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Independent Deputy Proposes Ways Out Of Complex Internal Political S

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  • Independent Deputy Proposes Ways Out Of Complex Internal Political S


    Noyan Tapan
    March 18, 2008

    YEREVAN, MARCH 18, NOYAN TAPAN. Independent deputy of the RA National
    Assembly Victor Dallakian proposed setting up an interim parliamentary
    commission to examine the events of March 1 and 2. He made this
    statement on March 18, putting forward a number of proposals on how
    to get out of the complex political situation in Armenia after the
    presidential elections.

    According to him, the newly elected president of the country may grant
    an amnesty to those who did not participate directly in violent actions
    but they were struggling for their political ideas. V. Dallakian
    proposed taking steps to reopen "A1+" and "Noyan Tapan" television
    companies and to work out mechanisms to allow the opposition to use
    the air of Public Television.

    The independent deputy also proposed:

    - to set up a body - a political council to be headed by the new
    president of the country and to be provided with serious powers. The
    body should also be composed of representatives of the parliamentary
    and extraparliamentary opposition,

    - to pass a law on public chamber, which will allow to unite the
    intellectual elite of Armenia and use its capacities for the solution
    of state probems,

    - taking into account the new political situation after the
    presidential elections, to start the preparation for extraordinary
    elections of the National Assembly, making a number of amendments to
    the Electoral Code. In particilar, to establish a 100% proportional
    electoral system, and to form balanced electoral commissions, in which
    the authorities and the opposition will be proportionally represented.

    V. Dallakian also proposed making the indicated changes in cooperation
    with the parliamentary opposition - on a consensus basis and with
    the participation of extraparliamentary forces.

    According to the deputy, in parallel with extraordinary elections of
    the National Assembly, it is necessary to hold a referendum on the
    following constitutional amendments:

    1. To make the institution of marzpets (regional governors) an
    elective one.

    2. To make Armenia a parliamentary republic, with its government to
    be formed based on the elections of the National Assembly, while the
    president of the republic shall be elected by the National Assembly.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress