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Tbilisi: West Discrediting itself in Georgia by Endorsing Polls

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  • Tbilisi: West Discrediting itself in Georgia by Endorsing Polls

    The FINANCIAL, Georgia
    Jan 11 2008

    `West Discrediting itself in Georgia by Endorsing Polls' -
    11/01/2008 10:04

    The FINANCIAL -- According to Civil Georgia, Davit Gamkrelidze, the
    opposition New Rights Party leader who run for presidency, said
    describing presidential elections by international observers and the
    United States as democratic was `cynical.'

    `I gave very critical assessment to a statement by U.S. Department of
    State and I am still criticizing it, according to which the United
    States says that elections in Georgia have been held in compliance
    with the democratic standards,' Gamkrelidze said while speaking in a
    political talk show, Primetime, aired by the Rustavi 2 TV. `This is
    cynical when you are telling the Georgian people that the January 5
    election was held in accordance to the democratic standards. By doing
    so the United States has undermined its reputation and questioned
    [Georgian public's] attitude towards the United States. I really do
    not want the Georgian people to change its pro-western stance and its
    attitude towards the west and towards democracy in general.'

    In his previous remarks on the same issue made on January 8, Davit
    Gamkrelidze, who according to the preliminary official results
    garnered slightly over 4% of votes, accused international observers'
    mainly positive conclusions about the election as `an ostrich-like

    Speaking on January 10, Gamkrelidze also highlighted what he called
    `a negative trend' that has been demonstrated in plebiscite results
    on Georgia's NATO-membership. Although no official information is yet
    available on how voters voted on NATO-membership, exit poll results
    said it was about 61%.

    `No one is yet analyzing what happened with a plebiscite on
    NATO-membership,' he said. `Everyone knows that several months ago,
    or a year ago public opinion polls were saying that Georgia's
    NATO-membership enjoyed with 82% of public support. Today the
    plebiscite showed only 62% supported - and here we should take into
    account that in Marneuli and Akhalkalaki [predominately populated
    with ethnic Azerbaijani and Armenian minorities, respectively]
    everyone marked Yes to NATO, almost 100% and in these regions level
    of awareness about NATO is almost zero - and despite of this fact we
    anyway have only 62%. So in several months support to NATO-membership
    has declined by 20% and do you know why? Because it is directly
    linked with Saakashvili, it is directly linked with the current
    regime and injustice imposed by this regime and people think: does
    NATO mean having injustice here?'

    He then said that the same was about the public attitude towards the
    United States. `If the people see that regardless of whether
    Saakashvili wins or not, he will anyway remain as a president and it
    will be endorsed by the United States, of course, that would mean
    discrediting American values, western values; this is alarming,'
    Gamkrelidze added.

    He then recalled a statement made by Mathew Bryza, the U.S. Deputy
    Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, who told the
    Georgian television stations, as it was translated, that elections
    were democratic.

    `It is unserious when my friend Matt Bryza tells opposition just a
    day, or so, after the elections that it is not right to act this way
    [apparently referring to the calls towards political parties to
    respect election results] and I will definitely tell him about my
    complaint when I meet him. They should not think that the Georgian
    people would hear everything what the Americans tell us; they should
    not play with fire. I really do not want the Georgian people to
    change its attitude towards America; unfortunately such a trend
    already exists,' Gamkrelidze, himself a strong pro-western
    politician, said. `It is becoming more and more difficult for me to
    defend pro-U.S. position with my voters; it is becoming more and more
    difficult for me to explain that the U.S. position is not supporting
    Saakashvili and that its position is supporting the Georgian people;
    but people do not see that this is true.'

    He then pointed out that unlike some U.S. officials the U.S.
    ambassador to Georgia, John Tefft, himself has not made yet any
    statements about the elections and he said `for that I am grateful to