JU NE 25
The main subject of the annual session of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
(PA) annual session to be convened from June 29 to July 3 in the
capital of Kyrghyzstan, Astana is Transparency in OSCE.
According to individual spheres, discussions on the subject are also
envisaged in three PA General Commissions, on issues of Politics and
Security, Economy, Science, Technologies and Environment, Democracy,
Human Rights, and Humanitarian issues. Noyan Tapan correspondent
was informed about it by Armen Ashotian, a member of the Armenian
delegation in PA, a representative of the NA RPA faction.
According to him, discussions dedicated to issues of environment,
migration, cybersecurity, as well as fighting children's trafficking
and sexual exploitation, violence to women are also envisaged. Besides,
regional issues, as well as the possibility of avoiding dual standards
by OSCE observation missions in the elections will be discussed. The
resolutions to be adopted on all discussed issues will be summed up
in the PA declaration.
Election of PA Chairman is also envisaged, as the term of two-year
tenure of current Chairman Goran Lenmarker is expiring.
Among 56 countries, a delegation led by Aram Safarian, the Secretary
of the RA National Assembly Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia)
faction, will also take part in PA work. Besides A. Ashotian, Khachik
Haroutiunian, the Secretary of the Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law)
faction, is also a member of the delegation.
JU NE 25
The main subject of the annual session of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
(PA) annual session to be convened from June 29 to July 3 in the
capital of Kyrghyzstan, Astana is Transparency in OSCE.
According to individual spheres, discussions on the subject are also
envisaged in three PA General Commissions, on issues of Politics and
Security, Economy, Science, Technologies and Environment, Democracy,
Human Rights, and Humanitarian issues. Noyan Tapan correspondent
was informed about it by Armen Ashotian, a member of the Armenian
delegation in PA, a representative of the NA RPA faction.
According to him, discussions dedicated to issues of environment,
migration, cybersecurity, as well as fighting children's trafficking
and sexual exploitation, violence to women are also envisaged. Besides,
regional issues, as well as the possibility of avoiding dual standards
by OSCE observation missions in the elections will be discussed. The
resolutions to be adopted on all discussed issues will be summed up
in the PA declaration.
Election of PA Chairman is also envisaged, as the term of two-year
tenure of current Chairman Goran Lenmarker is expiring.
Among 56 countries, a delegation led by Aram Safarian, the Secretary
of the RA National Assembly Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia)
faction, will also take part in PA work. Besides A. Ashotian, Khachik
Haroutiunian, the Secretary of the Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law)
faction, is also a member of the delegation.