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President Has Set A Goal - A More Active Foreign Policy

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  • President Has Set A Goal - A More Active Foreign Policy


    19-03-2008 11:59:28

    I think Azerbaijan received a distinct signal that the methods of
    one-sided pressure do not work, said the NKR minister of foreign
    affairs Georgy Petrosyan in an interview with the Azat Artsakh,
    commenting on the recent vote to the UN resolution on Nagorno-Karabakh
    presented by Azerbaijan, when 39 countries voted for the resolution
    and 150 countries, including the Minsk Group, either voted against or
    abstained. "Secondly, Azerbaijan proved that it is against the peace
    settlement and is for the use of force to resolve the problem. In
    this context, our ministries, both of Armenia and NKR, have a lot
    to do. In fact, the president has set a goal - to conduct a more
    active foreign policy, and it refers to both Armenian states," the
    NKR foreign minister said.

    "Azerbaijan used the political situation in Armenia to carry out a
    complex plan. Baku is worried by the recognition of independence
    of Kosovo and its behavior is an effort to prove to its public
    and the international community that Kosovo is not a precedent for
    Karabakh, ignoring the fact that the talks have been lasting for many
    years, and the core issue is our status. On a closer look at the
    steps of Azerbaijan, the continuing blockade of Armenia, frequent
    provocations on the line of contact, the information war, one may
    notice that Azerbaijan is in panic because it has pushed itself into
    a deadlock. As a result of discussions in the UN Azerbaijan sustained
    another defeat, although it is trying to present it to its public as
    a moral victory. Certainly, it cannot produce no effect. It will do
    by all means.

    Therefore, our goal is not counteraction but pursuit of our own way,"
    said the NKR foreign minister Georgy Petrosyan.

    In answer to the question whether the initiative of Azerbaijan in
    the UN and the skirmish on the line of contact are interrelated,
    Georgy Petrosyan said that it once again demonstrated the goal of
    that country: to discredit Karabakh through the offensive, to win
    a moral victory, to pressure on the international community through
    the UN. In fact, the goal was not fulfilled, which was a heavy blow
    to Baku, he said.

    As to the interrelation of the escalation on the line of contact
    with the post-election period in Armenia and the pre-election period
    in Azerbaijan, Georgy Petrosyan says the post-election incidents in
    Yerevan which took human lives took place on March 1, on March 3 and
    4 the Azerbaijani force attacked the positions of NKR, and it cannot
    have been accidental. "Our army gave a counterblow. We invited the OSCE
    Minsk Group to conduct a crisis monitoring. Azerbaijan did not allow
    the mission to pass across its territory. This is more evidence that
    Baku is likely to cause tension, the consequence of which, I think,
    was very heavy for Azerbaijan," he says.

    Georgy Petrosyan does not rule out that Azerbaijan will maintain
    tension in order to solve internal political problems. He said
    they take adequate steps, informing the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk
    Group, and we expect the OSCE to make a political evaluation of the
    incident. "I think the visit of Mr. Kasprzyk to the area of contact
    will give reason for objective evaluations rather than the tradition
    "parity" of accusations. This incident was extraordinary. We have
    stated distinctly that if the OSCE does not make a political evaluation
    of the incident, it will thereby encourage Azerbaijan to be freer
    in it ambitions. After all, what is more important than peace in
    this region? We want peace not because we are weak but because it
    is what everyone needs. Did the Azerbaijani parents need the death
    of those killed on that day? What problem is now being solved -
    territorial integrity? Or are they trying to put pressure? They will
    get a counteraction to pressure. And it must teach them a lesson,"
    said the NKR foreign minister.