NRCU - Ukrainian Radio
July 30 2008
Crimea hosted events timed to the 650th anniversary of the Armenian
Surb-Khach monastery that used to be a spiritual center of Armenians
and a pilgrimage destination for many centuries.
Participating in the solemnities were Armenia's President Serzh
Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenains Karekin II. The Armenian
President was on an informal visit to Ukraine in frames of which he
partook in celebration of a jubilee of the Armenian sanctuary. The
medieval Armenian monastery Surb-Khach was founded in 1358. It is
located in the south-eastern part of Crimea, three kilometers from
the Old Crimea in a wood tract called the Holy Cross.
NRCU - Ukrainian Radio
July 30 2008
Crimea hosted events timed to the 650th anniversary of the Armenian
Surb-Khach monastery that used to be a spiritual center of Armenians
and a pilgrimage destination for many centuries.
Participating in the solemnities were Armenia's President Serzh
Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenains Karekin II. The Armenian
President was on an informal visit to Ukraine in frames of which he
partook in celebration of a jubilee of the Armenian sanctuary. The
medieval Armenian monastery Surb-Khach was founded in 1358. It is
located in the south-eastern part of Crimea, three kilometers from
the Old Crimea in a wood tract called the Holy Cross.