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Program Of Reforms In Armenian Army Continues

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  • Program Of Reforms In Armenian Army Continues


    JU LY 24

    The program of army reforms is in the focus of attention of the RA
    Defence Ministry. Proper legislative amendments are prepared according
    to that program. RA Defence Minister Seyran Ohanian said on July 23,
    on the occasion of 100 days of his taking his post. According to him,
    100 days are not enough to solve big problems, but it is not his first
    100 days, and he continues fulfilling the tasks set before Armenia's
    Armed Forces in 2008. The program of army reforms is envisaged to
    be finished in 2015. As for the law On Defence, that bill has been
    already approved by the government and has been sent to the National
    Assembly, where it will be discussed during the autumn session.

    S. Ohanian said that two big command-headquarters exercises were held
    in the above mentioned period, the Rubezh-2008 joint exercises in one
    of Armenian army's contingents and within the framework of CSTO. A
    special attention was paid to perfection of contract sergeant service,
    provision of army with ammunition and military equipment and their
    modernization. Work has been done to strengthen fighting positions,
    to ensure security at the contact-line.

    According to the Minister, along with success, there have also been
    some omissions during the 100 days, and society is aware of part of
    them. S.

    Ohanian informed those present that an official investigation is
    carried out in the Ministry on serviceman Gor Manasarian's murder. The
    Minister said that the latter of his own free will had left the
    positions during military duty, and information about his death was
    received from the website of Azerbaijan's Defence Ministry. As regards
    the four citizens entering the territory of Azerbaijan, the Minister
    had no new information about their fate.