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Congressman Berman Urges Turkey To End Counter-Productive Practice O

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  • Congressman Berman Urges Turkey To End Counter-Productive Practice O


    19.06.2008 16:09 GMT+04:00

    Between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea lie the countries of the
    Caucasus - Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Due to disputes that have
    festered over the course of many years, there are enough compelling
    questions involving these three countries and their neighbors to occupy
    us all day long, Howard L. Berman, chairman of the U.S. House Foreign
    Relations Committee said in his opening statement at "The Caucasus:
    Frozen Conflicts and Closed Borders" hearing.

    "During the course of this hearing I'd like to focus on the frozen
    conflicts affecting economic and political integration in the region,
    and how U.S.

    foreign policy is responding to them.

    "I'd like to start with one of the most puzzling and problematic
    matters: the Turkish land blockade of Armenia, in place since
    1993. It's a punishing policy that holds the Armenian economy back
    and enormously increases the cost of much of Armenia's trade with
    other nations.

    "The land blockade is also, quite possibly, illegal, as it seems to
    breach Turkey's undertaking in the 1922 Treaty of Kars to keep its
    border-crossings with Armenia open. And it violates the spirit of the
    World Trade Organization, of which both Turkey and Armenia are members.

    "It's baffling why Ankara would want to pursue this land blockade,
    which also harms the economy of eastern Turkey, and is therefore
    clearly contrary to its own interests. It's no secret that many
    Turkish businessmen, especially in the east, have been lobbying for
    lifting the land blockade.

    "It also seems manifestly contrary to the strategic interests
    of Turkey, which purports to be a solid member of the Western
    alliance. Without an outlet to Turkey or Azerbaijan, Armenia is forced
    to rely on its connections to two of Turkey's historical rivals,
    Russia and Iran - and given how antithetical the Iranian regime is to
    the secular, modern Turkish government, it seems odd that Ankara would
    want to undertake any actions that will enhance Tehran's influence
    in Yerevan.

    "Furthermore, the land blockade has done absolutely nothing to
    persuade Armenia to alter its policies on the Nagorno Karabakh issue -
    the ostensible cause of the land blockade in the first place. Nor is
    there any prospect that it will do so. Armenia has demonstrated its
    resolve to support the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh. Turkey is more
    likely to win influence with the Armenian government if it pursues
    a policy of good-neighborliness than if it slams the border closed.

    "Why hasn't the State Department - which opposes the land blockade
    - spoken out more forcefully on this matter? Certainly it's in our
    interest to diminish Iran's influence among its neighbors, not to
    enhance it. Ambassador Fried, I'm hoping you'll lay out for us the
    steps our government has taken and is taking to convince our ally
    Turkey to end, once and for all, this counter-productive practice of
    closed borders," Congressman Berman said.