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Armenia Crackdown: An Ex-Soviet Pattern?

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  • Armenia Crackdown: An Ex-Soviet Pattern?

    By Fred Weir

    Christian Science Monitor
    March 5 2008

    A state of emergency remains in place, after protesters alleging
    election fraud were dispersed last week.

    Moscow - Call it the post-color revolution syndrome.

    Armenia is the latest in a string of ex-Soviet countries to crack down
    hard on peaceful protesters alleging electoral fraud. Last weekend,
    security forces - using truncheons, tear gas, and stun guns - dispersed
    several thousand supporters of former president Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

    They'd been camped out in the capital Yerevan's Freedom Square to
    challenge the results of Feb. 19 presidential polls, which were won
    by the pro-government candidate Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan. Eight
    people were killed in the violence, 130 injured, and more than 100

    President Robert Kocharyan declared a 20-day state of emergency,
    which was followed by a shutdown on independent news reporting and
    further waves of arrests, including 30 on Tuesday.

    "The situation in the country is really very serious; society is
    deeply polarized" over these events, says Alexander Iskanderyan,
    director of the independent Center for Caucasian Studies in Yerevan.

    "We have never seen anything like this before, and it has been a
    huge shock."

    But it's becoming a familiar story around the former Soviet Union.

    Armenian oppositionists allege that officials stole the election by
    harassing opposition activists, coercing voters, and stuffing ballot
    boxes, leading to Mr. Sargsyan's 53 percent to 21 percent victory
    over Mr. Ter-Petrosyan.

    The opposition mounted nearly two weeks of protests, apparently
    following the playbook established in three "color revolutions" -
    in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan - that took place between 2003
    and 2005, in which protesters overthrew governments and forced fresh

    "In the post-Soviet region, it's becoming almost a tradition to
    disagree with election results and take to the streets," says Alexei
    Mukhin, director of the independent Center for Political Information
    in Moscow. "There is a definite feeling of deja vu" in the Armenian
    events, he says.

    But no government has been overthrown since Kyrgyzstan's President
    Askar Akayev was forced out in a revolt over alleged poll fraud
    in March 2005. Experts say that's because leaders have become much
    tougher and more savvy. They've moved to strengthen laws blocking
    opposition activity and been much quicker to deploy massive police
    force on the streets to crush protests.

    Russian security forces quashed an opposition rally in Moscow Monday,
    following presidential polls that were handily won by Kremlin-backed
    candidate Dmitry Medvedev. A handful of protesters alleging
    electoral fraud were manhandled and arrested by police. Even the
    Kremlin-appointed human rights ombudsman, Vladimir Lukin, complained,
    "I see this [police behavior] as a strange and not entirely appropriate

    Fearing a popular revolt like the one that had recently occurred in
    Kyrgyzstan, security forces in Uzbekistan gunned down hundreds of
    protesters in May 2005.

    Later that year, authorities in Baku, Azerbaijan's capital, violently
    crushed street rallies protesting alleged fraud in polls that brought
    Ilham Aliyev, the son of the country's longtime strongman, to power.

    The next year, Belarussian president Alexander Lukashenko followed
    up his massive but disputed reelection victory by smashing opposition
    rallies in Minsk and putting hundreds of protesters in jail.

    In November, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ordered police
    to end weeks of opposition rallies with a harsh show of force that
    injured scores and saw dozens arrested. Independent media outlets were
    put on notice; at least one, shut down. But Mr. Saakashvili quickly
    reversed himself: He ended the state of emergency and called fresh
    elections - and won handily in January. The opposition again cried
    foul, but Georgian society has, for now, settled down.

    Few experts expect a similar outcome in Armenia, where political
    antagonisms are even sharper. The government this week closed down
    two local stations for continuing to report uncensored news. The
    independent English-language online ArmeniaNow news service complied
    with the ban, but ran a statement protesting state press controls that
    "could lead to the sort of propagandized media that re-unites Armenia
    with its Soviet past."

    Most observers think that Sargsyan's victory was probably genuine, if
    not entirely fair. But they say the polls' bitter, violent aftermath
    may have fatally undermined the country's fragile democracy.

    "The authorities have put a lid on a boiling pot, but the pot is still
    boiling," says Vladimir Zharikhin, deputy director of the official
    Institute of Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress