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Baku Relies On Muslim States And Tries To Impart Karabakh Issue With

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  • Baku Relies On Muslim States And Tries To Impart Karabakh Issue With


    17-03-2008 10:19:11

    "Although the UN General Assembly passed the resolution on
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and it is already said to be Azerbaijan's victory,
    the given document is but the diplomatic fiasco of Azerbaijan,"
    said the political scientist Davit Babayan in an interview with, commenting on the consequences of the passage of
    the resolution for the Karabakh settlement.

    "The matter is the process itself and details rather than the final
    result. The process itself, as well as its details are vivid evidence
    to it.

    Before the voting a number of influential international organizations,
    such as the OSCE Minsk Group, had stated that the resolution does
    not reflect what the co-chairs and the conflict sides have been
    working on so far, it is one-sided and highly selective of the basic
    issues of settlement of the conflict. It selected only what interests
    Azerbaijan. The resolution is one-sided and lacks balance and is not
    timely. It was unexpected for everyone.

    The vote also revealed the attitude of the international community
    to this.

    Only 39 countries voted for the resolution. The majority of these
    states (80 percent) are Muslim. The United States, Russia, France,
    Armenia, India, Angola and Vanuatu voted against. One hundred states,
    including China, Great Britain, Germany, Brazil, abstained. The
    other countries did not participate in the vote. It turns out that
    of 192 members of the General Assembly only 20 percent voted for the
    resolution. None of the permanent members of the Council of Security,
    the chief UN organ, voted for the resolution. Of the 10 non-permanent
    members of the Council of Security only two countries, Libya and
    Indonesia voted for the resolution, which is 20 percent. Even of
    the Turkish-speaking countries which count 7 only three voted for
    the resolution, that is less than half. It is clear that thereby the
    international community displayed its attitude towards this issue,"
    said the political scientist.

    "It is clear that thereby Azerbaijan simply undermines the hazy
    chance to move toward progress in settling the Nagorno-Karabakh
    issue. Azerbaijan is also making efforts to involve the UN in the
    settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which is not acceptable
    for the sides of the conflict and the mediators which are, apart
    from all, permanent members of the UN Council for Security. Moreover,
    official Baku has started a dangerous game. It relies on the Muslim
    countries and is thereby trying to impart the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict with a religious context. Of the 36 Muslim countries of the
    world 33 or 91 percent voted for the resolution. Such a development
    contradicts is not in the interests of the main geopolitical actors,"
    said Davit Babayan.

    In this light, the political scientist thinks that the passage of
    this resolution is in the interests of Nagorno-Karabakh. "Firstly,
    the resolution is recommendations and is not binding. Secondly,
    the actions of Azerbaijan "recommend" the international community,
    especially the main geopolitical actors, to draw conclusions regarding
    this state and the level of its predictability and reliability,"
    the political scientist emphasized.