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Prize in Eurasian game

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  • Prize in Eurasian game

    Washington Times
    March 7 2008

    Prize in Eurasian game

    By Ariel Cohen
    March 7, 2008

    The Russian presidential election in which Dmitry Medvedev - Vladimir
    Putin's choice as his successor - was confirmed by the vast majority
    of Russian voters last Sunday, has serious geopolitical implications
    for the United States. Moscow has already demonstrated that there is
    going to be more business as usual: Anti-Medvedev demonstrators in
    Moscow were beaten up and arrested, and gas supplies to Ukraine
    several interrupted.

    One area where Russia is likely to expand its influence is
    mineral-rich Eurasia, which many in Moscow view as their backyard.
    The prize of Eurasia is energy resources around the Caspian Sea,
    primarily in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

    >From the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains to the Chinese
    border, Russia will compete with China and the United States for
    influence and profit. Russia and China are anxious to curry favor
    with Kazakhstan. They are both are interested in its energy and
    mineral wealth and promise multibillion-dollar investments.
    Kazakhstan exports most of its oil and gas via Russia, but pipelines
    to China are already working and will be expanded in the future.
    Azerbaijan is exporting its oil and gas to Turkey and beyond,
    bypassing Moscow.

    This week, Armenia, which is traditionally supported by Russia, and
    the oil-rich Azerbaijan traded fire over the 1994 cease-fire line in
    Nagorno-Karabakh. This happened after Armenian police has killed
    eight demonstrators, arrested dozens and beaten up hundreds in the
    aftermath of the flawed presidential elections that took place last

    The United States, which opposes Karabakh independence, has clarified
    to the Armenian government that both domestic violence and escalation
    of hostilities are unacceptable. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
    Matthew J. Bryza said that he intends to deliver a stern message in
    Armenia: "We simply deplore the violence," he told the Associated
    Press. "That simply can't be repeated." Mr. Bryza said he intends to
    press the government to lift a state of emergency it declared
    Saturday. A new war in the Caucasus could disrupt supply of close to
    1 million barrels of oil a day flowing from Azerbaijan into the tight
    global market.

    Kazakhstan is far from the conflict in the Caucasus. Despite
    setbacks, including the spread of international financial
    instability, President Nursultan Nazarbayev's reform agenda,
    implemented by Prime Minister Karim Massimov, is largely on track.
    Mr. Massimov, 42, an economist fluent in English, Russian, Chinese,
    Arabic and his native Kazakh, has played a key role in Mr.
    Nazarbayev's modernization program.

    The United States has done much to develop the Kazakhstani energy
    potential and still has much to offer, especially in macroeconomic
    policy development. The subprime credit crisis has affected not just
    Kansas, but Kazakhstan too, and its construction boom has ground to a

    The United States can also offer Kazakhstan support in developing
    innovative educational, management training and anti-corruption
    programs. Kazakhstan will also need U.S. assistance and investment to
    diversify its natural resources-based economy and develop high-tech,
    financial services and agriculture. Mr. Massimov is planning to sign
    later this year a U.S.-Kazakhstan Public-Private Economic Partnership
    with his U.S. counterparts to accomplish these and other goals.

    Kazakhstan's potential is immense. It is 4 times as big as France,
    currently surpasses Kuwait in oil production, and is projected to
    export 3 million barrels of oil a day by 2015, more than Iran's
    current figure. Kazakhstan also has some of the largest reserves of
    uranium on the planet, and is a major exporter of grain.

    U.S. companies have played a leading role in the Kazakh oil industry
    since 1990s, including developing the giant oil fields of Tengiz and
    Kashagan, where Chevron and Exxon respectively are major
    stakeholders. Chevron recently committed to a gigantic, $900 million
    environmental clean-up project, becoming Kazakhstan's exemplary
    corporate citizen.

    Yet, some in the United States express concern about state
    "hyperactivity" in the Kazakhstani economic sector. President
    Nazarbayev announced in his Feb. 6 state-of-the-nation address, that
    the state would strengthen its role as an "influential and
    responsible participant" in the oil and gas business. A Jan. 14
    agreement on the Kashagan oil field doubled state-owned Kazmunaigas'
    share in the project to more than 16 percent.

    Mr. Nazarbayev says the state also plans to review underperforming
    natural resources contracts and will play a greater role in
    developing heavy industry and infrastructure. True, these are more
    moderate measures than resource nationalism sweeping the world from
    Venezuela to Russia, but U.S. policymakers should clarify that the
    private sector is always more efficient in economic development than
    the state. Kazakhstan needs to remain investor-friendly and
    competitive, and should not take U.S. political support and business
    sector commitments for granted.

    Kazakhstan has been clear that it wants to reach out to Europe and
    the United States. This year, it will launch the Road to Europe
    economic program, aimed at becoming more compatible with European
    Union laws, standards and protocols. During his Washington visit, Mr.
    Massimov and his U.S. counterparts also will discuss Kazakhstan's
    accession to the World Trade Organization by 2015 or earlier.

    Kazakhstan is also reaching out to the Turkic-speaking countries.
    Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey recently signed a
    protocol to create an inter-parliamentary assembly of Turkic-speaking
    states. This assembly would seek advice from councils of elders,
    called White Beards, including prominent politicians, writers,
    artists and scholars. In another effort to highlight its cultural
    prowess and historic Turkic roots, Kazakhstan entered the Oscars this
    year with an epic film "Mongol," which tells the story of Genghis
    Khan, builder of the largest empire on Earth. The film got positive
    critical reviews.

    Mr. Nazarbayev has proclaimed the ambitious goal of seeing Kazakhstan
    ranked as one of the world's 50 most competitive states. Meantime,
    Kazakhstan remains a model of ethnic stability, where Muslims and
    Christians, Turkic-speaking Kazakhs and Russian-speaking Slavs,
    Germans, Jews and Koreans live in harmony.

    In 2009, the country will host its third congress of global and
    traditional religions, and in 2010 will chair the Organization for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe, in which the United States and
    Canada also take part.

    Kazakhstan, which has engineers serving in Iraq and is providing
    humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, is also committed to the global war
    on terror. It supports moderate Islam and rejects radicals from al
    Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    The United States has important interests riding on ensuring the
    peace in the Caucasus and improving relations with Kazakhstan and
    other Caspian states.

    Ariel Cohen is senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.