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Acknowledging That NK People Have The Right To Be In Charge Of Their

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  • Acknowledging That NK People Have The Right To Be In Charge Of Their


    16.06.2008 17:24 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The article "Negotiating a black hole" by Alexandros
    Petersen on Cif on June 7, was regretfully unbecoming for such a
    reputable newspaper [The Guardian]. The author refers to a conflict
    of which he either has little understanding, or knowingly distorts
    the truth. He fails to mention how the conflict evolved and grossly
    misjudges its character, Armenia's Ambassador to the UK Vahe Gabrielyan
    says in his response titled "Misrepresenting the issues in Nagorno

    "The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not an "ethno-religious conflict"
    and not one over a disputed territory where "Armenian Christians [are]
    against Azerbaijani Muslims". It is about the fundamental human rights
    issue of self-determination, one of being able to peacefully live on
    the land of your ancestors and be the master of your own destiny. The
    current situation is a result of decades-long systematic abuse of the
    human rights and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Armenian population
    by the Soviet Azeri authorities since the unlawful annexation of the
    ancient Armenian province (Artsakh) to Azerbaijan and later, of pogroms
    and outright military aggression against the peaceful population.

    "The military phase of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno
    Karabakh ended with the victory of the latter's hastily-formed defense
    forces and enabled their people to start re-building their lives
    and homes. Since its independence (impeccably proclaimed according
    to same laws and procedures by which Azerbaijan gained independence
    from the USSR), in the political and socio-economic turmoil following
    the break-up of the Soviet Union and even under military aggression,
    Nagorno Karabakh has been a surprising case of rule of law and
    well-functioning state machine. Starting with the independence
    referendum in 1991, all manifestations of its people's will, which
    included four presidential elections and several parliamentary and
    local ones, have been orderly, dignified and democratic exercises, as
    witnessed by numerous independent international observers, including,
    incidentally, members of the UK parliament and the US Congress.

    "Indeed, Nagorno-Karabakh is not "a governance black hole", but a
    well-functioning democratic entity with strengthening civil society
    and full economic and cultural life, possessing all attributes of an
    independent state, save for international recognition.

    Its elected authorities have announced on several occasions that
    they would be happy to receive international inspection missions
    who can study the situation in situ and refute any groundless
    allegations. There have been no volunteers to chase ghosts. The
    allegations of all earthly sins in the mentioned article, happily
    picked en masse from the Azeri propaganda machine of libelous
    campaign of hatred and misinformation against Karabakh and enriched
    by references to all possible evils of our times to scare the modern
    security-conscious citizen are so bizarre that they are at best
    ignored or frowned upon in any more or less informed circles.

    "However, the author is right in saying that the conflict should
    concern Europe. It should, because although the people of Karabakh have
    been able to stop the regular bombings of their homes by resorting to
    self-defense, peace has not been made final yet and threats of war
    are heard from the other side of the border regularly. It should,
    because although we keep fingers cross for the renewed negotiations
    between the presidents and foreign ministers to succeed - the last,
    June 6 round was constructive and it was decided to continue them
    - the continuing military rhetoric and the fierce anti-Armenian
    hate campaign on all levels of society, combined with the mentioned
    ever-growing military budget, are an ominous sign. It is much worrying
    that today, fed on this campaign; more than one-third of Azeris are
    for a military solution while international mediators (the Minsk Group
    co-chair countries) are widely lambasted for their impartiality. The
    oil money paid by the European companies should not facilitate the
    unleashing of another war, the consequences of which will indeed be
    dire. With a fragile ceasefire being maintained simply because of the
    balance of power, it is easy to instigate another war that will hugely
    increase the toll on human life and create new refugees. On top of
    the already existing one million, about 400,000 of which by the way
    are the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan and from Nagorno Karabakh,
    this will result in a large-scale humanitarian disaster affecting whole
    of Europe and beyond. This cannot be allowed to happen. This is why
    both past and present Armenian authorities have readily engaged in
    negotiations in good faith and have strived to find lasting peace,
    despite and because of the fact that one party of the conflict,
    Azerbaijan, refuses to talk to Nagorno Karabakh, the other party.

    "Security in the modern world is certainly a global problem and in
    order to ensure global peace and security, frozen conflicts should
    be resolved in a way so that the vital interests of all parties are
    taken into account. That will take concessions on both sides and it
    is a hard thing to do. In order to help, the international community,
    as well as its individual members, should adopt an attitude based on
    values and principles that apply universally. Acknowledging that the
    people of NK have the right to be in charge of their own destiny would
    have helped. It has in other cases. On the other hand, giving in to
    dirty propaganda and trying to discredit one side, be it with either
    explicit or implied allegations does not help and raises questions,"
    Ambassador Gabrielyan said.