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Search For Armenian Conspiracy In Azerbaijan

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  • Search For Armenian Conspiracy In Azerbaijan

    By H. Chaqrian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    National Interests

    Resulting in Efforts to Balance the Armenian Genocide with the
    "Massacre of Khojalu"

    The Azerbaijani villains, who declare murder Ramil Safarov a national
    hero for having assassinated an Armenian, is still unable to get
    rid of the habit of seeking out "Armenian conspiracies". This habit
    results in such absurd insinuations as spotting PKK armed forces in
    Karabakh and allegations of the "Massacre of Khojalu".

    The Turkish kemalists by all means assist the Azeris in their search
    for Armenian conspiracies. Azg had previously reported about another
    hysteria in Azerbaijan about Armenia deploying PKK troops in Karabakh
    and about the intentions to erect a memorial dedicated to the "victims
    of the massacre of Khojalu".

    The news are that on February 25 the Turkish press and television
    responded to the abovementioned statements of the Azerbaijani
    authorities. According to the Turkish mass media, the Azeris have not
    only opened the Khojalu monument, but also organized two conferences
    dedicated to the "massacre of Khojalu" (one was held in Berlin and
    the other in New York) and a rally of protest in Istanbul.

    The memorial of the "victims of Khojalu", as "Hurriyet" reports,
    was opened on February 24, Hague, due to the efforts of the
    "Turkish-Azerbaijani Culture" foundation. The monument was placed
    in the military Den Haag cemetery and Azerbaijani Ambassador to
    the Netherlands Iskandarov, Turkish Consul in Rotterdam Altug, as
    well as a number of other high-ranked officials were present to the
    inauguration ceremony. During it the Azerbaijani ambassador and the
    head of the "Turkish-Azerbaijani Culture" foundation announced that
    it was just the beginning and monuments commemorating the "Khojalu
    victims" are to be erected in many spots over the world.

    According to the Turkish Public Television, head of the Historic
    Society Yusuf Halacoglu was present to the "Khojalu massacre and the
    truth about 1915 events" conference in Berlin. The participants of
    the conference declared that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    by a number of countries is unfair and illegitimate.

    The conference in New York was organized by the Federation
    of Turkish-American Unions, the Azeri Union of America, and the
    Azerbaijani American Council. On the conference it was stated that the
    Armenians murdered 613 people in Khojalu, 106 women and 83 children
    among them, and the necessity of informing the world society about the
    "khojalu tragedy" was stressed.

    Referring to the demonstration in Istanbul it should be pointed out
    that the participants of the protest action carried "The massacre of
    Khojalu is a Genocide", "Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan" and other
    similar banners. Azerrbaijani Consul in Istanbul Salakhli and Meclis
    deputy Pashayeva were among the leaders of the demonstration. They
    declared, "Armenia accuses Turkey for having perpetrated a Genocide,
    while the Armenians did it themselves. The world must recognize the
    Genocide committed by Armenians in Khojalu".

    According to information provided by "Zaman", about 1000 people took
    part in the demonstration. How many people took part in the rest of
    the mentioned actions, the Turkish mass media does not inform.