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UN Resolution On Karabakh Could Complicate Negotiations - Yerevan

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  • UN Resolution On Karabakh Could Complicate Negotiations - Yerevan


    Interfax News Agency
    March 17 2008

    The draft resolution on Nagorno Karabakh put forward by Azerbaijan
    and approved by the United Nations' General Assembly will not help
    resolve the conflict, said Viktor Sogomonian, a spokesman for the
    Armenian president.

    "I do not want to say whether Armenia is going to remain within
    or withdraw from this negotiating format, the negotiating process
    will tell. However, it is obvious that such steps cannot lead to
    a settlement of the Karabakh conflict," he told a press conference
    on Monday.

    "The statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry shows that the OSCE
    Minsk Group co-chairmen (Russia, the United States and France) believe
    that this resolution can undermine the whole negotiating process,"
    the spokesman said.

    Earlier the Armenian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary, that the
    results of the voting on a UN General Assembly resolution on Nagorno-
    Karabakh are a clear reflection of the international community's
    stance on the issue.

    "The resolution proposed by Azerbaijan was supported by only 39
    countries from GUAM and the Organization of the Islamic conference.

    The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, which are the U.S., France, and
    Russia, and also Armenia and a number of other countries voted against
    the resolution, and more than 150 countries either abstained or did
    not take part in the voting at all," it said.

    "I hope the results of the voting will serve as the international
    community's signal to Azerbaijan," Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan
    Oskanian said. "An overwhelming majority of UN countries rejected a
    unilateral approach on this issue," he said.

    "By rejecting Azerbaijan's resolution, the international community
    showed that it supports the document on the negotiating table, which
    makes it possible to converge the seemingly contradictory principles
    of people's right to self-determination and the territorial integrity
    of states. This document enables Armenia and Azerbaijan to move the
    negotiating process ahead," he said.

    Oskanian qualified the resolution as hypocritical. "On the one
    hand, the document proposed by Baku is aimed at misinforming the
    international community, and on the other, the resolution contains
    a provision in support for the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen, who had
    clearly stated their disagreement with the proposed document the day
    before and voted against it," he said.

    "It is a question of whether Azerbaijan will continue to undermine
    the peace process or will sit at the negotiating table," Oskanian said.

    Oskanian once again reaffirmed Armenian President-elect Serzh
    Sargsyan's willingness to meet with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev,
    given the latter's and the OSCE Minsk Group's consent.

    "Such an opportunity does exist," Oskanian said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress