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MPs comment on Armenia's progress in meeting CoE requirements

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  • MPs comment on Armenia's progress in meeting CoE requirements

    Mediamax news agency, Armenia
    May 23 2008

    MPs comment on Armenia's progress in meeting Council of Europe

    Yerevan, 23 May: Representatives of political forces in parliament
    today discussed the process of realization of proposals contained in
    the PACE [Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] resolution
    on the work of democratic institutions in Armenia.

    The secretary of the parliamentary faction from the [opposition]
    Heritage party, Stepan Safaryan, stated that many proposals of the
    resolution had not been implemented yet. He spoke for the quick change
    of preventive punishments for the opposition figures under arrest,
    accused of calls for the change of the constitutional order using

    The MP noted the necessity to establish a dialogue between the
    authorities and the opposition, expressing regret that the proposal of
    Heritage leader Raffi Hovhannisyan on holding a meeting between
    representatives of the ruling coalition and ex-President Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan did not receive an appropriate response from the sides.

    A member of the parliamentary faction of the [pro-government] Orinats
    Yerkir [Law-Governed Country] Party, Artashes Avoyan, in his turn,
    noted that the process of implementation of PACE resolution proposals
    was proceeding normally. "The PACE proposals will be fulfilled, and
    there are no perquisites to deprive the Armenian parliamentary
    delegation of the right to vote," he stated.

    A member of the parliamentary faction of the [member of the governing
    coalition] Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), who is also the chairman of
    the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration, Avet Adonts, said
    that the working group set up on orders of President Serzh Sargsyan,
    was carrying out active work on the realization of the provisions of
    the PACE resolution.

    Avet Adonts said that the post-election situation in Armenia would be
    discussed at a session of the PACE Monitoring Committee next week in
    Kiev and that PACE rapporteurs are expected to visit Yerevan after 10