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Diaspora Does Not Unanimously Treat Invitation To Turkish President

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  • Diaspora Does Not Unanimously Treat Invitation To Turkish President


    JU LY 24

    The invitation of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to Turkish
    President Abdullah Gul to watch together the Armenia-Turkey football
    match to be held on September 6 in Yerevan was not perceived
    unanimously in the Diaspora. Ashot Grigorian, the Chairman of the
    Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (FAAE), the head of the
    Armenian community of Slovakia, said in his interview to Noyan Tapan
    correspondent that there is a whole aggravated army of opponents to
    that proposal in different Diasporan communities. According to their
    evaluation, such an issue having a very serious hint of recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide should not have been raised without discussing
    it with the Diaspora, as one should not forget that the two third
    of the Armenian people is in the Diaspora, which is too sensitive to
    the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    "Yes, we understand that to get the issue of Armenian-Turkish relations
    moving the RA President can invite Turkish President Gul to Armenia and
    at the same time announce that the issue of Genocide is inviolable,
    is beyond any discussions and make Turks understand that at least
    for Armenians, there is nothing to clear up. There is also nothing to
    clear up for the countries that have recognized the fact of Armenian
    Genocide by adopting resolutions by their parliaments. There is also
    nothing to discuss with all other countries, which consider that the
    Genocide is a fact beyond discussions, but do not wish to touch upon
    that issue not to sadden Turkey or to make it angry," the FAAE Chairman
    said adding that "the only need to discuss the issue exists in Turkey."

    According to A. Grigorian, the RA President can say to President
    Gul that we are ready to help Turks for them also to agree to the
    world's opinion. He can say so when shaking hands with President
    Gul after the football match and during an intimate talk. However,
    let us not forget that Gul also masters diplomacy and will try to
    give a counter-blow to that with steps prepared in advance. And
    the Diaspora is much concerned with the outcome of that fight. The
    Diaspora is afraid that suddenly, God forbid, an unexpected shift may
    take place in the solution of our basic issue, that of recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide. As the idea of discussion in itself is already
    a terribly big regress for an issue adopted by many parliaments and
    brought to the axiomatic state. "The idea of discussion in itself
    is already a defeat for Armenian diplomacy, not to mention the real
    prospect of receiving a result fraught with dangers," the Chairman of
    the Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe stated. As he evaluated,
    moving the issue to the political plane gives a great possibility
    for Turkey that found the way of denial.

    According to A. Grigorian, his many contacts with representatives
    of the Diaspora permit him to state that the Diaspora is upset that
    their opinion has not been taken into consideration for dozens of
    years and it goes on up to the present.

    In A. Grigorian's words, as it had been repeatedly stated at the FAAE
    conference held in late May, today the Diaspora supports the Armenian
    statehood, gives all its forces and abilities to support the newly
    elected President's policy and development of democracy in Armenia,
    but expects the current RA President to show an abrupt, revolutionary
    approach to the Diaspora and Diaspora's problems.

    "We support all his steps leading to strengthening of the RA statehood,
    we believe that the Armenian figures of the Diaspora, who have already
    proved their authority to the world with Diaspora's serious, active,
    numerous results, will be involved in the process of strengthening
    Armenia's statehood, and first of all, will be involved in the
    Public Council, which, in our opinion, will have a great future if
    figures well acquainted with Armenia's domestic and foreign policy
    are represented there in a balanced way," A. Grigorian stated. He
    added that he has discussed this statement with the chairmen of the
    Hask Hamaynk Armenian NGO of U.S., Council of Armenian Intellectuals
    of America, and other organizations.