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Does The New UN Commissioner Have Any Rights?

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  • Does The New UN Commissioner Have Any Rights?


    RIA Novosti
    July 30, 2008

    30/07/2008 20:41 MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Andrei
    Fedyashin) - The appointment of Navanethem Pillay, a Tamil judge from
    South Africa, as the United Nation's new High Commissioner for Human
    Rights, was unanimously endorsed on July 29.

    On September 1, she will take up a post that many in the United Nations
    consider cursed. It evokes many conflicting opinions, criticisms,
    grievances, and fury because the person who occupies it has to deal
    with violations of human rights, freedom of speech and assembly,
    rights of women, seniors, teenagers, children, journalists and
    incapacitated people - all in the motley company of 191 people.

    Not a single commissar for human rights has left the position without
    angry words, with the possible exception of Sergio Vieira de Mello,
    who died in an explosion in Baghdad's Canal Hotel in 2003 (aut bene aut
    nihil). But he was in the job for less than a year. The overwhelming
    majority of his predecessors and successors left office in a state
    of gloom.

    Former Irish President Mary Robinson left the post in 2002. Although
    she did not resign (indeed, she extended her full term), she complained
    that the position allowed her to do practically nothing - everything
    involving rights was politicized to the utmost. She was particularly
    critical of the Bush Administration.

    Pillay's predecessor, Louise Arbour from Canada, sincerely tried
    to defend human rights, but her own country was the only one not
    to thank her for her tireless efforts on this position. Even her
    resignation was completely ignored. They say that the Canadian
    government itself insisted that she should not prolong her term for
    another four years. The story goes that Canada was under pressure from
    the United States, which did not like Arbour's criticism of Israel's
    conduct in the occupied territories. She once said that though the
    death of Israelis from rocket fire was a tragedy, the shooting of
    Israeli villages with primitive Palestinian weapons was not the same
    as attacks on Palestinian lands by the Israeli army with tanks. After
    this statement, the Canadian government made it clear to Arbour that
    her own country would not support her nomination. A couple of months
    ago she told the UN Secretary-General that she intended to quit.

    Arbour had previously served as Carla Del Ponte's predecessor as
    chief prosecutor for the Hague Tribunal, where she presented official
    charges to Slobodan Milosevic and other major Serbian defendants.

    Pillay takes up her new position at a time when the entire structure
    of the UN human rights agency is undergoing reform. Nobody knows
    what will come of it (maybe not much, considering the past disputes,
    clashes, and scandals over human rights). In 2006, the UN finally got
    rid of the Human Rights Commission, which had existed since 1946, and
    replaced it with the UN Human Rights Council. The commission's 60th
    anniversary was so miserable and shallow that Amnesty International
    criticized UN members for giving it such a chilly farewell. After all,
    the commission did make at least some contribution to the cause of
    human rights.

    The commission's reorganization was long overdue. It was hard to
    understand how it could defend human rights with such members. I
    do not even want to mention them. The new Human Rights Council will
    include 47 countries instead of the commission's 53. The UN General
    Assembly will elect the council's members by a simple majority vote.

    Before, the commission was elected by the UN Economic and Social
    Council (ECOSOC), which always pushed it in the wrong direction and
    eventually doomed it by choosing Libya as its chairman in 2003.

    In this regard the new council is not very lucky, either. The
    United States, the U.S. administered Marshal Islands and Palau,
    and Israel all voted against its formation. Washington is still
    boycotting the new agency, and without its involvement it will not
    be that effective. Publicly the United States objects that there is
    no guarantee that the council will not admit nations which regularly
    violate human rights. In fact, it does not want to adopt commitments
    to a body that would inevitably criticize it for torture and illegal
    detention of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and the CIA's secret prisons
    for "special rendition", as well as fight against terrorism without
    respect for human rights all over the world.

    Russia has become a member of the council. Some 137 of the 191 UN
    member states voted for it. Azerbaijan and Ukraine have also been
    admitted, while other post-Soviet republics - Armenia, Georgia,
    Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, and Lithuania were not elected, despite their
    ardent desire to join the council. Moscow has already said that
    it will use its membership of the council to raise the issues of
    violations of the human rights of the Russian-speaking population in
    Latvia and Estonia, glorification of Nazism, and harassment of war
    veterans. However, it will continue to strongly oppose any debates
    on human rights in Chechnya. Although the human rights situation
    in Chechnya is satisfactory, it should be noted that almost all UN
    members have this in common - they are ready to discuss human rights
    violations everywhere but not at home.

    The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the Council's
    executive body.

    Even before Pillay's official appointment, quite a few skeptics were
    arguing that her service record is not befitting of this position.

    First, her entire career has been in criminal law, not human rights.

    Initially, she was a judge, and later on chaired the International
    Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); in 2003 she was a member of
    the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Crimes are
    very different from human rights. Perhaps more importantly, even
    in her work as a criminal lawyer Pillay has never been seen as an
    enthusiastic champion of human rights. As Kenneth Roth, executive
    director of Human Rights Watch, said, let us see "how Pillay will
    stand up to big powers when they violate human rights."

    She faces a very difficult task, even with a budget of $150 million
    a year.