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The Roles Were Cast In A Precise Manner

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  • The Roles Were Cast In A Precise Manner

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on July 23, 2008

    The disorders were supervised by one centre

    VAHAGN HAROUTYUNYAN, senior investigator of the Special Investigative
    Service of the General Prosecutor's Office and Head of the
    Investigative Group, was invited to yesterday's session of the NA
    interim committee investigating the March 1-2 events. The purpose
    of his participation was to give details on the circumstances of the
    prosecution of the 3 MPs who are currently under arrest.

    Judging by all, the committee members have finally started acting as
    the advocates of the people accused of organizing the acts of violence
    of March 1. Following this logic, yesterday they "cross-examined"
    the Head of the Investigative Group, in an attempt to presume Sasoun
    Mikayelyan, Myasnik Malkhasyan and Hakob Hakobyan innocent.

    Let's note at once that V. Haroutyunyan refuted the false allegations
    that those people were deprived of immunity and arrested without
    supporting facts and convincing arguments and are now kept in isolation
    cells in the status of "hostages", without being interrogated.

    With regard to the other defendants charged by Articles 300 and 225
    (usurping state power and organizing mass disorders), Head of the
    Investigative Group said that, "there are sufficient proofs and
    assumptions that the crime was commit ted according to a previously
    agreed plan. In particular, there were sufficient grounds to bring
    charges against the three MPs, and later additional proofs were
    obtained as a result of the inquest which is still in process."

    The charge brought against Sasoun Mikayelyan are substantiated "both
    by the testimonies of a number of witnesses and the large quantity of
    ammunition recognized as material evidence." There are no policemen
    among the witnesses interrogated in that connection; there are only
    civilians whose testimonies were not published, considering the
    interests of the inquest.

    In any case, due to the "organizational efforts" of Sasoun Mikayelyan,
    "Iron sticks and clubs were brought to the Freedom Square and were
    later carried to the territory surrounding Myasnikyan's Statue and
    the Mayor's Office. He called for continuing the acts of violence
    against the representatives of the authorities with the purpose of
    usurping power."

    As regards the speculations that the MPs are interrogated in very
    rare cases, this is simply misinformation, "All the three MPs were
    interrogated, each of them - from 8 to 10 times. It's a different
    matter that all the three of them refused to take part in the

    With regard to the fact that the MPs carried out their work in a
    superficial manner, V Haroutyunyan noted, "How could the activities =0
    D have lasted long if the person refuses to take part in the process
    and is reluctant to give testimony. In particular, S Mikayelyan
    left the interrogation room several times refusing to answer the
    interrogator's questions." All the investigative operations with the
    accused, including the MPs, were recorded in the registration book
    in a manner prescribed by law.

    According to the Head of the Investigative Group, the MPs and the
    other people were charged by Article 225, considering that "they
    involved people in the operations, supplied them with ammunition,
    called for mass disorders, incited the participants to violence and
    disseminated provocative information."

    Of the 15 witnesses who gave testimony in connection with Myasnik
    Malkhasyan's case, one person was an MP. One of the witnesses confessed
    that right after the mass disorders, "M. Malkhasyan was seen by some
    people while passing by the Circus and was asked why they had cancelled
    the operations and gave an instruction discontinue the activities,
    and what they were planning to do afterwards. And Malkhasyan answered
    that this was the right thing to do at that moment, and everything
    would be clear in future."

    V. Haroutyunyan refuted the V. Malkhasyan's allegation that no charges
    were brought against him for 10 days following his arrest, and the
    color of the "well-known" stick was changed the day after. Instead,
    he confirmed the fact that their finger-prints were not to be found
    there because, being in a state of confusion, the policemen passed
    this attribute - the so-called material evidence, from hand to hand,
    and conducting a fingerprint expertise was found unnecessary in such

    There are more charges brought against Hakob Hakobyan. According to
    the data obtained, he not only provoked the activists into disorders,
    but also paid for the "special means" used by them. It was due to
    his "funding" that "bottles filled with easily inflammable liquid
    were thrown to the policemen, and the people were forced into mass
    disorders under the threat of being dismissed from their jobs.

    With regard to H. Hakobyan's case, 100 witnesses were interrogated,
    and there are testimonies substantiating his crime through direct
    as well as circumstantial evidence. There is also a concrete person
    who confessed that they had received weapons. Among the dead, there
    are people who had direct connections with H. Hakobyan; they were
    recruited by him and complied with his instructions.

    All in all, there was a precise role-casting as to who was to incite
    disorders, who was to procure iron sticks and weapons and who was
    to distribute them among the "peaceful demonstrators". All this was
    organized and supervised by some center, and one of the objectives
    of the inquest is to find out what center it=2 0is," Head of the
    investigative group assured the participants.

    In response to the question of "Hayots Ashkharh", V. Haroutyunyan said
    that the special measures had caused the death of three civilians, and
    three more people had died as a result of receiving fire-arm injuries;
    one person had died as a result of an injury caused by a blunt tool,
    and one was killed by a transparent bullet of unknown calibers. Two
    of the dead people were military servants; one of them was killed by
    the explosion of a grenade and the other - by a transparent bullet.

    The investigative body has not yet made any decision with regard to
    the legality of the special measures undertaken; the investigation
    of the case is in process.