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Ethiopia - What A Dubious Archaeological Finding?

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  • Ethiopia - What A Dubious Archaeological Finding?


    Recently I have read an article entitled: Archaeologists find queen
    of Sheba's palace at Aksum. The archaeologists from Hamburg Germany
    do believe in finding an altar of ancient Judaism. On the contrary,
    another group of German archaeologists have earlier presented their
    excavations from Yemen and there was a televised show about the queen
    of Sheba. Moreover, an English man has explicitly commented that the
    queen of Sheba could not be found in Africa. How could then the group
    led by Helmut Ziegert alleged to have discovered the palace of queen
    of Sheba at Aksum?

    Well and good let they assume she is from South Arabia. That doesn't
    matter. As the Arabian Peninsula was part and parcel of the African
    continent till the coming of European colonialism and expansion. The
    original inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula were black Africans and
    spoke a Cushitic language. Pastoralists with longhorn-and shorthorn
    type cattle occupied the Arabian Peninsula. The rock art of the
    Hametic Longhorn type in Yemen is similar to that found in central
    Sahara. Murdoc (1959) has correctly concluded that Cushitic-speaking
    nomadic pastoralists migrated with their longhorn (Bos taurus) cattle
    to Northeast Africa. According to Lenormant (1890), Diop (1974),
    Hailu Habtu (1987), Obenga, Teshale Tibebu, Asres Yenesew (1943),
    and Ayele Bekri (1997) a Kametic (Cushitic) empire existed throughout
    Arabia. Besides that pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C) conquered
    the Arabian Peninsula and Aksum annexed it twice to its African empire.

    The truth of the matter is, that many of the so-called Ethiopianst
    scholars, archaeologists and ethnologists have deliberately distorted
    the African origin of the Ethiopian civilization and were spreading
    hotchpotch just to undermine the Ethiopian role as torch bearer
    of freedom and the only bastion of African independence. The
    self-called Westerners make claim to own exclusively the ancient
    Egyptian civilization by flatly rejecting the cultural, geographical,
    historical and racial connections between Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and
    other parts of Africa.

    The objective of the excavation is said to document the "orgins of
    the Ethiopian state and the orthodox church." What a mess!!

    Unlike many west European countries including Italy and Germany,
    the Ethiopian state and people have a written history of more than
    five thousands years. Ethiopia does not need any documentation. Thus,
    it isn't at all their business to excavate at the ancient holly city
    of Aksum to distort and misinterpret. So far, there have been many
    archaeological excavations at Aksum. Most of them are the die-hard
    proponents of the "South Arabian origin

    of the Ethiopian civilization." Without even a carbon dating they
    have assigned very low dates not to negate the Euro centric world
    order of the 19 th century.

    The confused periodization of the Aksumite civilization has excluded
    its predecessor the Punite and Daamite civilization. In fact, Aksum
    is older than Memphis, Thebes, Napata, Athen, Rome, Jerusalem, and
    Sana etc.

    According to M. Gilbert who visited Ethiopia: There are no obelisks
    either at Rome or in Egypt, which can be compared to those at Aksum,
    whether as regards the workmanship or the height... The obelisks, in
    my opinion belong to the dynasty contemporary, or perhaps, anterior,
    to that of the pharaohs of Egypt.

    And yet Anno Dilmann one of the followers of Hegel manufactured in his
    discourse "uber die Anfänge des Axumitischen Reiches", the obelisks
    of Aksum, the rock-hewn churches etc. were carved by foreign (Egyptian
    and Greek) workers but not by Ethiopians. Little wonder in view of
    these bigots black Africans are incapable of making their own history
    and civilization. The Hegelian concept of history in the continental
    Africa begins with the colonial settlers from Europe. The hegemonies
    of Westerners are established by distorting the history of Africans,
    Asians and Native Americans and by romantic philosophy.

    The group from Hamburg perpetuates the same old story and confusion.

    On the one hand, it has become an accepted "truth" that queen of Sheba
    is from south Arabia (Yemen) and on the other hand her existence at
    Aksum in the first milllenium B.C is flatly rejected. She is declared
    the "legendary queen of Ethiopia" and Kibre Negest (The glory the
    kings) the supreme myth.of Ethiopia's Solomonic origins.

    The Christian Aksumite Empire in the sixth century during the
    reign of emperor Caleb was one of the four super powers, which was
    able to protect the Monophysite world. So the Copts have composed
    the substantial core of the Kibre Negest to glorify the Ethiopian
    monarch of the period i.e. emperor Caleb, as heir to Solomon. This
    is testified by the Armenian writer Abu Salih, living in Egypt in
    the late twelfth century.

    There are discrepancies between the "arrival of Judaism in Ethiopia"
    and the queen of Sheba as ruler of South Arabia (Yemen). In fact many
    Africans have customs in common with the ancient Hebrew nomadic pastor
    lists. Circumcision was and is an Ethiopian and Egyptian ritual and
    Moses leader and lawgiver of the Hebrew nomads was an Egyptian priest
    educated in all Egyptian wisdom and science of medicine. The Hebrew
    concept of creation as embodied in Genesis did not emerge before about
    1000 B.C. The earliest Egyption civilization and theory of creation
    appeared about 3000 B.C

    Therefore, "Judaism" did not arrive to Ethiopia or Africa. The Exodus
    is also from Africa to Western Asia. The most interesting books that
    constitute the Old Testament such as Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were in
    fact copy of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts namely the proverbs
    of Amen-em Ope.

    Ethiopia is one of the first countries, which were converted
    to Christianity. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has combined the
    teachings of the Old and the New Testament. The Orthodox Church of
    Armenia, Ethiopia, Syria and India maintained the one nature of God
    Eurocentriscts such as Adrian Hastings (1994) attribute this unique
    nature of the Ethiopian church to "Hebraic Influence" especially from
    the Hellenistic Judaism of Alexandria. He stated further that the early
    Christianity in Alexandria developed within a highly Jewish context and
    the practice of circumcision became established as a characteristic
    of Egyptian Christianity. The apostles to Rome and Greece were all
    Greek speaking Hebrews. Why then there was not Hebraic influence of
    circumcision and the Ark of the Covenant in "European Christianity"? In
    western Europe after the collapse of the Western Empire began the
    erosion of the sacred imagined community. Subsequently Pseudotheology
    and the so-called romantic philosophy developed instead of Hellenistic
    Judaism. This resulted in Anti-Semitism and flagrant racism since the
    eighteenth century and culminating in the Holocaust mankind's tragedy.

    It is reported that the cult of Sothis developed in Ethiopia with
    the arrival of Judaism and the Ark of the Covenant at Aksum.

    This assumption is sheer nonsense and is in contradiction with what
    they have previously propagated about the Felashas. The Felashas (the
    so-called Ethiopian Jew) were not accepted by Zionists as racially

    Thanks to the overthrow of the oldest traditional monarchy in the
    world and the coming of the cold war into Ethiopia that the Felashas
    were recognized as "Jew" for the sake of geopolitical strategies.

    The question now to ask is, when and where did start the so-called
    the cult of Sothis at Aksum?

    The birth of our calendar Ancient Egypt and Ethiopians use the solar
    calendar, which has a yearly cycle of twelve months, and it begins
    in September after the end of the rainy season when the great Nile
    River overflowed its banks and the flora of the Ethiopian highland
    begins to bloom.

    A precise astronomical determination of the day on which the brightest
    of the fixed stars, Sirius, rose on the horizon together with the
    sun and remained visible for a few moments until it faded with the
    advance of dawn. This natural phenomenon was called the rising of
    Sirius. Each of the twelve months consisted of thirty days. As the
    year consisted of 365 days, the extra 5 days were added at the end of
    the year as the birthdays of the great gods and observed as festivals
    during which no work was done.

    The priests of the Nile valley were also aware of still missing a
    quarter of a day (365 1/ 4) days.

    Ancient Ethiopians knew that it would take Sirius 1460 years (365* 4)
    to get back exactly to the same point on the horizon. This is known
    as the Sothic cycle. Sothic being the Greek name for Sirius.

    The Greek borrowed the Egyptian solar calendar, art, architecture,
    engineering, astronomy, mathematics, medicine and other sciences
    almost two and half millennia later. The black people of the Nile
    valley are the pioneer of science, medicine, geometry, law, astronomy,
    architecture, agriculture, philosophy, etc.

    The myth of Semitic Arabia

    The "Semitic Arabian origin" and the "diffusion" of any other
    civilization into the highlands of ancient Ethiopia were invented
    to minimize the testimony of the splendour stelae of ancient Aksum,
    its numerous historical artefacts, the dressed statues and foremost
    to falsify its cultural, geographical and racial relationship with
    Nubia and ancient Egypt along the Nile river from south to north. When
    did civilization started in ancient Greece? Ethiopia and Egypt are
    the cradle of civilization and mankind. The Greeks got later all
    wisdom and knowledge from the Nile valley in Africa and the Middle
    East. They continually recorded and passed to the late generation,
    which they had learnt, orally from the learned men of Africa.

    Martin Bernal's Black Athena does corroborate theses facts that
    Afro-Asiatic languages and the Nile Valley ancient civilization are
    the fundamental basis of the Greco-Roman civilization. When ancient
    Greece and its successor Rome count their civilization by centuries,
    ancient Egypt and Ethiopia of Africa can count by millennium, and
    the remains of that splendour now eclipse the remains of any other
    country in the world.

    Unlike ancient Egypt, the independent existence of the Ethiopian
    nation since time immemorial in the in the heart of Africa is a thorn
    in the flesh of all racists and colonial aspirants of the 19th century.

    It would be better for all "archaeologists" to excavate the legendary
    palace of king Solomon in Palestine rather than fabricating age-old
    Eurocentric views on Africans. There has been neither archaeological
    nor historical evidence for the existence king Solomon and his
    palace. The Bible is neither a historical record of past nor an
    ethnographic description.

    On the other hand, the kings of Egypt and Ethiopia have left numerous
    inscriptions to testify their existence in time and space.

    The non-African dogmatic belief that the Sabean "Semitic colonists"
    from the Arabian Peninsula are the creators of the Ethiopian
    civilization, its culture, religion and language is the most pervasive
    Eurocentric manipulation.

    In the 19th century there was an ethnographic show of "noble savages"
    in west European and North American metropolis. Black Africans,
    red Indians especially Pygmies from central Africa, Zulus and Somali
    children riding an ostrich were on show in many zoological gardens. As
    the ethnographic exhibition reached it climax, the Ethiopian black
    people led by Emperor Minelik won a decisive victory over the European
    colonial power at the famous battle of Adwa in 1896. Thereafter,
    Ethiopians were explained away to be "Caucasoid" white colonists from
    southwestern Asia (Arabian Felix).

    Since Ethiopia repulsed and resisted the scramble of Africa, Westerners
    and their social engineers used science and pseudotheology to propagate
    all sorts of anti-Ethiopian conspiracies such as the "Hametic and
    Semitic" myths have been systematically fabricated. Any traces of
    civilization on the African soil is claimed to be the brainchild of the
    "Hametic super race." So the great wall of Zimbabwe was attributed to
    be the work of ancient colonists of the Middle East. The "Hamaites
    and the Semites" were assumed to be immigrants from the Middle
    East. Wainwright (1949) and Jeffery (1954) propagated the once
    commonly held idea that the monumental sites of the Great Zimbabwe
    were produced by the nomadic Oromo (Galla) invaders from Ethiopia in
    the ninth century.

    Europeans of the eighteenth century such as Gobineau devised
    a hierarchy of races in accordance with the theory of social
    Darwinism. Thereby, 'whites' especially the Anglo-Saxon (Teutons) race
    was placed in the phyla of 'Caucasoid' at the apex, the 'Mongoloid
    and Semite' in between and the so-called 'Negroid race' at the
    bottom of the ladder. Besides that the mythology of Indo-Germanic,
    Aryan Herrenvolkism, was made up by some half-educated East Indian
    company social engineers being called Orientalists just to exploit
    and subjugate the Indian sub-continent

    Occidental Christians who call themselves Catholic and the several
    Protestant denominations have no difference in their theology. The
    political fragmentation and the religious upheaval of the sixteenth
    century are due to the power struggle between the Romance and
    Germanic nations of Western Europe. It should not be forgotten that
    the so-called Catholic crusaders of Western Europe in the 12-century
    ransacked Constantinople, the metropolis of the Byzantine Empire.

    The growth and global expansion of capitalism began with enslavement
    of Africans, Asians and Americans. The Bible was then used to justify
    enslavement of black Africans. According to some western theological
    school the "curse of Noah" was the main cause for blackness but not
    the melanin in the dermal tissue.

    Zionists are using the fabulous story of queen of Sheba to steal
    the Ethiopian unique cultural heritage. Consequently the Felasha
    were converted to Zionism and displaced from the land of their
    birth. The campaign of displacing has no end. Zionists are conspiring
    to depopulate and uproot Ethiopian Christianity in the disguise of
    Judaism. Orthodox Christian Agaus (Felasha Mura) are collected from
    their villages to be lifted to Palestine. The Flashas who are now in
    Israel are victims of racial abuses and are guinea pigs for bigoted
    sociologists and anthropologists.

    What is Semitic?

    Semitic is a designation for a group of languages both in Africa
    and Asia. Schloezer introduced the term. According to the Genesis,
    people who spoke the Semitic languages are the decendants of Shem
    the son of Noah. On the other hand, the term Cushitic is given to the
    nations of kam, the son of Noah and the father of Cush. The Biblical
    classification of nations is founded neither upon linguistic nor upon
    'race'. The term Hameto-Semitic was introduced by the famous German
    Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius and is now replaced by Afro-Asiatic
    language family. Afro-Asiatic languages originated from Ethiopia.

    "Proto-Semitic" language speakers have lived in the Ethiopian
    Rift Valley and plateaus since prehistory. In central and southern
    Ethiopia, there are thousand obelisks with hieroglyphic signs. They are
    widespread in southern and central Ethiopia extending from Gurageland
    to Lake Turkana. Father Azias has studied these ancient monuments.

    The "Semitic" family is divided into three branches: eastern,
    northwestern and Southern. Arabic and Ethiopic (Geez) belong to
    southern Semitic. Semitic speaking people are not from the same
    race. For example different races such as black and brown speak the
    Arabic language. On the other hand the Cushitic and the so-called
    Ethio-semitic speaking people in Africa belong to the same race
    (ethiopid race).

    The languages of Africa in general and that of Ethiopia in particular
    have been classified based on geography and racial basis. The
    Semitic and Cushitic dichotomy is an occidental divisive hypothesis
    masterminded by Leo Reinisch. In the age-old Ethiopian tradition it
    does not exist The Ethiopian classical language Geez is classified
    as the house of Kam. The son of Kam is Kush (Kusa, Kusayi). The
    holly city of Aksum was founded by Kush the first son of Kam. Aksum
    means the metropolis of Cushites. According to Aleka Taye the Agaw,
    the Amahara, the Gurage, the Argoba and the Tigree people of Ethiopia
    have a common ancestor.

    Therefore, it is time to rectify the fake division of the Ethiopian
    people into Cushitic and Semitic groups.

    For example, the Amharic language cognates more than 70 % to the
    Agaw language of central Ethiopia and yet Amharic is classified by
    western "scholars" as "Semitic" and the Agaw language as " Hametic
    or Cushitic." Geez is not a south Semitic language. It did not origin
    from south Arabia but in the heart of Africa in the Nile Valley. Geez
    is more ancient and more grammatically superior to Aramaic, Arabic
    and Greek.

    There has been a considerable difference of opinion among genuine
    linguists as to the criteria to be applied when identifying an Ethiopic
    (Geez) language as a Semitic. The late Soviet scholars A.B Dolgopolsky
    and Igor Diakonoft did not classify Ethiopic as a "south Semitic". Geez
    must have its own independent classification. Some characteristics,
    which do not allow Geez to classify it into "Semitic" language: - the
    indication of the vowels, - has no definite Article, - its grammar is
    purely Kametic, - posses very hard sound like Qe, Ge, Te, etc - Geez
    and all other related Ethiopian languages have a sharp distiction
    between imperfect and subjenction - Geez is written from left to
    right unlike the so-called Semitic scripts like Arabic and Hebrew.

    True, Geez has come into contact with other neibouring languages such
    as Aramaic, Acadian, Greek, Arabic, and Coptic etc. In this regard
    the role played by Judaeo-Christian missionaries and merchants is
    very significant. They had brought new vocabularies, which Geez has in
    common with other languages. Geez did not originate from Sabean. Quite
    contrary Sabean was derived from Hymaritic, a language that was
    spoken in province of Ethiopia across the Uatur or the Red Sea. The
    Sabean inscription found in Yemen is not older than 100 BC. The very
    old inscription of Sabean emanated from the oldest city at Jeha in
    ancient Ethiopia. Geez does not resemble Sabean in vocabulary, syntax
    and proper name. Most of the inscription found Yemen is a contemporary
    record of events during the Aksumite Ethiopia. Inscription written
    in Geez and Sabean from Ethiopian Soil date back to 6th century B.C
    The different ethnic groups and languages of Ethiopia have become a
    guinea pig for western "scholars" who are using their art and science
    of divisiveness. In the name of self-determination of ethnic groups
    the ancient black nation has to be partitioned into Bantustans,
    which would be vassal states loyal to westerners.

    The Origins of the Ethiopian State The Ethiopian region extending
    from East Africa to the Upper Egypt was settled in the early
    Palaeolithic period. As a result of climatic change, the different
    tribes of Ethiopia were forced to live in the savannas surrounding
    the Nile. They become hunters, fruit gatherers and fishers. The
    drying up of the savannah during Neolithic period resulted in mass
    dispersion of the population to the different parts of Africa, the
    Middle East and southwest Asia. Some Ethiopians migrated towards
    the southern parts of Africa in the direction of Congo and Zambezi
    basins and others went towards the west along the banks the river Oya
    (Niger). In the most ancient time black people inhabited the northern
    part of Africa and the Middle East. The Sumerians were black people
    who lived in Mesopotamia. The indigenous inhabitant ants of the Indian
    sub-continent, the Dravidians, the original inhabitants of Australia,
    Tasmania, and Polynesia, New Zealand are all black people.

    Population pressure resulted in the hunters to become
    stockbreeders. This transition took place along the banks, valleys and
    deltas of the rivers. The most ancient farming settlement of Africa
    in the Nile Valley gave rise to the successive culture of the various
    tribes of Africa. In the Nile valley and the Ethiopian plateau the
    struggle for land and cattle ensued from the development the petty
    states. From an aggregation of these states grew the ancient Ethiopian
    state and civilization contemporary to ancient Egyptian. Ethiopians
    have nothing to do with the so-called Sabean immigrants from Arabia.

    The Greek historian Herodotus (480- 425 B.C) who visited Egypt
    has described the relationship between the Ethiopians and the
    Egyptians. They alone among mankind have practised circumcision since
    time immemorial and others such as the Phoenicians and Syrians learnt
    the practice from the Egyptians and Ethiopians.

    According to Diodorus of Sicily, Greek historian, Ethiopia colonized
    Egypt. At the beginning of the world Egypt was simply a sea but
    the Nile carrying down vast quantities of loam from Ethiopia in
    its flood waters, finally filled it in and made it part of the
    continent Kamit or Kmt was the native name of ancient Egypt, which
    means the black land. The Biblical Kam is most probably derived from
    Kamit. Ancient Kamit and Ethiopia were part and parcel of the black
    man's civilization in the world. A genuine scholar of history cannot
    separate ancient Ethiopia and Egypt. Racists have flatly asserted that
    ancient Egyptians were whites and distorted the development of history
    in the Nile Valley. They have no ears and eyes for everything, which
    the black man did and does in the history of mankind. Time and again
    it has been propagated in the name of science and history the theory
    of "superior and inferior" races. The black race is categorically
    characterised as uncivilized. And anything of African origin is
    thought to be either imported or diffused from Europe or Asia. For
    example Carlo Conti Rosisini one of the pseudoethiopianst claimed that
    Treatise Zara Yakob and of Walde Heywat were the work of an Italian
    Missionary named Giusto D'Urbino in the 19th century. Zera Yakob was
    the famous Ethiopian philosopher in 17th century.

    According to the hieroglyphic text an authentic civilization began as
    early as 2500 B.C in Ethiopia. The successive Punt, Damat and Axumite
    civilizations have their root in Africa (Jacqueline Pirenne, Du Bois,
    Drsuilla Dunjee Houstone, Rodolfo Fatovitch, 1987).

    Punt the Land of the Abasha Ancient Egyptians hieroglyphic records
    of more than thirteen centuries (2500-1170 BC) bear the existence
    of the country called PWNT (Punt) and its people called Abesha in
    Northeast Africa. Punt was a holy land (Taneter) and was regarded as
    an ancestral homeland of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

    In the 5 th Dynasty at the height of the Pyramid Age began the earliest
    record on Punt during the reign of Sahure (2450 BC). Sixty years later
    there is a record on the expidtion to Punt land led by Harhuf. He
    brought back a dancing dwarf (denk). Pharaoh Pepi II (2270 BC) sent
    an expidition to Punt.

    During the reign of Senusert II one of the most interesting records
    of that age was a group of 37 Aamu of Shu brought a tribute of
    Kolh. The leader of the delegation leading a tamed ibex, his title
    and name is before him heq setu Abasha, which means princes of the
    hill country. Abasha means the father of a present. The inscription
    of Wadi Hammamat from the XI Dynasty (2134-2040 B.C) records the
    expedition to the holy land of Punt by the high offical Henu. Punt was
    one of the countries supposed to be under the jurisdiction of Hathor,
    the godess of beauty (nbt Pun). In the in script of the XII Dynasty
    reads: uru nu pun, which means the chiefs of Punt greet you the king
    of Kemet and the son of the nine nations (peoples). Horus had also
    the nickname nb Pun (Lord of Punt).

    The scotish traveller James Bruce in the 18 th centuries has seen
    a stela inscribed in hieroglyphs sign at Aksum, which was dedicated
    to Horus. The god Horus was son of Isis and Osris. The reigning king
    was regarded as the living Horus. In ancient Egypt the king was not
    a mortal, he was a god.

    This stela was stolen and is now in Scotish Museum.

    Queen Hatshepsut (1486-1468 BC) who declared herself the daughter Amon
    and ruled as Pharaoh sent the famous Punt expidtion and erected the
    two great oblisks at the Temple of Kranak. Besides that she built the
    magnificently beautiful tomb and temple complex at Deir el-Bahri. The
    voyage to Punt land was depicted in the entire south-end wall of the
    Temple. Bas-relief shows the Punites and their chief named Parahu
    and his wife Atiya.

    The fleet brought back gums, myrrh, frankincense, Civet, baboon,
    cattle, asses, ebony, balsam Ostrich feather, electrum, Panther skins,
    rhino, Work people, gold, malachite, lapis lazuli Ebony, Giraffe,
    spices etc.

    Tuthmosis II (1490-1436 B.C) has twice received the products of
    Punt. The trade expidtion was bilateral. The Punites undertake an
    expidition via the Red Sea coast during the reign of Tuthmosis II and
    Amenophis III (1391-1353 B.C) and this was depicted in the private
    tomb-chapels of four high Thebean officials.

    The expidition sent by Ramesses III (1184-1153 BC) to Punt is recorded
    in the Great Papyrus Harris I.

    The location of Punt and its geographical extent has been precisely
    determined (K.A Kitchen, 1990). The Gulf of Aden and the Afar-Somali
    coast have been discarded. Any non-African location of Punt had been
    excluded once and forever.

    The XXVI th Dynasty (715-664 BC) left us a valuable stela, which reads:
    ... Rain fall upon the mountain of Punt... rain was a scarcity in the
    southern provinces... this month in which its rain was, when it was not
    the season (for) it, even in the delta towns; your mother (the godess)
    Neith had brought it for you - a Nile-flood to sustain your forces.

    Rain falling in the mountains of Punt and the subsequent Nile
    inundation into Egypt has shown that Punt was located in the
    northwest Ethiopian highlands. The ebony (Dalbergia melanoxylm)
    obtained from Punt was from the regions of northwester Ethiopia
    (Gojam and Begemider).

    The Abasha people of Punt did not come from anywhere; they are the
    indigenous black, red and brown Africans since time immoral.

    Bas-reliefs in Deir-al Bahari at Thebes depict the Ethiopians
    cultivating myrrh and incense in the land of Punt. The people of Punt
    belonged to the same race as Pharaoh of Egypt (Kemit). In ancient
    Egypt there were four types of human races: red, yellow, black and
    white (H. Brugsch, 1858)

    Linguistic Relation

    The ancient Egyptian language is related to many Ethiopian languages
    such as Agaw, Amharic, Tigrigna, Kunama, Wolamigna, Keficho, Gonga,
    Gafat and Geez. All have in common monosyllabic words. Above all, the
    formation of the plural in Amharic is derived from ancient Egyption
    language (W.Vyciciil, 1952). Many Egyptian words and grammer cognates
    with Amharic, Geez, Tigrigna and Agaw For example: ATEB (land, region),
    AT (queen, mistress; great lady), ATI (King, emperor) BER (door, Gate),
    MUT (death), MEMSHER (Evening), MERA (to guide), MERIT (earth), MESS,
    HARA, SEWU (man), SEET (women), SHIFTA, TARE (Enemy), TENA (to grow
    old, old aged man), TUAA (Morning), etc. (E.A W Budge, 1978).

    The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system like Geez has only first order
    character. Furthermore, the Merotic Ethiopian alphabet has resemblance
    with the Geez. A six lines seal of queen Hendike Taktidamini from
    the ancient city of Merowe is to be seen in Berlin Museum. Two dots
    are used to separate words the same as in Geez, Amharic and Tigrigna.

    The so-called Roman and Greek alphabets were derived form the
    "semitic" consonantal alphabet that emanated from Egyptian hieroglyphic
    writing. This was witnessed by the work of Sir William Flinders Petrie
    who discovered the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions and Sir Alan Gardiner
    who proved the "semitic alphabet" is derived from Egyption hieroglyphic
    writing system. At the temple to goddess Hathor in Sinai Peninsula,
    an inscription which was to be read as Baalat was discovered.

    The word Baal in Geez, Amharic and Tigrigna is a sacred term. Baal is a
    religious anniversary, a day of rest and festivity celebrated weekly,
    monthly or yearly. For example: Ethiopian and ancient Egyptian New
    Year in the first half of September Gena (Xmas) on the 7th January

    The Proto-Sinaitic alphabet is directly related to Ethioipian
    Geez alphabet than to any other so-called North-western Semitic
    family. Ethiopic (Geez) and ancient Egyptian writing systems are the
    origin of the alphabet.

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