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    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on June 21, 2008

    Yesterday Levon Ter-Petrosyan addressed the authorities proposing to
    honor the victims of March 1 tragedy with the title of a hero. Besides
    that `the families of each victim must get 1 million dollars'

    Later he promised to represent the program of the future actions of the
    revolutionaries and immediately forgot about his promise. Instead he
    stated that Armenia's cognizant society doesn't recognize the
    legitimacy of the Presidential elections and the demonstration is aimed
    at informing the West about this fact. Estimating by sight, he decided
    that 200 thousand people were present in the demonstration and said
    that they will stand there `as much as they need to achieve their end'.

    It turned out that the demonstration was aimed at prohibiting the
    European bureaucrats: `to treat Armenia with the principle of racism
    and from the point of view of their highest instances.' Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan is confidant that it is not the reputation of Armenia but
    that of the authorities that has been spoiled after February 19 and
    March 1.'No window was broken; no car was damaged until the authorities
    opened fire on the people. Nothing more.'

    For a long time the speaker was trying to convince the participants of
    the demonstration that there shouldn't be any law on `massive rallies',
    because it contradicts the Constitution. But he had to add that the
    Constitution envisages restrictions on the rights, so there must be a
    law on the `restrictions on massive demonstrations'.

    Touching upon the implementation of PACE resolution 1609, Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan said that the establishment of the temporary committee
    investigating the consequences of March 1 tragedy is very
    `insignificant'. Later he announced that `Gevorik from Armenian Pan
    National Movement' would be his representative in that committee.

    From the proposals made in the resolution Levon Ter-Petrosyan separated
    and attached great importance to the demand to release the `political

    `They are all victims of political reckoning. None of them has been
    charged with caring guns. They also confess that the police and even
    the troops have opened fire. We have been informed that the special
    subdivision of Nagorno Karabakh army has participated in this
    slaughter. In case this information is confirmed Bako Sahakyan must be
    announced `persona non grata' in Armenia.

    L. Ter-Petrosyan was trying to convince the participants of the
    demonstration that the most sensible, brave and determined citizens of
    our nation are detained at the moment. And said that those who detained
    these people will soon find themselves in prison.

    He separated former vice Prosecutor Gagik Jhangiryan from the
    `political prisoners'. `The only thing this man did was to speak
    publicly about the breaches during the presidential elections. Nothing
    more. In fact the reason of harassing him is his intention to disclose
    `October 27'.

    Ter-Petrosyan announced that if all the political prisoners are
    released before the discussion of Armenian issue in PACE he will appeal
    to PACE not to use the previewed sanctions against Armenia.

    Later he addressed President Serge Sargsyan: `It is a crazy thing to
    create a problem in Armenia, which will continuously make the people
    furious. Isn't it possible to solve this problem in one day with one
    telephone call? After that we will have a dialogue with the
    authorities. In this dangerous situation neither the authorities will
    be able to work properly nor can the peaceful demonstrators fulfill
    their obligations. Dialogue doesn't imply bargaining. Our peaceful,
    legal movement recognizes the created political reality and is ready to
    settle the issues in a civilized manner, with the accepted norms of the
    political struggle. Because the created situation is due to the
    elections, then, what we really need is new presidential and
    parliamentary elections.'