greatly and the building fell into disrepair: the roof
    is leaking and no longer safe, with no running water, there is no proper
    sanitation. Cold winter days added to hardships and discomfort. With the
    village water pipes frozen due to unprecedented low temperature, for more
    than a month now the villagers depend on the water carried from nearby
    springs. Residents say that it will be another month before the running
    water be restored and life is back to normal in the community. Today,
    some 100 students attend the school. They have their classes on the ground
    floor of the old school building, as well as are hosted by the nearby music
    school. Although rooms are heated by wood stoves, and are warm enough to sit
    in, students look forward to the completion of the renovation, when they
    will be able to have classes in well-lit, clean and heated classrooms. The
    Togh School was built in 1979. The left-side block of the building is being
    renovated within the Artsakh Rebirth Project (project cost AMD 139 million,
    around US$ 462.5 thousand). Currently, landscaping of the building and
    reinforcement of its foundations are being carried out. Within the coming
    months, internal water network and heating system will be built,
    refurbishment will be implemented. School surroundings will be improved too,
    to provide a welcoming environment for the students to be in. "I will
    finish school this year and, unfortunately, will not have a chance to enjoy
    the new school conditions, but the junior class students are absolutely
    delighted at the prospect of clean and beautiful classrooms," says Galina
    Avetissyan, an 11th grade student. Galina's favorite subjects at school are
    biology and chemistry, and she is quite certain about her plans for the
    future. She will enter the medical university, qualify for a surgeon, and
    then go back to her home village in the hope that it will then have a
    hospital, and she will be able to help the villagers, make their lives less
    tough. The only health facility in the community of over 700 is a small
    healthcare point. All those in need of professional medical assistance are
    rushed to Stepanakert hospital. "We thank the Armenia Fund for its
    invaluable support to us. For years we have been trying really hard to teach
    and educate our children as best as we could, but provision of adequate
    education under these circumstances is not very realistic. It feels great to
    know that in a few months we will have a modern school with enough space and
    facilities to also accommodate children from the neighboring communities of
    Jrakuiz, Mariamadzor, Taghut, Tsakuri Hakaku, Mokhrenes, Tumi," Vladik
    Ghahryan, director of the school said. Students also carry on with classes
    of piano, pipe, painting and chess. "Not for a single day we disrupted
    classes, not even during those harsh months of wartime with private homes
    sheltering us," the director added proudly. The new extension to the
    Aknaghbiur School with the community of over 330 aims at increasing the
    school capacity. The two-story building has 8 classrooms which is not enough
    to properly accommodate the 88 students attending the school. With extension
    in place the school will have 4 more classrooms. The school management
    expects to have the number of students rise to 120 in a few years. The
    project (cost AMD 24 million, around US$77.5 thousand) is being implemented
    through the sponsorship of The Armenia Fund French local committee.
    Currently the former school of the Mataghis village in Martakert region is
    being rebuilt into a kindergarten. The project (cost AMD 15 million, around
    US$ 66.5 thousand) is sponsored by the Armenia Fund Lebanese local
    committee. Donors have also taken care of the furniture for the place, so a
    nice surprise awaits youngsters of the village and their parents in a few
    months. It is noteworthy, that in 2007 The Armenia Fund completed
    construction of the new school in Mataghis. The deputy director of the
    school Nelli Gasparyan thanked the Armenia Fund working group for the
    support the Fund had given and said they were very pleased that more young
    people choose to stay in the village thanks to the new modern school - a
    welcome place for school children to study and young teachers to teach in.
    <During years, the Armenia Fund has given much attention to young people and
    their education by addressing their needs and interests. Along with the
    implementation of the Artsakh Rebirth Project, the Fund adopted and launched
    the Rural Development Program in Armenia and Karabakh which will provide a
    comprehensive solution to the problems of rural areas where there is a
    growing concern with the quality of life." said Vahe Aghabegians, the
    executive director of the Armenia Fund. ###
    The Armenia Fund