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Energy Transformation Law in Politics

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  • Energy Transformation Law in Politics


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on July 26, 2008

    Judging from all Armenian National Congress, at least by Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan's format, won't be formed. If the members of
    `Hanrapetutyun' and the Social-Democratic Hnchakyan party staffed with
    the former members of Armenian Pan National Movement have made up their
    minds to become congressmen, People's Party of Armenia and `Heritage'
    party have no similar intentions, because they say they will never take
    a step that jeopardizes their existence.

    In particular Chairwoman of `Heritage' administration Anahit Bakhshyan
    announced yesterday that they would not be part of Armenian National
    Congress but they can cooperate `in all the possible forms'.

    Taking into consideration this situation yesterday MP belonging to RPA
    Armen Ashotyan expressed an opinion in the National Press Club that
    even in this heat `the energy of the post-election developments didn't
    extinguish, instead it transforms into different phenomena and

    The MP considers the transformations taking place in the
    pro-governmental domain the guarantee of the settlement of the problems
    faced by the country and the people.

    `We have a new pro-government logic. The new government, in the person
    of the President and the Prime Minister are trying to use new tools
    give the best settlement to the problems faced by the country. All this
    has been planed in Serge Sargsyan's pre-election program and is in the
    process of implementation. As for the post election developments, I
    must confess, they gave additional necessity for making swifter
    reforms. The impatience of the society and the post election apathy
    requires from the ruling power to make more efforts.'

    Armen Ashotyan states the pro-oppositional camp also needs `energy
    transformation'. `Of course we shouldn't take seriously the rumors
    about the velvet revolution of August 1. Those who intend to stage
    revolution never make similar announcements. Thus it is evident that
    the opposition reveals its plans to make advocacy effect.'

    And the collection of the signatures initiated by the opposition
    against Robert Kocharyan is nonsense, according to the speaker.

    Hague International Criminal Court can consider the cases of those
    countries that have ratified Rome status and are considered territories
    under the competence of that court. Armenia hasn't ratified that
    document. Only by the decision of UN Security Council is it possible to
    start a criminal procedure against our country or the citizens. `This
    circumstance makes the initiative of the radicals more absurd. And from
    the political point of view it is difficult to imagine a worse harm for
    Armenia. Our neighbors are yearning to mislead20the international
    community by similar methods.' Armen Ashotyan underscored.

    The Republican MP welcomed the initiative of the radicals to form
    Armenian National Congress but expressed regret saying: `They march on
    the same spot because the problems are not changed. There is a
    requirement for a liberal, strong political force. But the
    disagreements among Levon Ter-Petrosyan's supporters, especially the
    personal disagreements regarding the issue of being Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan's successor hamper this process.

    Here especially `Heritage' party stands out. They have personal plans
    and they will never merge in Armenian National Congress, in case they
    don't promise Raffi Hovhannisyan that he will be the successor.
    `Heritage' will never yield; they are getting prepared for 2012 and
    2013 elections.

    The speaker also touched upon March 1-2 developments and the activity
    of the temporary committee investigating the reasons of those events.
    `The criticism has got two delicate points. Firstly no one criticizes
    the working style and the activity of the committee. They are based on
    their personal thesis. The second delicate point is that the Human
    Rights Defender and some pro-governmental figures have also started to
    criticize the works of the committee.'

    Similar manifestation, according to RPA representative is explained by
    their attempts to purify their political-social past. And if these
    Apeople are concerned about our country's democratization, they can
    resign and as a result we can have an Ombudsman nominated by the
    pro-oppositional political forces.