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Old rivalries flare up ahead of Armenian presidential vote

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  • Old rivalries flare up ahead of Armenian presidential vote

    Earthtimes, UK
    Feb 15 2008

    PREVIEW: Old rivalries flare up ahead of Armenian presidential vote
    Posted : Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:08:04 GMT
    Author : DPA

    Moscow/Yerevan, Armenia - In the Armenian presidential elections on
    Tuesday, incumbent Robert Kocharian is expected to relinquish power
    after 10 years at the helm to his successor Prime Minister Serzh
    Sarkasian. But as election day nears, opposition rallies have drawn
    larger crowds onto the streets, suggesting that all may not be
    settled in the first round of voting, upsetting the current Armenian
    leadership and its Russian backers.

    The landlocked post-Soviet state cradled in the Caucasus Mountains is
    in a volatile region that raises red flags both for questions of
    national security and as a potential transit route for oil exports
    from the Caspian Sea to the West.

    Armenia's first pipeline, which carries oil from Iran, is eyed by
    Russian energy giant Gazprom as well as neighbouring Georgia because
    it provides an alternative to Russian gas.

    But economic interests in the region are overshadowed by unresolved
    conflicts with neighbouring Azerbaijan and Turkey, which are
    complicated by third-party alliances with Russia and the West.

    The election frontrunner's fiercest challenge came when former
    president Levon Ter-Petrosian announced his comeback from a 10-year
    absence from politics at a rally that drew between 12,000 and 20,000
    people to the capital Yerevan's main square.

    Ter-Petrosian's chances at a run-off grew after an endorsement
    Tuesday from the opposition candidate Raffi Hovannisian, who withdrew
    as the candidate for the small Heritage Party.

    But according to a survey by British pollster Populus a day earlier,
    opposition candidate Artur Baghdasarian narrowly was leading
    Ter-Petrosian with 13.4 per cent while Hovannisian had 7.6 per cent
    among a field of nine presidential contenders.

    The poll showed 50.7 per cent voting for Sarkasian, just over the
    mark for first-round victory.

    Kocharin, who is barred from a third term, has repeatedly declared
    his favourite's de-facto victory - raising hackles that the vote will
    not be clean.

    Allegations of harassment and criticism of international election
    monitors have thrown a blanket on the campaign spoiling the memory of
    his popular election to power after forcing Ter-Petrosian's
    resignation in 1998.

    Ter-Petrosian's equally-boisterous speeches, meanwhile, have been
    attacked by government supporters for verging on plans for a coup.

    Rumours that Ter-Petrosian had unspoken US backing have drawn
    comparisons to the so-called Colour Revolutions in neighbouring post-
    Soviet states that saw pro-Western candidates overthrow Russian
    allied governments in Ukraine and Georgia.

    The United States has sought to expand its influence in the region
    and has butted against Russia's military presence in the small
    nation, strategically located between the oil-rich Caspian and Black
    Seas in the volatile Caucasus region.

    But in a battle pitting Kocharin's tapped successor against his
    predecessor, Armenian political analysts say memories of winters with
    chronic power cuts during the early 1990s will play against today's
    frustration with perceived corruption and lack of reforms.

    The harshest campaign exchanges have also heated up Armenia's
    long-standing tensions with Azerbaijan over the breakaway region of
    Nagorni Kharabakh occupied by Armenia - which last came to a head
    when Ter-Petrossian was ousted.

    The current Armenian president and prime minister have been dubbed
    "the Kharabakh Clan" after their origins and promise Armenia's
    continued presence in the region, while Ter-Petrossian is thought to
    be more willing to compromise.

    Thomas Gomart, head of the Russian/CIS programme at Paris-based
    Institut Francais des Relations Internationales, voiced concern over
    the "evolution of the rhetoric."

    "The disproportion in the two countries' military spending is
    worrying," he stressed, saying that Azeri's expenditure could be
    compared to the total Armenian budget.

    Observers also fear election instability could aggravate Turkey,
    whose denial of the Armenian genocide under the Ottoman Empire has
    led to a rift in relations.

    Armenia's large diaspora in Europe, mainly in France, and in the
    United States has lobbied hard for recognition of the genocide by
    their governments, which has stalled Turkey's EU accession talks.

    Facing blockades on two borders, Armenia is dependent on
    international aid and remittances from its large diaspora.

    Such external lobbies will turn disproportionate attention to the
    upcoming vote, which will test democracy in the young state.

    The US and EU have threatened to withdraw aid hinging on the fairness
    of Tuesday's vote, which will be monitored by over 400 international