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Armenia Facing Strasbourg Censure

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  • Armenia Facing Strasbourg Censure

    By Marianna Grigorian

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting
    June 5 2008

    Two weeks ahead of a crucial debate on Armenia, few of the demands
    made by the Council of Europe have been implemented.

    Two weeks before an important session in the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe, PACE, at which the Armenian delegation risks
    losing its voting rights, opposition supporters say that little has
    been done to implement reforms.

    The opposition says little has been done to fulfil the demands laid
    out in the assembly's toughly-worded Resolution 1609, passed on April
    17. It says that there are still several dozen political prisoners
    in jail, no independent investigation has been launched into the
    bloodshed in Yerevan on March 1 and there are still restrictions on
    the right of assembly.

    "Almost two months after the adoption of the PACE resolution, there
    have been no significant changes," said Stepan Safarian, a member of
    parliament from the opposition Heritage party.

    The response from the Armenian government is that it has begun the
    process of passing new legislation on the right of assembly, that
    it has launched an enquiry into the March violence, but that its
    overtures to the opposition to initiate a dialogue have been rebuffed.

    The opposition is particularly angry over what it says are "political
    prisoners", most of whom were detained on or around March 1.

    According to the prosecutor's office, 45 people are in detention
    charged with criminal offences relating to the bloody events of that
    day, when ten people were killed on the streets of Yerevan in the
    wake of the disputed presidential election ten days earlier.

    The PACE resolution says that "persons detained on seemingly artificial
    and politically motivated charges, or who did not personally commit
    any violent acts or serious offences in connection with them, should
    be released as a matter of urgency".

    "Several political prisoners have been released, but only the form
    of their punishment has changed - the criminal investigation has
    not been halted," said Suren Surenyants, a leading member of the
    opposition Republic party.

    "Many of our friends remain behind bars and there's been no independent
    investigation into the events of March 1."

    Surenyants was detained on February 25 and accused of organising an
    unauthorised demonstration and for attempting to "seize power". He
    spent 53 days in detention and was only released after he staged a
    12-day hunger-strike.

    "I think that the PACE resolution played a big role in getting me
    released," said Surenyants. "Instead of fulfilling the demands of the
    resolution, the authorities are busy creating the illusion that they
    are implementing them."

    He went on to warn, "If these trends continue, Armenia will find
    itself in quite an unpleasant situation."

    Safarian elaborated on the possible implications, "All the members
    of the Council of Europe will review their political support for
    Armenia, which will weaken our position, for example on the question
    of resolving the Nagorny Karabakh conflict."

    The assembly is due to take a vote on June 19 on measures which might
    include the humiliating step of stripping the Armenian delegation
    of its voting rights. A few days before the vote. two rapporteurs
    from PACE, Georges Colombier and John Prescott, will visit Armenia
    to report on the extent to which the resolution is being implemented.

    Speaking at the April 17 session at which the resolution was passed,
    Prescott warned that "unless changes are made through open dialogue
    on reforms, all of Armenia's civic society and its credibility as a
    member of the Council of Europe will be put in doubt".

    Armenian officials have said they take the resolution seriously and
    intend to implement its demands.

    "The proposals in Resolution 1609 are in harmony with my electoral
    programme, my programme of action and the spirit of statements made by
    the political coalition we have formed," President Serzh Sarkisian -
    whose election sparked the crisis - said on May 19.

    Eduard Sharmazanov, spokesman for the pro-government Republican Party
    and member of parliament, said, "Armenia's voting rights in PACE are
    very important, but even if there was no PACE, we would do everything
    to return the country to the democratic path."

    Officials say that the Armenian parliament has passed, in a first
    reading, amendments that PACE requested be made to the law of assembly;
    and that it has also made other concessions such as setting up a
    parliamentary committee to investigate the March 1 bloodshed.

    "Why does the opposition not notice these reforms?" asked
    Sharmazanov. "Amendments have been made to the law on conducting
    marches and rallies, and there's been an initiative to form a Public
    Chamber, which the opposition expressed no desire to take part in. And
    that's not all - these reforms can't be implemented in one day;
    they still need a lot of time."

    The Public Chamber, as proposed by the new president, will be a
    consultative body that includes representatives from both inside and
    outside parliament, former presidential candidates, public figures
    and members of the intelligentsia.

    On May 23 former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, the main opposition
    candidate in the election, rejected the initiative.

    Ter-Petrosian and his supporters say they will only engage in dialogue
    with the new authorities if the principal demands contained in the
    PACE resolution are met - chiefly, the release of prisoners, changes
    to the law on assembly, and an independent investigation into the
    March 1 violence.

    They say the parliamentary committee formed to investigate the
    bloodshed lacks the independence envisaged by Resolution 1609.

    "The main conditions have not been fulfilled, which is why we've
    refused to take part in the work of the [Public Chamber]," said
    Ter-Petrosian's spokesman Arman Musinian.

    The opposition makes little comment on the one point in the resolution
    which requires it to compromise by recognise the Constitutional Court
    ruling that Sarkisian was legally elected as president. The resolution
    includes the proviso that the opposition would still have a right to
    contest the court's decision at the European Court of Human Rights.

    Asked about this issue by IWPR, Musinian said only, "We know that
    there is a document called the 'Constitutional Court verdict', but
    we have said on numerous occasions that we do not accept the election
    results and we are going to apply to the European Court."

    The opposition says that is planning to ask permission from the
    Yerevan mayor's office to hold a mass rally on the city's Freedom
    Square, outside the opera-house, on June 20 to be addressed by
    Ter-Petrosian. That is the day on which PACE summer session opens,
    with discussion of Armenia's implementation of Resolution 1609 on
    the agenda.

    Lyudmila Sarkisian, head of the opposition Social Democratic Party,
    told Radio Liberty that more than 50 applications for demonstrations
    had been turned down so far by the city authorities.

    Marianna Grigorian is a correspondent for Armenia Online in Yerevan
    and a member of IWPR's Cross Caucasus Journalism Network project.