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Azerbaijan Has Set Up War Industry - Aliyev

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  • Azerbaijan Has Set Up War Industry - Aliyev


    Interfax News Agency
    March 20 2008

    Azerbaijan is boosting its military budget and has set up a defense
    industry of its own, President Ilham Aliyev said."The situation in
    which we have found ourselves and the occupation of our lands are,
    of course, pushing us to increasing our military expenditure, which
    is what we are doing," Aliyev said in an exclusive interview with
    Interfax in Baku.

    "Azerbaijan's military expenditure has grown considerably for the
    past four years. It was $1 billion in 2007 and will be $1.3 billion
    in 2008. But this is a provisional level, because we are planning to
    increase it," he said.

    However, the country's increasing defense spending reflects the
    general state of its economy, Aliyev argued.

    "I must say that Azerbaijan has increased its state expenditure
    tenfold for the past four years, to $12 billion in 2008 - in terms
    of the consolidated budget - from $1.3 billion in 2003. And we are
    planning to put a proposal before parliament this spring for revising
    the budget upward. So it is not surprising that Azerbaijan's military
    expenditure is growing as well," the president said.

    "Plus we are in a state of war with Armenia, and our lands are under
    occupation. The negotiations we have been holding for 10 years have
    been fruitless," he said.

    Azerbaijan buys weapons both from Collective Security Treaty
    Organization member countries and from other states, Aliyev said.

    Azerbaijan also set up a defense industry "a little more than a year
    ago," and since then "the country has organized the manufacture of
    our own military products, which we will be building up," he said.

    "Possessing unlimited financial resources today, we are in a position
    to set up new industries. We are setting up a new sector in the metal
    industry, in the aluminum industry. Billions of dollars will be spent
    for these purposes. Similar processes have started in other sectors
    as well. And we are setting up and will set up a powerful military
    industrial complex that will guarantee our security," Aliyev said.