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UN General Assembly Resolution Seeks To Fill Gaps In The Karabakh "P

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  • UN General Assembly Resolution Seeks To Fill Gaps In The Karabakh "P

    By Vladimir Socor

    Eurasia Daily Monitor
    March 18 2008

    On March 14 the United Nations General Assembly adopted an
    Azerbaijan-authored resolution, calling for:

    ~U "immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian
    forces from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan"; ~U "respect
    and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    within its internationally recognized borders"; ~U support for the
    "inalienable right of the population expelled from the occupied
    territories of Azerbaijan to return to their homes"; ~U international
    assistance for "comprehensive rehabilitation of all conflict-affected
    territories"; ~U refusal by all states to "recognize as lawful the
    current situation in Karabakh" or to "provide aid or assistance to
    maintain that situation"; ~U creating "normal, secure, and equal
    conditions of life for the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities
    in Karabakh," so as to build "an effective, democratic system of
    self-governance" there; and ~U support for the mediation efforts by
    the OSCE's "Minsk Group" (UN News Center, March 14).

    The General Assembly approved the resolution by a recorded vote of
    39 in favor, seven against, 100 abstentions, and some other countries
    not voting. Irrespective of the margin of its approval, the resolution
    becomes, ipso facto, a reference document in the negotiations toward
    settling the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Since 1992 those negotiations
    have been mediated, without any results, by the "Minsk Group" co-chairs
    -- Russia, the United States, France -- under a nominal OSCE umbrella.

    The breakdown of the voting in the General Assembly reflects above all
    the Western countries' unfocused, dilatory approach to settling this
    conflict, notwithstanding Azerbaijan's significance as a strategic
    partner to the West. The United States and France joined forces with
    Russia and Armenia in voting against the resolution.

    Twenty-six countries of European Union -- that is, all the member
    countries excepting France -- abstained.

    Azerbaijan's fellow-members of the GUAM group -- Georgia, Ukraine,
    and Moldova -- voted as could be expected in favor of the resolution.

    Not a single CIS country joined Russia and Armenia against the
    resolution. A large number of Muslim countries -- with Pakistan
    speaking on the collective behalf of the Organization of the Islamic
    Conference (OIC) -- voted for the resolution, mainly in solidarity
    with Azerbaijan. However, Iran seems not to have voted at all,
    reflecting Tehran's periodic tilt toward Armenia. The U.S.-supported
    governments of Afghanistan and Iraq were among those voting in favor,
    thus distancing themselves from the United States on this issue. By
    the same token, Serbia distanced itself from Russia by voting for
    the resolution.

    Most of these countries rallied to the resolution because of its
    strong reaffirmation of the principle of the territorial integrity
    of states. The resolution's timing underscores its relevance,
    in the immediate wake of Kosova's declaration of independence and
    international recognition.

    Moreover, from Azerbaijan's viewpoint -- as well as Georgia's --
    the value of the resolution also resides in its strong call for the
    return of expellees to their homes, so as to reverse the ethnic
    cleansing operations of the 1990s. Reversal of such an operation
    became a moral and political basis for the solution in Kosova. Given
    this backdrop, the March 14 resolution underscores in a timely manner
    the responsibility of the UN and other international organizations
    to address this issue effectively in Karabakh.

    Explaining the negative U.S. vote in the General Assembly, U.S. Deputy
    Permanent Representative Alejandro D. Wolf claimed that the resolution
    was weighted toward issue of interest to Azerbaijan, thus diverging
    from the Minsk Group co-chairs' latest proposals, which are described
    as a "balanced package of principles." U.S. and Minsk Group co-chairs'
    statements during the debate also claimed that the resolution was
    ill-timed and risked "derailing the peace process" (U.S. Federal News
    Service, March 15). The argument about timing seems to ignore, instead
    of addressing, the perception among many countries that the outcome
    in Kosova necessitates a reaffirmation of the territorial-integrity
    principle at this particular moment. The argument about the "peace
    process" also proved ineffective, given the widespread perception that
    there is no process leading to a resolution of the conflict after
    16 years of negotiations handled by the Minsk Group's co-chairing

    In its comment on the resolution, Armenia's Ministry of Foreign
    Affairs argued that the demand for withdrawal of Armenian armed
    forces would create a security vacuum endangering the population of
    Karabakh. Minister Vardan Oskanian and other officials also claimed
    that Azerbaijan had "forfeited its right to govern Karabakh" by having
    used force in a "savage war" there 20 years ago. And they accused
    Azerbaijan of having itself created the problem of refugees and
    territories (Press and Information Department of the MFA of Armenia,
    March 14, 15).

    For its part, Baku focused on continuing a better-focused diplomatic
    process in the wake of the UN vote. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Araz Azimov expressed "indignant surprise" over the co-chairs'
    critique and their reported efforts to dissuade countries from
    supporting the resolution. Noting the "nebulous character" of what
    the co-chairs term the "peace process," Azimov called for "clarity
    on the principle of territorial integrity." Thus the resolution helps
    to introduce such clarity: "The co-chairs should be in no doubt that
    our work with them would proceed on the basis of principles adopted
    as part of this resolution" (APA, Day.Az, March 15).